So why me

62 Moving ou

Thursday 04 December

06h30pm Cheirfield

When Adam parks his car in the now empty driveway of the house where he grew up, his heart is heavy. A few meters away, in the wide driveway next door, he can see his mother's Ford parked near another car that must probably be the one of the one that is now his father-in-law. After a minute without moving, Adam, who remembers not being invited to this wedding, is certain of one thing, he will not recognize this man, or even this wedding that took place far from his eyes.

More serene, he looks at what in his heart will always be his mother's house, then leaves his position to head towards that of the house next door. Marriage or not, Adam admits it, the undeniable advantage is proximity. In a few steps, it already reaches the front door. Not hesitating for a second, Adam puts aside his mother's anger and not being able to afford in people's homes who probably don't recognize him either, he rings the doorbell.

Perhaps his luck is good, anyway, when he sees Kimberley open the door, Adam, who feared he would run into Sarah, sighs discreetly. The young girl, who cannot hide her surprise when she sees Adam, remains silent for a moment. Realizing that her attitude is not correct in front of the one who is now her half-brother, she timidly invites Adam to come in with a tense smile, then directs him to the living room in which Adam discovers his mother playing Scrabble. Not having to meet him, he do not bother to linger on the man sitting in front of his mother before addressing her.

"Hi, Mom, I'd like to talk to you for a few minutes."

To the sound of this familiar voice, Mrs. Clifford feels her stomach contract. She wants to smile and rush towards her son, but immediately she recovers and it is accompanied by a hard look that she looks up from the game board.

"I have two lovely daughters, but no son. You can leave, or I'll get you out myself."

It's painful to hear, but Adam, who was expecting this kind of answer, doesn't take it too seriously. His mother is stubborn. Once she has is furious at someone, only time may allow her to soften her feelings and views about that person. Although today he had little hope that their conflict would be resolved, since the purpose of his visit had another reason, he would not seek reconciliation.

"So I will only take a short time and after telling you the reason for my coming, I will leave immediately. I just came to see you to tell you that I'm leaving New York. No, actually, I go join Jessica in Los Angeles. There, we will settle down together. I also enrolled in a university that will allow me to make up for all my years of inactivity. Their particular policy allows me to continue my work in parallel and I think I will stay away from this city for a while. That's it, that's all. Take care of yourself, bye."

Hearing the words her son has just pronounced, tears already flows from Ms. Clifford's eyes. The front door has just closed behind him, but despite the encouragement of Kimberley and her new husband, she cannot bring herself to pursue him. Her hands grip the table firmly, when the sound of the powerful Porsche engine makes her hiccup, but again, she does not move and it is with a torn heart that the words of her son are repeated in a loop in her confused mind.

In his car, Adam would like to be able to pretend that this meeting, with its outcome decided in advance, had no influence on him, but by doing so, he would still be lying to himself. Playing the blind proved practical and he did it for a long time, that in addition to hurting himself and flying over his life, he hurt those he loved. He knows it, his immaturity, combined with his lack of reflection, will lead him to make countless mistakes, but if he can at least stop playing ostrich, a small step forward will be taken. It is with wet eyes that Adam walks towards his apartment, also fearing the upcoming meeting between Jessica and Scarlet from whom he does not want to part.

Saturday 06 December

11:20am Los Angeles time

In the lobby of Los Angeles International Airport, despite their breathtaking beauty, the other passengers are moving away from the 2 young women who have been watching each other for more than 5 minutes without moving. The tension is palpable, we can feel such hostility between these young women, that if we get too close, caught in the microclimate surrounding them, we feel small electric shocks running in every inch of our skin.

Mary, who watches this show with the greatest interest, would like to bet on the one who will win this intense psychological battle. However, Mary is impressed, because apart from herself and Madam, never before had her young miss been so held in check by another woman. Indeed, on the forehead of her young miss, Mary, who laughs discreetly, can observe small drops of sweat appear as the seconds go by. This time her challenger, don't joke and her young miss risk losing the fight, then breaking everything in this airport. Mary, who anticipates this, heads towards an Adam terrified of the two tigresses.

"Adam, come with me. Let's go get some coffee while these two settle their differences. It's better to stay away from my young miss, because in a few moments, this hall will turn into a nameless mess."

Knowing Jessica's temperament, Adam nods his head, then tries to withdraw discreetly. However, even before taking two steps back, two juxtaposed voices stop its slow progression.

"Adam, where do you think you're going? You'll see how the green-eyed bitch will soon beg my mercy."

"Adam, stay here and watch me defeat this little miss who only knows how to defend herself with dollars."

When 2 minutes later, Jessica waved her hands in front of her and sighs without even getting angry, all her servants, starting with Mary, do not recognize their miss. Jessica watches Scarlet without a trace of hatred and then after a second breath, strangely enough she smiles warmly at her rival. "You're right. I had declared a woman's fight, but using my men, I broke our agreement. From now on, I would fight you fairly, without resorting to such unfair methods. This trip from New York must have been exhausting, so let my men carry your luggage."

"Thank you for your kindness."

Scarlet will not lower her vigilance in front of the little fox, but in the face of such sincerity, she allows the giants in black to relieve her of her 4 extremely heavy suitcases. From the lobby to the exit of the airport, the sight of a young man of which each hand is held by a beautiful woman makes single people angry who use their wrists every night to relieve themselves. Arriving on the sidewalk where two black limousines are waiting for them, strangely enough, Jessica do not immediately gives the order to put the luggage in the trunk, but she takes out her smartphone and started a game without taking her eyes off the road. When 5 trucks of postal parcels heading towards their cars appear, a mocking smile appears on the corners of her lips.

"The time has come. Throw the garbage on the road."

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Under the terrified gaze of all, Scarlet's 4 suitcases are thrown in the middle of the road and soon, to the sound of Jessica's laughter, who's having a great time, they were completely crushed by the 5 heavy goods vehicles.

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