So why me

58 "I plant cabbages."

Thursday 27 November


"Perfect Roy, now open the first four buttons on your jeans. Hum, so sexy. Also open your shirt completely and take out your chest. Well, I almost wish I was a woman when I see that. Well, perfect, puts your bust forward, contract your forearms and then cross your arms on your pretty bust. Yes, I like it. Spread your legs a little bit, a little more don't be shy, big guy. Again, there you go, don't move."

(click click click)

In a photo studio on Hudson Yard's, Adam is somewhat disconcerted by the photographer who looks at him as a good steak, but having already faced a large number of atypical professionals, he does not let him appear. Dressed in simple black jeans and a white Levi's shirt, he faithfully follows his instructions and complied with them without saying a word.

"Okay, perfect for me. You can go back to your dressing room. The next series of photos will focus on our new range of underwear. I was looking forward to this moment. 15 minutes break for everyone."


On the side, two vicious little eyes watch the photo session with the greatest interest. These two vicious little eyes, impressed, not by Adam's performance that she forgot to look at a long time ago, not more by her irreproachable professionalism, are concentrated on a specific part of the body of the young man, who does his best. This part impresses her greatly, [what a beautiful size], thinks the person with small eyes for whom her work is now quite secondary.

"Super Roy, three more sets of pictures and I'll let you go. Put your arms behind your head, look at me intensely, be a wild beast. I want to feel desire for me in your eyes. No, I don't feel anything right now. Yes, it's better but not enough. Completely free the beast that sleeps in you and imagine that you are about to throw yourself at my weak person. Yes, I feel the desire rising, perfect doesn't move."

(click click click)


Stretching and wanting to forget the strange words spoken by this photographer who was quite frightening in his own way, in the company of a Scarlet who has not said a word for 5 minutes, Adam reaches his agent's car, whose cheeks are red. Dressed in a light blue shirt with a very discreet logo on his chest, classic suit pants and sneakers, after a look at his unpretentious watch, Adam looks up to the sky and sighs. In 2 days at this time, his mother will enter the church and he will not be there to attend this great day. Whether or not he agrees with her decision, it is his mother and not being able to be with her on her wedding day rips his heart out.

"Hey, Scarlet, what is our planning for the weekend?"

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Hearing Adam's voice, Scarlet, who discreetly observes Adam's crotch, suddenly realizes her shameful action. How did she get to this point? Never before had she fantasized about a man's sex and now she has become a starving pervert. Trying to answer in a tone of voice as natural as possible, with a slightly shaky voice, she is about to answer when she remembers a proposal that might benefit Adam.

"I received an offer for you that would change you completely out of your regular job. This is a request from a Japanese singer who would like to have you in the video she is about to shoot. I don't understand why her producer contacted me so late, however, this video will be shot next Tuesday, so if you're interested, it could broaden your fan base in one part of Asia as well as allow you to discover the world other than that of modeling. However, although your participation in this video is only an appearance, if you accept, we will have to leave tomorrow. There is no script, but that doesn't mean you don't need to know how to move around in space and how to act before you shoot this clip."

For Adam who, as long as he has an excuse to get away from New York, would be willing to go to the North Pole to shoot an ad for pork pate, female singer or sushi saleswoman, it doesn't matter. He doesn't even bother to ask about the female singer in question and before opening the door of Scarlet's old car, Adam nods.

"Let's go, it'll change our daily life."

Seeing Adam's lost gaze, who obviously only follows the tide. Listening to his words, his unconvinced tone and his blatant lack of enthusiasm, Scarlet shakes her head.

"No, I will refuse this contract. I refuse to take the risk that you're failing the job, someone who's diligent because of lack of motivation and personal concerns. Adam, if you keep running away from your problem, it will eventually affect your work. You have to put an end to it and quickly to be at your optimum level and not rush like a puppet, where I tell you to go. Now, let's get to the source of your problem and fix it once and for all before we discuss this contract again."

Adam has already seen this authoritarian and stubborn attitude in a person he knows very well. Since this agent has been working with him, this general strangely reminds him of Jessica and that is why he is comfortable with her. Nevertheless, the source of the problem.... If he showed up at his mother's work with a smile, she will slap him in the face and it could make things worse. Standing still in front of the car's open door for some time now, Adam, who weighs the pros and cons, suddenly feels someone pinching his arm.

"Hey, you haven't finished torturing me, you brutal woman. Just think, I was thinking about your proposal, but it's not that simple. My mother is a woman of character. You should know that her character may even be worse than yours. I see your eyes widening with surprise, but know that it's possible. Between you and her, it's hard to say who would win the trophy for the most irritating woman."

Aghast, angry, sorry Adam thinks that about her, Scarlet, clenches her teeth and slaps him. Immediately regretting her gesture, which, in addition to leaving the professional context, it will not help this clumsy young man to change his opinion of her, when she opens her mouth to apologize, her pride does not allow her to say what her heart desires, but it is with her chin raised, looking Adam straight in the eye, that Scarlet speaks, crying inside each word she pronounces.

"So I have a bad temper and I'm a pain in the ass? My little Adam, have you ever considered that if the people you love are moving away from you, it may be that behind it are hidden the mistakes you are responsible for. Oh, you didn't think of that? Are you too stupid to think about that or are you too proud to accept self-criticism? I have my own idea on the matter, but even if I told you, you wouldn't listen to me. Ah, I just wanted to say that.... Wait why, are you closing the car door?"

Very upset, Adam moves away from Scarlet who pursues him. This woman really likes to upset him, hit him and his words hurt him. Even more furious when he thinks about it, he accelerates, with the idea of taking a taxi, when just in front of him the crazy woman blocks his way and rushes towards him. He wants to dodge, but she's already grabbed his shirt collar. Adam, who expects another kick, closes his eyes out of instinct. However, when he feels something soft wrapping around his tongue, he instantly opens them and when he sees Scarlet whose body is glued against his own, he pushes her back gently.

"What are you doing?"

"I plant cabbages. What question, it shows, doesn't it?"

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