Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 106 The Director draws a big pie (please subscribe, vote, and collect)

While Wu Xiaoyue was pestering Yang Mei, Luo Fei also returned to the office.

At this time, Sun Jun and Zhao Cheng also arrived. They were sitting at their work stations in a daze. Zhang Fan and Wang Yong were gathered together, muttering something unknown. When they saw Luo Fei coming in, they both looked up. Looking at him.

The two of them had a gossipy look on their faces, as if they had too many questions they wanted to ask but didn't know how to ask them, and they were scratching their heads in a hurry.

Luo Fei, on the other hand, calmly sat down in front of the two of them.

Wang Yong finally couldn't help but asked again, "Team leader, are you really with Captain Yang?"

Although he tried his best to keep his voice quiet, these words still clearly reached the ears of Zhao Cheng and Sun Jun in the small office.

Before Luo Fei could speak, Zhao Cheng, who was babbling, had already exclaimed, "What, Wang Yong, who did you say the team leader was with?"

He looked at Luo Fei and then at Wang Yong in shock, unable to believe what he heard.

This is too fast! What have you missed?

Although Sun Jun said nothing, the shock on his face was no less than that of Zhao Cheng.

Facing four pairs of shining eyes, Luo Fei nodded, "Go away, you are such a gossip every day."

"It's actually true!" Luo Fei didn't deny it, that was it.

"Of course, Team Leader. Team Leader Yang is well-known in our police force as an iceberg beauty and a flower on the mountain. You took down this person without saying a word, and then you kept us in the dark. Did you hide it?" It’s quite deep!”

"It's the team leader. You've only been here for a short time, and you actually captured the most difficult team leader, Team Leader Yang. If you can't, tell me honestly, who of you two is chasing whom?"

Not long after Luo Fei arrived at the criminal police team, they were actually together like this. Several people asked curiously.

Luo Fei was a little confused by the question.

To be honest, there seemed to be no one chasing the other between him and Yang Mei.

He asked her to watch a movie, but instead of watching the movie, he saw the scene of a murder. After that, the two of them got along like ordinary friends for a while. He confessed to her in a fit of enthusiasm last night, and he didn't even think about her. She would agree, but she agreed...

Thinking of the romantic relationship between himself and Yang Mei, Luo Fei couldn't help but sigh that fate is such a wonderful thing, and the corners of his mouth unconsciously raised.

Wang Yong and others were originally waiting for Luo Fei to share his love history with Yang Mei, but he actually kept giggling, completely different from the calm and collected person he usually was.

So is this the power of love? Wang Yong and others expressed great shock.

"Team leader, we're asking you something, so don't just keep giggling!"

Zhao Cheng couldn't hold it in any longer and reminded him.

Luo Fei realized what he was doing. Amidst the teasing looks of several people, he cleared his throat and said calmly, "I can chase her."

Although he didn't do anything, he was the one who confessed his love first, so he should be the one chasing Yang Mei.

After getting the answer he wanted, Wang Yong suddenly held Luo Fei's hands and said, "Master, you are my idol. Please teach me some tricks as soon as possible. I also want to be single!"

The title of "Bingshan Beauty" to Yang Mei is not casual. When she first came to the police force, most of the unmarried police officers in the team were interested in her, even Wang Yong was no exception.

Unfortunately, before they could take any action, they were dissuaded by her cold and unpretentious character.

Everyone took a break to think, and the iceberg beauty's character came from this.

As a result, Luo Fei had only been in the police force for a few months, but he actually caught up with this cold beauty. This made Wang Yong instantly admire him and secretly thought that if he learned his method of picking up girls, wouldn't he still be worried about being single?

But he was looking for the wrong person. After all, Luo Fei himself was still a little dazed, so how could he teach him any method.

He frowned and thought for a long time, and then said, "Actually, there is no other way, just be sincere. As long as you let girls see your sincerity, they will naturally agree."

Wang Yong was listening very seriously and almost took out a notebook to take notes. When he heard this, he suddenly collapsed.

"Sincerely? Team leader, are you making fun of us? If chasing girls these days was really useful, I wouldn't have needed to be alone for so many years!"

Whenever he was not sincere, he almost took out his heart.

But as for other girls, the first thing they ask is whether they have a car, whether they have a house, how much their salary is...

"Yeah, if you want to find a girlfriend with sincerity these days, I'm afraid you can't even think about it."

"No, my ex-girlfriend wasn't sincere enough? But in the end, she turned around and ran away with her. So these days, sincerity is worthless..."

Of the four people present, except for Sun Jun, who was married, the remaining three were single.

Therefore, after listening to Luo Fei's sincere remarks, everyone felt emotional and his tone was full of helplessness for this real society.

Luo Fei also knew the current situation of this era, and didn't want the others to be too depressed. He hurriedly comforted, "This is not necessarily true. Look at me and Yang Mei, aren't we just an example?"

"Team leader, you're going too far. I thought you were sincerely giving us advice, but it turns out that you were just showing off for so long!"

"Forget it, I shouldn't have asked you if I had known earlier."

"Team leader, you know how to hurt people's hearts!"

Several people waved their hands, as if I was hurt and I don't want to talk to you anymore.

Luo Fei was speechless, "No, I really didn't show off..."

"Yes, you are not showing off, you are just showing off."


A few people made a fuss and went about their own business.

Luo Fei also took out a pen and paper and began to write a summary report on Xu Dake's kidnapping case.

Although the entire criminal police team was responsible for this case, he was the one who solved the case and knew the most clues. If nothing unexpected happened, he would definitely write the final summary of the case.

In this case, it is better to finish the writing and submit it early.

At half past eight, Zhao Donglai hurried into the office of Group Three.

"Luo Fei."

"Captain Zhao, are you looking for me?"

"Well, you should immediately write me a summary report on the Sun Ling kidnapping case. Try to be as quick as possible. Director Wu may be coming over soon, you know."

Sun Ling's incident had a great impact, even the city was alarmed. As the director of the County Public Security Bureau, Wu Cheng was the first to bear the brunt.

If he hadn't been on a business trip to the city last night, he might have come here in person, but even so, he only called him every once in a while to inquire about the progress of the case.

It wasn't until Zhao Dong came that Sun Ling had been rescued safely that he stopped calling to harass him.

As a result, as soon as Zhao Donglai arrived at the police force this morning, he received a call from him, saying that he had rushed back from the city and would arrive in Ningjiang County soon.

He must have come to understand the case, so Zhao Donglai was eager to ask Luo Fei to write a summary of the case.

"Captain Zhao, I'm just about to go find you. I've already written a summary of the facts of this case. Please take a look."

Luo Fei said and handed the report in front of him to Zhao Donglai.

"Has it been written?"

Zhao Donglai was surprised and happy. He took the report and glanced at it quickly before beaming, "Haha, Luo Fei, I know you are the most reliable guy in doing things!"

"Okay, then I'll go over there first, and you should also prepare yourself. Director Wu will be here soon and will definitely report to you about the case, so don't let anything go wrong soon, you know?"

Every opportunity to show his face in front of the leader is an opportunity for Luo Fei to climb up, so Zhao Donglai couldn't help but add a few words.

Luo Fei naturally understood his good intentions, "Okay Captain Zhao, I understand."

"Well, then I'll go find Yang Su first. I still need him to sort out the interrogation records."

Zhao Dong said and was about to walk out.

At this time, Wang Yong on the side stopped him, "Captain Zhao, if we solved such a big case this time, didn't the city and county say there would be any reward?"

Upon hearing the reward, several other people also pricked up their ears.

Although this case is basically the result of Luo Fei and has nothing to do with them, at least they also contributed a little bit, so it can be a success, right?

Zhao Donglai laughed and scolded, "Don't worry, the superiors attach great importance to this case this time, so your reward will definitely be indispensable."

After saying this, he walked away in a hurry, leaving Wang Yong and others to discuss with great interest.

At 10:40, Wu Cheng arrived at the police station.

In Zhao Donglai's office.

"Donglai, you handled Sun Ling's case beautifully this time. Not only did you save the face of our Ningjiang County police officers, but you also successfully prevented a major fire accident from happening. Don't worry. I will definitely report it to the higher authorities for you. Please take credit."

Compared to how angry he was last night, Wucheng felt refreshed today.

As a leader, his subordinates can solve crimes so quickly. Not only does he gain face, but also because these can add points to his resume and become an important condition for his future promotion.

"Director Wu is serious. This is what I should do. Moreover, it is all Luo Fei's credit that this case was solved so quickly. Otherwise, we might not have been able to do anything."

Zhao Donglai was humble and then praised Luo Fei.

Because of Luo Fei's excellent appearance before, Wu Cheng had always been deeply impressed by him. Now he nodded with deep understanding, "Well, Luo Fei is indeed very good. He has solved so many cases in just a short time since he came to your police force." Case, this is indeed a good idea!”

"You remember to focus on training him. He is now the treasure of our Ningjiang County Public Security System. Do you understand?"

Thinking that he might need Luo Fei to help enhance his resume in the future, Wu Cheng explained earnestly.

"Don't worry, Director Wu, I will definitely do it."

Zhao Donglai understands what Wu Cheng means. After all, since Luo Fei came, his performance has increased several times, so even if Wu Cheng doesn't say it, he will definitely focus on cultivating Luo Fei, and now Luo Fei and his niece There seems to be something going on between the two of them, and they might still be relatives in the future.

"Well, let me inform everyone to hold a meeting. Regarding Sun Ling's case, the superiors are attaching great importance to it now. I also need to understand some information before reporting it. By the way, I will ask Luo Fei to report on the case."

"Okay Bureau Wu, I'll go down and make arrangements right away."

Zhao Dong said and immediately went down to inform.

Soon everyone gathered in the conference room.

However, because Wu Cheng was present, everyone did not dare to be as casual as usual and sat quietly in their seats.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, Wu Cheng cleared his throat and said, "Everyone has worked hard on the case of the female star being kidnapped. Don't worry, the higher ups will not ignore everyone's efforts."

The opening was as usual, after everyone praised him, Wu Cheng then entered the topic, "Now let's talk about the details of the investigation of the case."

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhao Donglai glanced at Luo Fei.

After receiving his hint, Luo Fei stood up and began to report.

The report work was completed at 12:10. After Wu Cheng got up and left, he called Luo Fei to the office alone to praise him and told him to perform well. In the future, his future will definitely be more than just being a team leader.

Wu Cheng had hinted at it several times before, but never made it so obvious this time. This was enough to show that he really wanted to focus on cultivating himself.

Luo Fei was so excited that he naturally promised again and again that he would work harder and live up to the high expectations of his leader.

Wu Cheng was very satisfied, and then said, "In another half month, there will be a commendation meeting for the county police. Then I will help you apply for a second-class merit award."

"Thank you Bureau Wu."

After coming out of the office, Wang Yong and others immediately gathered around him impatiently.

"Team leader, what did Bureau Wu tell you? Are you going to get a promotion and a salary increase?"

"I really envy you, team leader. You have attracted the attention of the leaders as soon as you came here. You have made great contributions this time. Your future is bound to be limitless. But if you become prosperous in the future, team leader, don't forget us."

"Yes, team leader, no matter where you are transferred, you must take me with you, okay?"

I just said that everyone was reporting the case together, but it turned out that Luo Fei was the one doing the talking from beginning to end. After the incident, Luo Fei was called in alone.

All these indicate that Luo Fei is definitely going to be prosperous.

Several people were immediately ready to hug his thigh.

"Don't talk nonsense. Although Director Wu praised me a few words, it is not as exaggerated as you said."

Wu Cheng did have the intention to support him, but he had just said that he was too junior and not suitable for promotion too quickly, so a few people had random thoughts, and Luo Fei had to explain carefully.

Upon hearing that he was not going to be promoted, several people were relieved and felt a little sorry for him.

Wang Yong patted him on the shoulder and said, "Team leader, don't be discouraged. Since you are so capable, it is only a matter of time before you get promoted and get a raise."

"I wasn't discouraged in the first place, okay, okay, aren't you hungry? Let's go eat."

"I have starved to death a long time ago. Why not wait for you and walk around..."

With that said, the few people were about to walk out when they saw Yang Mei walking in.

She nodded lightly to Wang Yong and others as a greeting, and said to Luo Fei, "Luo Fei, let's go eat."

Luo Fei immediately let go of Wang Yong's shoulders and nodded, "Well, let's go."

The two of them left one after another, leaving only Wang Yong and the others standing there stupidly.

"Why don't I go? We are just thrown away like this? Team leader, you are of the opposite sex and inhumane!"

It took Wang Yong a long time before he complained angrily, like a resentful woman who had been abandoned.

This made Zhang Fan couldn't help but joke, "Look at what you said. Our team leader has a girlfriend and he won't accompany him. Why should he have dinner with a rough guy like you?"

"Damn Zhang Fan, are you talking like you are no longer a rough guy?"

"I didn't say I wasn't, so I know myself, so I'm not like you..."

"You... your skin is itchy, aren't you?"

I was delayed by work some time ago. Please vote for me and support me brothers.

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