So why me

63 Let's have fun together.

On the side of the road, apart from the high-pitched sound of a plane taking off, the cars driving around and crushing what remains of Scarlet's possessions, not a single noise in the group disturbs Jessica's wild laughter, who not being able to longer stand upright alone, now clings to Mary. Faced with the spectacle of her belongings reduced to dust, Scarlet did not say a word. After a step to the left, still silently, she raises her hand very high. A new sound is being heard stopping the Jessica's laughter, who incredulous, slowly puts her hand on her painful cheek. With her eyes filled with fury, Jessica looks at the woman who dared to lay her hand on her. Who in this world has ever dared to hit the young Miss Benson without fear of ending up under 3 meters of concrete? With her teeth clenched, she suddenly threw herself at the woman with green eyes whose anger os readable.

"You're going to die, tragically, bitch. No one has the right to hit me. No one, not even my mother can get out alive after raising her hand against me. If my father finds out, we'll find your rotten corpse, half eaten by fish. You're dead, dead, you can hear me, you green-eyed bitch."

Scarlet grabs the plague's hair and without holding back, as Jessica screams in pain, she bites her in the neck. Adam, thinks he's reliving a miserly show to which he had attended in his mother's kitchen. He holds his hand to his forehead, not without finding that the two beautiful women entangled in this way, is somewhat exciting. Mary, seeing that all the men present are living an awakened fantasy, is once again disappointed in these pitiful males, whose stupidity exceeded her imagination.

"Separate them, you idiots and you Adam, you're responsible for that, so handle your wives. Well, not too much, so I can have fun, but at least keep them from fighting like crazy."

01h05pm In the (Jessica Benson's small country house)

With her hair tousled, her dog Miss Lilly in her arms and a large bandage on her neck, Jessica addresses a maid bowed down in front of her.

"Is our guest's room ready?"

The new maid, still afraid to upset this great character that is miss, does not dare to look up. She therefore addressed Jessica in a trembling voice in a tilted position. "Yes, miss Jessica, we followed your instructions and prepared the guest room the way you wanted."

Jessica, who wants to laugh and jump on the spot, hardly contains her smile. Laying her hand on her bandage, her eyes meet those of Scarlet who just took Adam's hand in her own. [Have fun while you can, green-eyed bitch, because here you are on my territory and on my territory, bitches are not allowed to pee where they want to.] "Old woman, follow me. I'll personally take you to your room. Adam, wait for me in the indoor pool. No need to wear a bathing suit, because since we haven't seen each other in a while, I won't let you wear it for very long."

Seeing that she caughts Scarlet's attention, it was under her furious eyes that she led her to her room. The very unusual route surprises Scarlet a little bit. Going through the kitchen to what will be her room is strange, and that smile on the little fox's lips doesn't reassure her. When she enters the garden, Scarlet thinks she understands. Jessica, in order to keep her away from Adam, partitioned her into an outbuilding. What can she say? Both rival and guest, as annoying as Jessica may be, not everyone would accept an enemy under her roof. However, when Jessica stops by the kennel and points to a tiny garden shed with the inscription on its pediment: (Scarlet's Nest) embedded in a bone, the young woman holds her anger. In the cabin, between the guard dog's kibbles stock and what must be garden tools, a camp bed, in front of which her eyes are drawn to a bowl full of kibbles, bearing the name of Scarlet.

"You see Miss Pearce, I know how to receive my guests according to their characteristics. A bitch who sleeps with my fiancé, deserves nothing more than a doghouse. Enjoy your stay in your humble home. Now that that's settled, you'll have to excuse me, my fiancé is waiting for me."

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Sitting on the camp bed, Scarlet sighs, then she laughs. This kid looks a lot like her at her age, with money and relationships excepted. After calming down, she opens the door of (her humble home) and decides to enjoy the indoor pool, it's charmed by her enchanting smile that the security guards of the house, personally guide her to the place in which Jessica leaning against the poolside feels Adam coming and going in her.

"Don't bother for me, I'm just here to enjoy the water and relax."

The unexpected arrival of Scarlet who, after entering, immediately headed for the cloakroom, immediately cuts off all Adam's means, who still inside Jessica, feels his colossus becoming a simple Manneken-Pis. Faced with this regrettable incident, although he faces what he can to remedy the situation, his tool refuses to obey him and Jessica who understands that she will not come, very dissatisfied, pushes the soft boy away from her.

Coming out of the locker room, in front of Adam's discomfited face and Jessica's visible anger, Scarlet gloated. However, looking very busy with the top of her bikini, she doesn't seem to see the 2 people in the water.

"This bikini is really very cute. Too bad Miss Benson's breasts are really too small. When I try to put on his bathing suits, even though mine aren't that big, they still threaten to get out of these children's bikinis."

With Adam's drooling as he just fell into the pool water in front of Scarlet's body in a tight 2-piece jersey, Jessica, who already knew this woman would be difficult to manage, now understands how delicate the task will be. Under the gaze that entices Adam while completely despising her, Jessica, who will not admit defeat so easily, raises her chin up.

"My breasts may be small, Miss Pearce, but at least only Adam touched them. I am not like a certain agent who during her studies sold them off to the highest bidder to lead a better life and had to marry under duress, then finally miscarried. So Miss Pearce, your answer, please?"

The rumours are true, this little fox can have access to all the information, even the information that was supposed to have been destroyed. Scarlet a little bitter in her heart, stares at the young Miss Benson smiling and happy with herself. She understands that the girl in front of her must probably know the slightest detail about her life. It is frightening, but even more so, totally illegal, yet for more than 5 generations, for this family, legality can be bought.

"You are partly right, Miss Benson, with one exception. I was what we call a trainer. I didn't sleep with the club's clients, I pushed them to drink alcohol by charming them and the man who got me pregnant was my only relationship. Now that you've tried to discredit me in Adam's eyes, you'll excuse me, but I'll join you."

Tough, shamelessness, annoying, beautiful, polite and, what? What is she doing? No, what are they doing? Jessica can't believe her eyes. At 4 feet from her, Scarlet who has just cross her has joined Adam and as if she wasn't here, their tongues get tangled, while this bitch's dirty hand has just plunged between her boyfriend's thighs.

"I warned you, but you keep provoking me on my own territory, so don't complain about the beating you're going to get."

Jessica, already very angry, thinks she's going crazy when Adam who frees herself from the leech's mouth makes her a proposal that stops her as she's about to jump on Scarlet. "Don't fight girls, let's have fun together and it will solve the problem."


"Adam, it's you I'm going to kill after all."

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