So why me

8 Bad morning

Friday, April 11, 2014


In the parking lot of Cheirfield Private High School, when a sublime car parks, all eyes of people in the surrounding area are automatically drawn to the driver who exits. A young boy with a somewhat strange gait, who seems to be suffering a lot from a rather private place, walks towards the trunk, from where he takes out a school bag.

In his memories, Adam remembers over and over again those atrocious minutes that caused that awful pain in his butt. It is 07:43am, conscious of being a little late, Adam too busy with the excellent retro music broadcast by the radio did not exceed 10 Miles per hour. At that moment, he thinks that after their exchange of hot saliva, Jessica won't be too angry with him and confidently heads for the house where the woman of his dreams is waiting impatiently for him.


"Enter the property and stop on the small parking lot here on the right, please sir."

Please sir, Adam feels like he's growing wings as he crosses the security pc of the Bensons' huge property. As they asked him, he parks in the small car park on the right, turns off the engine, then after be out, he adjusts his beautiful new suit that still smells like the store. He, who usually has no confidence in his little self, nevertheless takes a pretentious posture and smiles as he imitates Jessica, when four tall men dressed in black come to meet him.

"Hello, gentlemen, I'm Adam Clifford. I'm here to pick up my girlfriend Jessica and drive her to the High School."

He remembers the sudden change in tone of the man in black who was supposed to be the leader of the bullies. "It's Miss Benson. What's more, you seem very suspicious to us. Which student would wear a luxury suit, a Rolex and a ring on each finger to go to the High School? We suspect that you are a member of a gang and since you have entered private property, we have the right to search you. Please follow us so that we can properly inspect every part of your body with care."

Adam wants to cry from his pretension, from the previous behaviour he had displayed this morning. All this does not correspond to him and he paid a very high price for this misconduct, all this so that after the search, he would hear himself say:

"Miss can't stand being late. She left for high school with her bodyguards at 7:35am. You can now leave, have a good day sir, and take care of yourself."

Costume pants, luxury shoes and shirt, that's all Adam kept, and Adam finally realized how stupid he may have been pretending to be something he's not and disguising himself when he went to High School. Walking slowly, Adam painfully crosses the school gates, then headed to the administration located to his great regret, at the other end of the school, to report his delay.



In her classroom, as always, sitting in the back row, Jessica is well aware that she is still much more than usual the focus of everyone's interest today, but she ignores all looks and rejects the insects that approach her. All these guys are no different from horny animals and these girls are all so hypocritical, that Jessica wants to throw up on them.

"Jessica, I wanted to know..."

Jessica folds her eyes towards this brunette girl whom she doesn't like in the first place and to whom, as usual, she has nothing to say. "Concentrate on your desk, it will prevent you from saying one of the stupid things you're used to. For the record, I don't like you, so don't talk to me again, you'll only waste your time and mine at the same time."

In the classroom, everyone knows the bad character of the star but this morning, she is even more aggressive than usual. Daily, frank, direct, sometimes mean and merciless, if it is not her who comes to you, there is no need to try to go to her or the risk of violent rejection is around 99.99%. There are many victims, but the most famous of them is the captain of the baseball team who always bragged about getting every girl he wanted. This time he didn't have time to initiate his usual flirtation plan, when in everyone's eyes, the only answer he got was a violent one: "Get out, you smell so much sweat that you stop me from enjoy my own perfume."

Sportsmen, sons of the rich, emerging artists, all took nasty oral slaps and none of them knew what to say to Jessica when she went around them without a second look. Yet she usually reserves her words for the students. This morning, however, she did not hesitate to tell the history teacher out loud what all the students never dared to say. "Your course is tasteless, your diction is horrible and an automaton would be more playful than you. If I listened to a free lesson on my smartphone found on the Internet, I am convinced that it would be more interesting than you or at least that distract me for two minutes, something you can't even do."


In the corridor, after the bell rings, the doors open one after the other. A cloud of teenagers laugh and scream as Adam returns from the administration in which the secretary shook her head, making her understand that her behaviour is inappropriate. As every day, automaticly, Adam's head bowed and his shoulders collapsed until he remembered Jessica's words. With difficulty, he straightens his spine, his inclined head returns to a more or less upright position as he moves forward. However, Adam cannot help but look down, while many people wonder who this new student dressed so stylish is.


When he enters his class, Adam loses his breath and bends in half. In front of him, a big boy from the wrestling team just punched him in the stomach without even a word. Adam, who is excessively thin, has no fat to absorb this shock. He supports himself against the door, when he receives a second punch placed in the same place as the previous one. Adam drools on the floor. His insides have suffered a violent shock and he thinks he is dying because he is suffering so much that his vision becomes blurred. A boy taller but less wide than the first approaches without a sound, then Adam loses consciousness following an elbow hit that lands backside his neck.

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