Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 144 Looking for Aunt Tang’s abducted daughter (please subscribe and vote monthly)

By the time Tang Cuifang finished speaking, it was already half an hour later.

"Aunt Tang, I have already remembered everything you said. Don't worry, I will definitely pay attention to it for you."

Luo Fei promised solemnly.

Tang Cuifang couldn't help but feel a little hope rising in her heart, "Luo Fei, if you can really help me find Huanhuan, Aunt Tang, I will never forget your great kindness in this life."

"Aunt Tang, what you said is too outrageous, but I can't guarantee it. I can only say that I will do my best."

"Of course, I'd be very grateful if you could keep an eye on it for me."

After that, Luo Fei comforted Yang Mei again, and the two left.

On the way back.

"Luo Fei, do you think that child will really be the master's daughter?"

"Don't worry, Captain Zhao, you don't understand your character yet? Since he dares to say that, he must be confident."

"But what if Ning Shaobin never discloses the buyer's information? Or he has forgotten it, or something happened to Huanhuan during the journey..."

Perhaps because she really regarded Aunt Tang as an elder, Yang Mei became more and more worried as she talked, and she looked very anxious.

Luo Fei was a little amused and quickly stopped, "Okay Yang Mei, don't think so wildly that you'll scare yourself."

"Now that we have caught him, it is only a matter of time before he confesses. As for the things you are worried about... they haven't happened yet, and even if you are right, we can't change anything."

"So you should relax and at least do the things right now, and explain the rest later?"

"I understand what you mean. I just feel sorry for Aunt Tang. Her life has been really miserable. If Huanhuan is really... how can she accept it?"

"So now let's be tight-lipped, at least don't let her know about this world until we find out."


Back at the police force, Luo Fei went to report to Zhao Donglai, while Yang Mei returned to the technical room.

Wu Xiaoyue joked as soon as she entered, "Hey Sister Yang Mei, are you finally back from your date?"

"What a date, let's get down to business, okay?"

"Oh, it turns out it's business..."

Wu Xiaoyue drawled her voice, obviously not believing it. Yang Mei was so angry that she chased after her and beat her.

While the two were having fun, Zhao Dong came to the office.

"You should remember these circumstances first, and we will be able to determine whether it is true or not when we have clues."


Because basically everyone who came to the case has given an account.

So Zhao Donglai immediately put all his focus on Ning Shaobin.

In the next afternoon, he took Luo Fei, Yang Su and four others to take turns to interrogate them without interruption.

Ning Shaobin only gritted his teeth and persisted for two days. In the end, he collapsed and confessed because he could not withstand such high-pressure interrogation.

Ning Shaobin's job is a specialist doctor specializing in the treatment of infertility in Xz City.

Because he often receives patients who seek medical treatment for infertility, he suddenly realized something.

That is, these people have a very strong desire for children.

There are even some patients who have not seen any improvement after several years of treatment. They will secretly inquire with him whether he has any acquaintances in the obstetrics and gynecology departments of other hospitals.

If there is a family that gives birth to a child but doesn't want it, we can help them find a matchmaker. As long as they can successfully adopt a child, they are willing to pay him a certain amount of remuneration.

Needless to say, Ning Shaobin did have such a way, but hospitals had regulations. He didn't dare to do such illegal operations, so he refused at first.

But as time passed and more people talked about it, he couldn't help but have his own thoughts.

It's just that if he doesn't do this well, he will easily lose his job. In addition, there are very few families who have children but don't want them. So in order to make a lot of money, he simply decided to kidnap other people's children. Children are sold to these couples.

After he had a plan, he started looking for accomplices online, planning to let the other person be responsible for abducting children, and he would be responsible for contacting the buyer.

The first accomplice he found was Wang Pingchuan, and later the two successfully made several deals.

But it may have been his first time doing something like this. It didn’t take long for Wang Pingchuan to be noticed by the police.

Fortunately, Ning Shaobin was smart and never had contact with Wang Pingchuan from the beginning. Every time they only contacted each other by phone, they still used phone cards without real names.

So when he realized something was wrong, he immediately threw the mobile phone and phone card into the river. In addition, the criminal investigation technology at that time was not as mature as it is now, and the police did not find him.

Later, Wang Pingchuan was lucky enough to escape the police pursuit and became a fugitive. He also learned the lesson from this time, found Shu Anguo, and began to commit more covert crimes.

Later, by chance, Wang Pingchuan returned to his gang to help him, but the other party never knew that he was his previous accomplice, and Ning Shaobin would definitely not tell him.

As more and more members joined their gang, Ning Shaobin was no longer satisfied with abducting children, and would also let some gang members abduct women and girls.

However, he is very cautious and usually only allows members to selectively and randomly commit crimes after identifying buyers in need, so that their chances of being noticed by the police will be greatly reduced.

Moreover, they all move around to commit crimes in many places, so it is not only difficult for the police to catch them, but even if one or two are caught occasionally, they are ignored by the police because the members do not know each other's existence at all.

It is conceivable that if it were not for Luo Fei's careful digging this time, their gang might still be able to remain at large.

Ning Shaobin's reluctance gave Zhao Donglai hope, and he immediately asked the other party to reveal all the information about these sellers!

Ning Shaobin was very cooperative and explained everything. As for some problems that he couldn't remember because it took too long, it wasn't a big deal.

After all, most of these sellers are his patients, or out-of-town patients introduced by patients, so there must be information in the hospital's archives. They are not worried about not being able to find anyone. At most, it will only increase their workload.

When he got the transcript, Zhao Donglai immediately called Wu Cheng and Zheng Changjun excitedly to report the good news.

At the same time, he immediately notified everyone that there was a meeting in the conference room.

It was already seven o'clock in the evening.

In order to investigate the case recently, everyone has been working overtime, and everyone who received the notice rushed to the conference room quickly.

Zhao Donglai held the thick transcript in his hand and said excitedly, "Comrades, I have good news for you. Through our unremitting efforts, Ning Shaobin, the leader of the trafficking gang, has truthfully confessed the entire crime."

The conference room suddenly burst into cheers.

In a case like this, as long as the main leader pleads guilty, it basically means that the case has been solved.

"Great. It's not in vain for us to stay up late, work overtime and run around all these days. This case is finally over."

"Yeah, I'm going to be exhausted during this period. I swear that when I'm done with this period of time, I'm going to take my annual leave and sleep with him for three days and three nights!"

"Come on, Wang Lei, with your temper, I think you will go crazy if I let you sleep at home for three days and three nights."

"Xia Zheng, don't look down on others. What would you say if I could sleep for three days and three nights?"

"Then what can I say, I can only say that you are a pig!"

"You kid is a pig!"

With the outcome of the case, everyone's mood immediately relaxed, and Xia Zheng and Wang Lei started bickering on a daily basis again.

Seeing the two playing tricks, everyone couldn't help laughing.

Zhao Donglai raised his hand and said, "Okay, everyone, please be quiet for a moment and listen to me."

"Although the case is basically clear, we cannot relax now. We still need to rescue those who have been trafficked based on the clues provided by Ning Shaobin."

Although everyone was tired, no one complained when they heard this.

Yang Su said directly, "You can directly arrange what Captain Zhao should do."

As police officers, the justice in their hearts is also eager to help these people go home as soon as possible.

"This criminal group is extremely well-hidden. During the more than ten years of its existence, it committed crimes like crazy, with more than a hundred victims, and it was so long ago that even he himself could not remember the information of many buyers."

"So in order to clarify the situation as soon as possible, I have applied to the higher authorities to allocate part of the police force to cooperate with our work this time. However, even if there is help, some major situations still need to be verified by us. Let's work hard tonight and add more A few hours of work.”

After Zhao Dong finished speaking, he made detailed arrangements for everyone's work.

Yang Su and Luo Fei's team are responsible for verifying the records of all personnel and sorting out the information of each trafficked person. If the clues are complete, they will immediately contact the police in the buyer's area to help verify. If the clues are incomplete, they will continue to dig deeper.

Zhang Fan's team was responsible for contacting the XZ police, and asked the hospital where Ning Shaobin worked to get a list of all the patients who had come for infertility treatment in recent years, and then checked them one by one.

The personnel of the technical squadron and the police dog squadron were scattered and disrupted, and all were temporarily organized into three groups.

Then everyone immediately got into busy work.

Yang Mei had been worried about Tang Cuifang, so she took the initiative to take over the task of verifying Zhao Gang's records.

Zhao Gang is the trafficker who was suspected of abducting Huanhuan nine years ago.

Based on his explanation, Yang Mei found Ning Shaobin's confession, and based on the approximate time of Huanhuan's disappearance, she finally identified three more suspicious buyers.

But because Ning Shaobin could only remember a rough name, the buyer's specific situation could only wait for clues from Zhang Fan...

A group of people worked hard until 11:30, when Zhao Donglai notified them to get off work.

After Luo Fei returned, he quickly took a combat bath and took the time to enter the system to check. The reward for solving the case this time was not issued.

He estimated that he would wait until all the information about the abducted person was clear before releasing it together.

But he was really curious about how the case system would reward him this time.

With such doubts, he fell into a deep sleep.

After the night passed, the next day everyone once again devoted themselves to the tedious verification work with great enthusiasm.

Fortunately, around nine o'clock, Wu Cheng brought more than 20 police officers to help.

For a time, their criminal police team's office was almost packed with people.

However, there are advantages to having more people. After everyone worked overtime to check, the identities and addresses of most of the buyers were confirmed after four days.

Considering that these people have different addresses,

All the clues were now clear, and every trafficked buyer was almost identified.

Except three days later, all the clues are based on

As the saying goes, there is strength in numbers. After everyone worked together and worked overtime for several days, all the information was almost clear.

Considering that none of these people are in the same place, it would be unrealistic for them to check each one personally.

In the end, Zhao Donglai reported it directly, and the Municipal Public Security Bureau came forward and asked the local police to implement it. Those who had memories of being abducted would be contacted directly by their families after being rescued. Those who had no memories would directly draw blood and send it online to find relatives...

Because of this incident, the police in various places were very busy for a while.

At the same time, it only took the Jiangzhou City Police less than a month to uncover a huge criminal trafficking group. This was also quietly spread in the public security circles, and the Jiangzhou Police became famous for a while.

But Luo Fei didn't know all this. At this time, he and Yang Mei were on their way to Wu'an Province.

It turned out that after investigation, they finally determined that the girl suspected of Huanhuan was finally bought by a couple from Danyun City, Wu'an Province.

This time they went over to confirm it in person.

In order to be sure, Yang Mei secretly took away a piece of Tang Cuifang's hair before departure, planning to conduct a paternity test with her.

According to news sent back from Wu'an Province, the couple now lives in Linshui County, Danyun City.

After the two arrived in Linshui County, the local police received them warmly.

After exchanging polite words, Gao Meng, the director of Daping Town Police Station in Linshui County, briefly introduced the situation.

"Liao Mingjin and Qin Fang are from Queping Town, Linshui County, Danyun City. The couple have low education levels. They both only have primary school diplomas. They now run a fruit stall in the county."

"The couple has a daughter, Liao Dandan, who is sixteen years old and has just entered the first grade of high school. However, we have secretly investigated and found that Liao Mingjin has infertility. Liao Dandan should be their adopted child. She only came to the couple nine years ago. "

Yang Mei listened and whispered to Luo Fei, "Everything else is correct, but according to Huanhuan's age, she must be at least seventeen years old this year...

"This is a good explanation. It may be that the couple was worried about being discovered, so maybe they deliberately changed the child's age by one year younger." Luo Fei said.

Yang Mei nodded and looked at Gao Meng hurriedly, "Director Gao, can you please take us to meet this Liao Dandan now?"

Gao Meng looked at the time and said, "Okay, two comrades, come with me."

Gao Meng and another policeman from the station took his company straight to Liao Dandan's school.

On the way, Gao Meng reminded again, "Because there have been many cases before, after the police came to the door, families who bought and sold children would choose to run away with their children in order to avoid their children being recovered, which made the rescue work very difficult."

"So we are only verifying this matter secretly. We have not confirmed it with Liao Dandan's adoptive parents. Even Liao Dandan herself did not know about it. The two comrades met her later. Please don't reveal too much for the time being, lest the other party has anything. Excessive emotions.”

The two nodded hurriedly, "Thank you, Director Gao, for reminding us. We will remember it."

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