So why me

9 My girlfriend has great difficulty getting along with other women.

Friday, April 11, 2014


"You understood me well, Ted. If they like to hit people so much, then I don't want these two boys to be able to use their legs and arms for at least six months. Break them, every bone, break their every muscle, then throw them down the side of the road at the entrance to the city. Yes, that's all, or do you also want me to tell you how to do it? Okay, bye and keep me informed."

In a hospital room Jessica who is reassured after the doctor's diagnosis, blames herself now for her anger this morning and she blushes when she thinks of Adam's butt. This boy really has bad luck and that's how it has been since he was a child, she thinks, while she laughs a little. On the bed, the groundhog that could have woken up long ago, still snores, sleeping comfortably with a pillow in his arms. Jessica who thinks it's cute puts a long kiss on his cheek. She interrupts her outburst of affection when the latter begins to move his arms and thighs, after which, a yawn accompanied by the opening of his eyes signals to the young girl that the sleeping beauty is finally back.

"You're really tiring, you know. First you're late to accompany me to class and then, as soon as you get to school, I hear that some morons have hit you. Say, what do you have for me for the rest of the day? A kidnapping? A fall down the stairs? No, I know, food poisoning. With your chance, it will certainly be something like that. Yeah, that kind of silly thing I don't expect. Adam I'm kidding, so look at me."

The nurse in charge of watching Adam has just arrived. No one informed her that even the doctor was yelles at by the teenager in the room she is about to enter and when she opened the door without even knocking, a cold look greets her. There are a lot of things Jessica can't stand. She do not necessarily apply them to herself, but others must respect and live according to her codes, her desires and not upset her.

"The freedom of others and their opinions end where mine begin." This is her philosophy of life and she has been applying it since she was a little girl.

At home, even her father, a very hard and ruthless man with no mercy for his enemies, gave up in front of his capricious daughter. As for her mother, she is worse than her and both of them often fight. During their fierce fighting if the security guards did not intervene, there would be nothing left to break in the house.

Anyway, here she's not at home but it's not that different. Her father makes very large donations to this private hospital every year and seeing this rather young woman encroach on her territory makes her uncomfortable. Jessica, who had sat next to Adam, gets up and walks towards the woman surprised by the teenage girl's look, which freezes her blood.

"I expressly asked that only men take care of my boyfriend, so what are you doing here. I advise you to give me an answer that will satisfy me where tomorrow you will be one more unemployed woman on the long list of those who are actively looking for a job and who unfortunately cannot find one."

Faced with the almost enraged expression of the tall girl with expensive clothes and jewellery, the nurse backing up. However, she recoveres quickly. Here, she has already seen many types of patients and families in different states of mind. Anger, hatred, anguish, helplessness, terror, she had to face them and occasionally help these people to take over the situation they were facing. She Looks up to look at the young lady who is staring at her without blinking, then the nurse speaks slowly and calmly.

"I just started my shift and I ignore your requests, but this room is part of my daily tour so..."

"So nothing, you get out of here or I'll force you out, choose quickly. As I often repeat, I'm not patient and I don't like to repeat myself either."

Adam wakes up with a smoky head again. However, he realizes that his girlfriend has great difficulty getting along with other women. First the shoe store saleswoman who Jessica said was enjoying touching his toes. Adam hadn't noticed, but he saw the shoe that Jessica was holding in her hand flying to reach the saleswoman's nose. Then his mother, both of them spent their meals tackling each other and laughing falsely as they stared at, ready jumping at each other's throats. Now, this is nurse who gets bit by the pit bull Jessica as soon as she walks in.

"I say, let her do her job, then it will be done and everyone will be happy. I mean, I say that, I don't say anything. Please excuse me for breathing."

When two pairs of eyes turn to Adam who has mechanically expressed the essence of his thought, he quickly lifts the blanket over his head in the hope of hiding. Jessica relaxes a little in front of Adam's nonsense and moves away from the nurse's path.

"Do what you have to do, but don't touch his skin or I'll slap you. As for you, you idiot, stop hiding, we know you're there."


"But still, Jessica, you can't ask a seriously injured man like me to wear this. I may faint under the weight of fatigue. By the way, in a different register, we should go back to school."

Jessica shakes her head when she sees the little bedside lamp in Adam's arm playing the victims on the verge of death since they left the hospital. Despite the fact that he cries all the time, she's pretty happy. The fact that he behaves in this way means that he feels a little better in her company and that he no longer sees only in her the image she reflects. If he could open up in this way to everyone, Jessica has no doubt that Adam would no longer be the eternal outcast, always rejected.

"No, we won't go back to that school full of bullies until I won't be sure you're safe. Don't worry, Mom will take care of it with a simple phone call and have you transferred to my classroom. From now on, no one will dare to lay a hand on you anymore or they will regret it bitterly. As far as this afternoon is concerned, we have important things to do. First of all, as I told you yesterday, I will help you prepare your things, after which we will go to a sports hall to test your skills in the field. I have also informed you, we will find out what you are made for, then we will create a specific program for you, to develop and maximize your potential. If it is not sport, we will test art, literature and and so on. The possibilities are many and I'm sure you just missed what you're good at.

Faced with a beautiful face filled with confidence, Adam can only nod. In his mind, however, it's another story. Basketball? At 5ft, he doesn't have enough strength to reach the basket. Baseball? When a ball thrown by her cousin touches his baseball bat, he feels so much vibration in his skinny arms that he drops it to the ground. Sprint? It must reach 100 meters in 20 seconds. With her back arched, her arms hanging, Jessica sees walking near her, which looks like a depressive baboon in every way. Indeed, she got carried away too quickly because it is not won to change Adam the pessimist and it is not in 2 days that she will succeed in doing so. After a slight sigh, she kisses Adam's forehead, takes the bedside lamp and holds it under her left arm, while with her right hand she grabs Adam's, who scratching his nose.

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