Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 107 Meeting the Parents (please vote, subscribe and collect)

Because the impact of Xu Dake's case was so bad, it was quickly transferred to the procuratorate and a lawsuit was filed.

Subsequently, a commendation meeting was held for the Ma Kai serial murder case and the Cheng Wei murder case. Luo Fei once again received the second-class personal merit and bonus, adding another significant mark to his personal honor column.

After that, the criminal police team became quiet.

Luo Fei, in addition to his fixed two-point and one-line duties at the police force's house every day, usually goes out occasionally to go on dates with Yang Mei to cultivate feelings.

Although they were a little reserved at first, the two gradually got used to each other and got along more naturally.

Of course, Luo Fei did not forget his promise. As expected, he arranged a romantic date for Yang Mei and even bought a bouquet of roses as compensation for not having a gift during the confession. Yang Mei was really moved. .

I still remember that she was very happy to share this matter with Wu Xiaoyue, and Wu Xiaoyue was also greatly surprised.

After all, Luo Fei has always given them the impression that he is a straight man. Who would have thought that he could be so gentle and romantic at times.

In the end, Wu Xiaoyue came to the conclusion that if a man really likes a woman, then even a straight man will change for you. Otherwise, it proves that he does not love you at all.

When Yang Mei heard this, her heart felt sweeter than drinking honey.

After all, there is nothing more satisfying than knowing that the person you like likes you back.

As a result, the relationship between the two grew stronger day by day, and they often went to and from get off work together and were inseparable.

The two of them didn't even think about avoiding people, so everyone in the police force also noticed the clues and began to inquire about their relationship.

Luo Fei didn't hide anything, he admitted it openly.

After all, he and Yang Mei are not married, and the police force has nothing against office romances, so there is nothing shameful about it.

Except for the members of the three groups who had already known about this, everyone in the first and second groups were shocked.

But it was just a shock. Afterwards, apart from making noises about Luo Fei's lack of interest and having to treat him to dinner, they all expressed their blessings.

Luo Fei had already expected that he would not be able to escape this situation, so he invited the whole team to have a hot pot meal that night, and the matter was considered to be exposed.

After Zhao Donglai heard about this, he was naturally the happiest one.

After all, he was very optimistic about Luo Fei, otherwise he wouldn't have deliberately brought him and Yang Mei together. Now that the two are really together, Luo Fei will no longer be part of his own family.

With this relationship, he will be more assured when he wants to promote Luo Fei or something in the future.

Of course, during this period, Sun Ling also made a special trip to the police force after being discharged from the hospital.

She made a special trip to deliver a banner to Luo Fei to thank him for saving his life.

Along with her, there were several reporters from the media who wanted to interview Luo Fei no matter what.

It turned out that after Sun Ling disappeared from the concert, considering the impact, the news of her kidnapping could only be temporarily suppressed. The public opinion was that she was delayed again, but because of this, there were comments on the Internet that she was acting like a big name. .

Her agent, Sister Liu, was furious about this, so as soon as Sun Ling escaped from danger, she immediately issued a statement explaining that Sun Ling was not acting as a big star, but because he was kidnapped.

As soon as this incident came out, there was quite a wave of enthusiasm on the Internet.

After all, the kidnapping of a female celebrity is really eye-catching, so even if Sun Ling is not very popular, it caused a stir for a while, and even her fans increased a lot.

Sister Liu was naturally the happiest person about this, so on the day of the interview, she changed her previous mean image. As soon as she saw Luo Fei, she smiled and held his hand, thanking him for saving Sun Ling, which made Luo Fei I almost thought she had been snatched away.

Zhao Donglai readily agreed to the media's request to interview Luo Fei.

After all, this was a good thing to bring glory to the police force and earn honor. He had no reason to refuse, so he explained to Luo Fei and let him go out for an interview.

As the video of the interview was broadcast on the TV station, Luo Fei, a young and handsome detective who solves cases quickly, also became famous.

The police force were all envious at the same time. After all, no one has the dream of being a celebrity. Unfortunately, they don't have Luo Fei's ability, so they can only be envious.

Time flies and comes half a month later. Luo Fei is on the list again at the county's commendation meeting, and he is also a second-class meritorious officer. He has won three second-class meritorious services in a row, which makes Luo Fei's reputation within the public security system greatly increased. ,, Zhao Donglai also followed suit and got a second-class merit.

Of course, he was completely influenced by Luo Fei, but even so, he was smiling from ear to ear.

At the meeting, Wu Cheng also praised Luo Fei by name. As a newcomer to the police force, Luo Fei had received awards several times, which made everyone present envious again.

But they all knew in their hearts that Luo Fei deserved all these honors.

After this meeting, it was salary day again within a few days.

Early that morning, Wang Yong sat next to Luo Fei as soon as he arrived at the police station. "Team leader, how much do you estimate our salary will be this time?"

"How do I know? It's probably about the same as last month."

Luo Fei looked at the "Criminal Psychology" in his hand and said without raising his head.

"You can't say for sure. Director Wu said before that he would take credit from us. Although you solved this case, we are a team, so we can still get some credit. Why should the bonus be bigger? right."

Wang Yong pretended to think about it for a while, then poked Zhang Fan beside him, "Zhang Fan, do you think what I said makes sense?"

"It makes sense, but who of us can know how the higher-ups have arranged it? So instead of guessing here, you might as well do your job."

Zhang Fan said casually, holding a copy of "Site Investigation" borrowed from Luo Fei in his hand and reading intently.

Seeing this, Wang Yong stretched out his hand to grab his book, "Zhang Fan, don't you mean it? Do you really want to learn from the team leader and become a nerd?"

These days, I don’t know if they were inspired by Luo Fei, but Zhang Fan and Sun Jun suddenly changed their old ways and started to talk about learning from Luo Fei.

I no longer play with my mobile phone during working hours, and I no longer chat with Wang Yong and Zhao Cheng. Instead, I read and study like Luo Fei every day.

But compared to Luo Fei, they were far behind. Zhang Fan had been reading this "Site Survey" for more than half a month, and he hadn't read half of it, and he only remembered the parts he had read in bits and pieces.

This made him lament that some people are destined to be geniuses, and others cannot catch up no matter how hard they try.

However, Luo Fei was very happy with their progressive attitude. After all, the stronger their professional capabilities, the more they could play a supporting role, and they would not be so tired when investigating the case.

But this was a pain for Wang Yong. Although he could chat with Zhao Cheng, it was not a good feeling to see that everyone was working hard but he was still standing still.

Zhang Fan dodged his outstretched hand in time and waved his hand as if to drive him away, "Let's go, let's go, if you don't want to study, don't disturb my study. Besides, what's wrong with being a nerd? If I can really learn even a little bit from the team leader, then I would rather do it." A nerd."

Wang Yong was speechless when he said to him, "Yes, you are so awesome. I can't offend you now. Brother Zhao Cheng, I'll accompany you."

As he spoke, he stood up angrily and looked at Zhao Cheng's workstation next door. He saw Zhao Cheng smiling at him with a guilty look on his face. He was holding a copy of "Data Investigation Technology" and seemed to be about to stuff it into the drawer.

Wang Yong was dumbfounded, and after a while he pointed at him with a trembling hand, "Zhao Cheng, didn't you say yesterday that you wouldn't be like Zhang Fan and the others, but it turned out that you were playing me?"

Wang Yong's mood at the moment was very complicated. It felt like two scumbags had made an appointment to fail the class together, but the other party secretly reviewed it behind your back. In the end, only you would fail the class.

Zhao Cheng was also a little embarrassed, "Hey Wang Yong, you can't blame me. The captain is so frustrated. How can I do it if I don't work hard."

"Then why didn't you tell me and still secretly read the book behind my back?"

"That's not because you said you would never be assimilated with Zhang Fan and the others, and that you would be the only clear figure in our group. I originally wanted to persuade you, but I didn't say it because you were so determined."

"But, but..."

Wang Yong was completely at a loss for words, but he couldn't come up with anything for a long time.

On the other hand, Luo Fei sighed, put down the book and looked at him, "Wang Yong, can't you see that now everyone is trying to improve themselves, shouldn't it be time for you to stop playing around and work hard to be like everyone else?"

"You still have to struggle at the age when you should struggle. If you don't work hard yourself, you will always be envious of others. Do you think this is the truth?"

Although Wang Yong is more playful, he also knows that he is doing this for his own good.

And seeing that the brothers were all working hard to make progress, it seemed that there would be something wrong if he continued to be idle. He suddenly made up his mind, "Team leader, I know I was wrong. Don't worry. From today on, I will also learn from you and work hard." Improve yourself!”

"That's right. Let's improve together in the future and strive to keep the performance of the three groups catching up with the other two groups. Then there will be honors and rewards?"

In order to make Wang Yong more motivated, Luo Fei directly drew a pie for him.

Of course, this pie is also quite effective, because after hearing this, Wang Yong immediately felt like he had been beaten to death.

"Team leader, I understand, don't worry I won't let you down!"

Wang Yong made an impassioned promise, and immediately grabbed the "Criminal Psychology" spread out on Luo Fei's desk, and then sat at his desk, as if he was going to study hard.

Luo Fei was stunned. It's not a good thing that you have to work hard to improve, but why are you trying to steal my book?

He subconsciously wanted to snatch it back, but then he thought about it and let him go.

He can read it if he likes. He has almost finished this book anyway.

Thinking of this, he simply got up and planned to go to the technical room.

Technical room.

Yang Mei was really serious about comparing a set of data.

Although the police team has not had any cases recently, the surrounding police stations also have some data that needs to be identified. They do not have the equipment themselves, so they will send it to the criminal police team.

As soon as she finished, she felt Wu Xiaoyue poke her lower back with her finger, wink and smile mischievously at her, "Sister Yang Mei, your dear boyfriend is here to see you. Go quickly, don't let me wait." It’s urgent.”

Ever since Yang Mei and Luo Fei established their relationship, Wu Xiaoyue took pleasure in teasing Yang Mei in various ways every day. Yang Mei was ashamed and angry and swore to ignore her again, which frightened Wu Xiaoyue into asking for mercy again and again. As a result, next time she Will continue again.

However, Yang Mei's face has been tempered by being teased so much. At this moment, she no longer explodes like she did before.

She glared at Wu Xiaoyue angrily, then quickly put all the instruments back in place, took off the plastic gloves on her hands and walked quickly outside. Sure enough, she saw Luo Fei standing outside waiting for her.

"Luo Fei, what do you want from me?"

"That's it. Are you free tonight? Why don't you come to my house for a meal?"

Luo Fei said, scratching his head in embarrassment, "My mother already knows that I am in a relationship with you, so she wants to invite you to sit at home, but you must not put too much pressure on me. If it doesn't work, forget it. "

Before, Luo Fei would go home on time as soon as he got off work, and there was never any exception.

But these days, because he was going on a date with Yang Mei, he stayed outside more often. Wu Yan inevitably asked a few more questions. Luo Fei thought about it and simply told him about his relationship.

Wu Yan had been worrying about his personal problems, but when she heard that he actually had a partner, she was really happy. Afterwards, she blamed him for not telling her such a big thing and asking him to call Yang Mei to come to her house for a meal no matter what. meal.

Luo Fei couldn't defeat her, so he could only test Yang Mei's tone.

Yang Mei was indeed a little reluctant. Of course, this was not because she didn't want to meet Luo Fei's family, but because it was too sudden and she was not ready for the moment.

After all, she really wanted to live with Luo Fei, so she was inevitably worried about what she would do if Luo Fei's family didn't like her.

After thinking about it, she said with some worry, "After all, we have just been together, is it too soon to go to your house? And I don't know what your family's personality is like, whether they will like me..."

"Don't think too much about it. My mother just wants to meet you. There is no other meaning. As for my mother's temper, you don't have to worry about it. She is very easy to get along with. You will know it when you see her."

After hearing what he said, Yang Mei couldn't refuse anymore, "That, that's okay."

After hearing her promise, Luo Fei chatted with her for a few more words before leaving.

As soon as he left, Wu Xiaoyue immediately came over in a sly voice, "Sister Yang Mei, what did you just talk about? Are you going on a date again tonight?"

"No, he asked me to go to his house for dinner tonight." Yang Mei said in a panic.

"Going to his house for dinner? This is a good sign!"

"Good sign? Why?"

"Stupid, isn't this simple? If you let you go to his house for dinner, it means that he has recognized you, so he plans to introduce you to his family. He doesn't just want to have fun with you."

Wu Xiaoyue said, suddenly staring at Yang Mei with a wicked smile, "Sister Yang Mei, it seems that Luo Fei is indeed serious. Congratulations."

"Really?" Yang Mei was a little happy after hearing her analysis, but the next moment she grabbed Wu Xiaoyue's arm again, "But Xiaoyue, what should I do if I'm still so nervous?"

"Why are you nervous?"

"I'm not familiar with his family. What should I say when I meet them later? And what if his mother doesn't like me?"

Wu Xiaoyue laughed loudly when she heard this, "Sister Yang Mei, how could they not like you if you are so good?"


"Okay, there's nothing to worry about. Besides, there's Luo Fei, right? Just put your heart back in your stomach."

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