Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 143 This is the only thing we can do for Zheng Bei (please subscribe and vote monthly)

After interrogating Ning Shaobin, Zhao Donglai and Yang Su immediately called Luo Fei and two others.

"Captain Zhao, have you recruited Ning Shaobin?"

Luo Fei asked immediately as soon as he entered the office.

Zhao Donglai shook his head solemnly, "No, where are you?"

"It's going well for us here. Shu Anguo has confessed to all the crimes, and based on the information about his accomplices, we may have missed two more people."

"But Team Leader Zhang and I have just checked the information of these two people. Team Leader Zhao, you can take a look."

Luo Fei said as he pulled out the two pieces of information they had found.

Zhao Donglai just took a casual look and said, "You guys did a good job. Then I'll call Bureau Wu and Bureau Zheng immediately and ask them to arrange someone to arrest them."

Considering that they are already busy with what they have on hand, if they waste manpower to arrest people, the pressure will definitely be great, so Zhao Donglai decided to hand over the matter to other police teams.

But after thinking about it, he was worried about what the three people would think, so he asked again, "Do you have any objections?"

"No objection, no objection!"

The three of them waved their hands.

They were really tired from running around arresting people these days, so they wished he could leave this matter to others.

"Well, that's good."

After Zhao Dong finished speaking, he called Zheng Changjun.

Afterwards, the four of them studied Shu Anguo's confession and made a summary of all the previous clues and evidence.

After doing all this, they went to interrogate the other three members who had just been captured yesterday.

Compared with Shu Anguo and Shu Anguo, these three people were much easier to interrogate. Before they even asked, these three people gave everything like pouring beans into a bamboo tube.

Similar to Wang Pingchuan and Wang Pingchuan, these three people knew nothing about the situation except for the area they were responsible for.

However, the testimony of one of them still caught Zhao Donglai's attention.

So after the interrogation, he immediately called Luo Fei and went back to the office alone.

Seeing that he looked obviously worried, Luo Fei immediately asked as soon as he entered the door, "What's wrong with Captain Zhao? Have you discovered a new situation?"

"That's right. Luo Fei, please wait. We have to wait until Yang Mei comes to talk about this matter."

Luo Fei was a little surprised. Why should we wait for Yang Mei to come?

Not long after waiting, Yang Mei pushed the door open and came in.

"Uncle, what do you want from me?"

Normally, Yang Mei would call her uncle directly in front of Luo Fei. Zhao Donglai criticized her a few times at first, but then he let her go.

"Yang Mei, please come and sit down first. I have something very serious to tell you."

"What's serious?" Yang Mei looked curious.

Luo Fei also looked at him curiously.

Zhao Donglai didn't go around any more and took out the interrogation testimony just now.

"At this time, when I was just interrogating the criminal suspect Zhao Gang, he gave his testimony."

As he spoke, he handed the testimony into Yang Mei's hand, "Open it and take a look."

Yang Mei took it inexplicably and took a look at the contents.

This was supposed to be a confession recalling the experience of human trafficking, but it read, "Ten years ago, a girl from Liangxia Middle School in Liangxia County was abducted on the way home from school and was later taken away by Xiang Chuanwen."

"Ten years ago, a 20-year-old girl from Longping Village, Chang'an Town, was abducted with the promise of working in the city."

"Nine years ago, a girl from Ningjiang Primary School in Ningjiang County was abducted..."

Yang Mei became more and more confused as she watched, and couldn't help but look at Zhao Donglai, "Uncle, is there anything wrong with this confession?"

Regarding her slowness, Zhao Donglai was speechless and could only remind her loudly, "Have you forgotten that your master Zheng Bei had a daughter who disappeared on the way to school nine years ago?"

Zhao Donglai said, pointing to the confession from nine years ago, "Didn't you find that this time, place and this child are very consistent?"

As expected, Yang Mei reacted. She was surprised and happy. She was afraid that her joy would be in vain. "Uncle, are you sure? After all, there are so many children missing every year. What if..."

"You can't be wrong. When this child disappeared, I was still the director of the police station in my jurisdiction. My colleagues happened to be dispatching the police at that time, so I remember some of the details very clearly, and they are completely consistent with the circumstances in this confession."

"And the most important thing is that she was the only child who disappeared from Ningjiang Primary School that year!"

Yang Mei was instantly excited, "Uncle, where was this child sold to in the end?"

Since Zheng Bei's death, Tang Cuifang has shed tears every day.

Yang Mei has always wanted to do something for this miserable woman. Now that she heard the news about her child, she wished she could find him immediately and deliver it to Tang Cuifang.

"This is unknown for the time being. According to the accounts of these people, only Ning Shaobin knows the buyer's information, but now this person refuses to cooperate and will not explain at all."

Zheng Bei died in the line of duty, and he had worked with him for so many years. No matter what the reason was, he was eager to help him get his daughter back, because this was the only thing he could do for Zheng Bei.

But the key now is whether Ning Shaobin lives or dies, and he is also very distressed about this.

"Uncle, let's continue the trial. I don't believe he can still withstand it now that everyone has been recruited!"

"Well, I will definitely continue to interrogate this person. By the way, Yang Mei, you and Luo Fei don't often go to his wife's porridge shop to eat. Find an opportunity to inquire about the child's situation."

"When we have the whereabouts of the child, we can compare and verify it."

"Well, uncle, you're right. It's really time to go. It's just in time to tell Aunt Tang the good news."

As soon as Yang Mei finished speaking, Zhao Donglai said anxiously, "No, I can't tell her!"

"Why, uncle, didn't you already say that there is a high chance that this child is the child? Why can't you tell Aunt Tang in advance, so that you can be happier..."

Luo Fei on the side said helplessly, "Yang Mei, although Captain Zhao is sure that this child is the missing woman of Aunt Tang, the whereabouts of the child are unknown now, so no one knows whether he is alive or dead. You tell Aunt Tang in advance, if anything happens …”

"The greater the expectations, the greater the disappointment. Are you sure Aunt Tang can still accept the death of a loved one for the second time?"

Zhao Donglai nodded repeatedly, "That's what you mean to me, Luo Fei, you are still smart, you can tell at a glance!"

Yang Mei: "...Uncle, what do you mean, are you saying that I'm not smart enough?"

"What do you think?"

"Uncle!" Yang Mei stamped her feet angrily.

After a little tantrum, Yang Mei returned to her seriousness and said, "Uncle, Luo Fei and I will go there during lunch."

"Okay, remember to be careful when you speak, don't let anything slip."

"Don't worry, I know."

Yang Mei was very concerned about this matter, so as soon as it was twelve noon, she immediately grabbed Luo Fei and went straight to Xinjie.

Parking the car in front of Tang Cuifang's store, the two of them walked in and found that there were still many customers sitting in the store.

Tang Cuifang was walking out of the back kitchen carrying a portion of pork rib porridge ordered by a customer. When she looked up and saw the two of them, she was a little surprised.

"Yang Mei, Luo Fei, why are you here at this point?"

They usually eat lunch in the police canteen.

"Aunt Tang, Luo Fei hasn't been here for a long time. After finally finishing his work, he said he wanted to come and try your craftsmanship, so we came." Yang Mei made an excuse casually.

Tang Cuifang placed the porridge in front of the guests at table three, wiped her hands with her apron, walked over and said with a smile, "So that's it, if you want something to eat, I'll get it for you right now!"

"A large portion of preserved egg and lean meat, two portions of braised vegetables, and another portion of eggplant pancake."

At this time, a customer at the next table also urged, "Boss, is my porridge ready?"

"Immediately," Tang Cuifang responded, and then said to the two of them, "Then you sit and wait, I will get it right away."

After saying that, she hurried to the kitchen. Yang Mei hurriedly chased after her, "Aunt Tang, let me help you."

Tang Cuifang takes care of the porridge shop by herself. It's usually fine, but she gets very busy when it's meal time.

When Yang Mei had nothing to do, she would come over to help her run errands, and over time she became very skilled at it.

So even though Tang Cuifang kept asking her to sit down, she quickly helped her deliver the porridge to the guests.

Luo Fei was not idle, and also helped to take the tableware of several tables of guests who had left back to the kitchen...

With their help, Tang Cuifang felt much more relaxed.

When their porridge and vegetables were served, she even had time to sit down and chat with them.

"Luo Fei, I heard from Yang Mei that you are very busy these days. You must be done now."

Luo Fei drank the porridge and nodded, "Well, it's almost done. There's just a little finishing work left."

Because her husband was also a police officer, Tang Cuifang knew that they had regulations, so she didn't ask any more questions and immediately changed the subject.

"Then when you're not busy, come and sit here often. Tell Auntie what you want to eat and I'll cook it for you!"

"You must come often, as long as you don't find it annoying, Aunt Tang!"

"Haha, you kid, I wish you guys came here often, why would you find it annoying?" Tang Cuifang couldn't help laughing.

At this time, Yang Mei also hugged her arm and said coquettishly, "Aunt Tang, you are so kind. I almost want to be your daughter."

"If I had a daughter like you, I would be extremely happy."

Tang Cuifang clapped her hand and smiled, but her smile was somewhat bitter, and her eyes were a little sad.

Obviously, she thought of her daughter because of Yang Mei's words.

The child is a few years younger than Yang Mei. If he had not disappeared, he would be seventeen years old now...

In fact, Yang Mei mentioned this on purpose. Although she felt a little guilty, thinking about the task that Zhao Donglai had given her, she could only ask questions knowingly.

"Aunt Tang, do you think of the child with the master again?"

Tang Cuifang sighed after hearing this, "Yes, Huanhuan was only eight years old when she disappeared. I don't know where she was taken..."

Her and Zheng Bei's daughter has the same name as "happy".

Thinking of her missing daughter, Tang Cuifang's eyes turned red and she seemed about to cry again.

"Aunt Tang, please don't be sad first. Why don't you tell us some specific circumstances of Huanhuan's disappearance, as well as her appearance and other characteristics."

Yang Mei pointed at Luo Fei and said with pride, "Luo Fei is a master in solving crimes. You may not be able to help you find Huanhuan one day!"

Aunt Tang wiped her wet eyes and couldn't help laughing when she heard this. She nodded at Yang Mei's forehead and said, "You are just talking nonsense. How can this be so easy?"

It's not that she doubted Luo Fei's strength. After all, every time Yang Mei came to her store, she would excitedly tell her that Luo Fei had solved another case and made another contribution...

Over time, she also came to know Luo Fei's excellence.

It’s just that kidnapping cases are different from ordinary homicide cases. In murder cases, at least there are traces to follow. But in a kidnapping case, you don’t even know who took your child away, so how do you start investigating it?

And in the vast sea of ​​people, how easy is it to find a child who disappeared nine years ago?

"Aunt Tang, do you not believe in Luo Fei's ability?" Yang Mei pursed her lips unhappily.

Seeing that she had misunderstood, Tang Cuifang shook her head repeatedly, "No, no, how could I not believe in Luo Fei's abilities."

"Then it's over. Aunt Tang, just tell us quickly. Luo Fei might actually give you a surprise!"

Yang Mei took Tang Cuifang's arm and shook it.

Tang Cuifang was helpless by her troubles and said in a dumbfounded voice, "Yang Mei, I know you have good intentions, but this case is not as easy as you think."

"Back then, your master and Team Zhao, who was in charge of this case, searched for so long but couldn't find anything. Now, nine years later, it's even less likely that there are any clues. Don't embarrass Luo Fei."

"You are all still young, and you still have a bright future waiting for you to fight for it. Don't let him waste his time on these meaningless things, do you understand?"

Tang Cuifang spoke earnestly and thoughtfully, thinking about them wholeheartedly.

Feeling her good intentions, Yang Mei was moved and became more determined to help her find the child.

"Aunt Tang, how can this be meaningless! Besides, even though a long time has passed, who said there is no hope at all? What if..."

As she spoke, she kept winking at Luo Fei, gesturing for him to say a few words for her.

Luo Fei, who received the message, also disappointed her.

"Yes, Aunt Tang. Yang Mei is right. Nothing is absolute. Anyway, no matter whether it is successful or not, your telling us won't affect anything. Even if I notice any details when I usually investigate the case, it won't be accurate."

Tang Cuifang never said anything, mainly because she felt embarrassed to trouble Luo Fei.

But since he said so, she didn't need to insist anymore.

After all, she didn't want to give up the chance to find her daughter, even if there was only a one in 10,000 chance, she was still willing to try.

"The day Huanhuan disappeared was Tuesday. When she was at school, she said she wanted to eat the eggplant cake I made, but who knew..."

Tang Cuifang immediately fell into memories and recalled everything about the day her daughter disappeared.

Over the years, she had never stopped thinking about her daughter, so even though nine years had passed, she still remembered everything that happened that day.

By the time she finished speaking, she was crying.

Yang Mei kept patting her back to comfort her, while Luo Fei wrote down all these situations.

Then he asked, "Aunt Tang, tell me in detail about Huanhuan's appearance and blood type."

"There is a small mole on Huanhuan's eyebrows and a scar on the corner of her forehead. She accidentally got it when she was five years old. Her blood type is type B."

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