Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 153 Commendation Conference (please subscribe and vote monthly)

Arriving at the vegetable market, Wu Yan asked Yang Mei about her taste while quickly picking at the stalls. After a while, Luo Fei's hands were full.

"Mom, that's enough."

Seeing that she still wanted to buy more, Luo Fei had no choice but to remind, "Mom, it's almost done."

"This is not enough. This is my first time at home, so I have to make it richer."

Wu Yan, who was always frugal, shook her head this time.

As a last resort, Luo Fei walked with her for more than half an hour, until both of them couldn't carry it anymore, then they rode away.

After returning, they parked the car and the two of them carried their things upstairs. Halfway there, Wu Yan suddenly exclaimed, "I forgot something."

Luo Fei was startled, "What's the matter, Mom?"

"Meeting gift, I forgot to prepare a meeting gift for Yang Mei... Luo Fei, I didn't ask you to find out what Yang Mei likes. Have you found out?"

"Ah...this, Mom, I'm sorry I forgot."

He had long forgotten about this matter.

"Forgot? How do you kid do things? What do you want me to do when Yang Mei comes later?"

"Oh, mom, don't worry, Yang Mei is not as scary as you think... Besides, if it's the worst, you can just give her a big red envelope and let her buy whatever she likes."

"But Yang Mei picked out gifts for us one by one at that time. I just wrapped the red envelope. What if she thought I was perfunctory?"

"Mom, you are thinking too much. Don't worry, it won't happen."

"Okay, okay, that's all we can do..."

When the two returned home, they saw Luo Hao and Luo Xiaoxiao busy in the living room.

The brother and sister are quite positive. The living room has been tidied up by them, and they are now preparing to mop the floor.

Of course, Luo Xiaoxiao was so active because she was really looking forward to Yang Mei's arrival, while Luo Hao was more forced by the power of his mother and elder brother.

"Mom, brother, you are back. Where is sister Yang Mei? When will she come?"

"It's still early. Luo Fei puts all these in the kitchen and washes the vegetables. I'll stew the chicken first."

As Wu Yan spoke, she didn't forget to turn around and tell her when she walked to the kitchen door, "By the way, Xiaoxiao, you have tidied up the living room, and remember to tidy up your own room too, so that it doesn't look like a pig's nest to you. Sister Yang Mei saw the joke. "

"Okay mom, I get it."

The whole family got busy nervously.

At the same time, the shopping street here at Music Square.

"Sister Yang Mei, it's not even eight o'clock now, why did you call me out so early..."

Wu Xiaoyue, who was sleeping soundly, was called out of her home by Yang Mei's phone call. She was yawning in pain at the moment.

"Didn't we all agree yesterday that we should go shopping?"

Although she had bought gifts for Wu Yan and the others before, Yang Mei always felt that it was impolite to show up empty-handed, so she made an appointment with Wu Xiaoyue to go shopping today while she was on duty yesterday.

Wu Xiaoyue looked helpless, "I know I have to go shopping, but have you ever seen anyone go shopping at eight o'clock? Besides, there are still many stores not open!"

"But I'm afraid that if I get late, I won't be able to make it in time. Oh, Xiaoyue, just stay with me. I'll be there when you need something next time, okay?"

"Okay, for the sake of your lifelong happiness, Sister Yang Mei, I will definitely accept it. Come on, let's go where you want!"

"Xiaoyue, I know you are the best to me, so let's go to the tea shop in front first..."

Because she had specially prepared a meeting gift before, Yang Mei only bought some supplements such as tea and cordyceps for Wu Yan this time.

Thinking of Luo Fei saying that Luo Xiaoxiao liked the snacks she bought last time, he stopped by and bought her two large boxes.

After the two of them walked around in this circle, they also had several large and small bags in their hands.

After shopping around until about ten o'clock, Yang Mei received a call from Luo Fei.

"Yang Mei, have you gotten up? You can probably come over after packing up."

"Okay, I'm up. I'll be right away."

Yang Mei responded casually, and after hanging up the phone, she held Wu Xiaoyue's hand fiercely, "What should I do, Xiaoyue, I'm so nervous, how about you go with me."

"No, Sister Yang Mei, you are going to see your mother-in-law today, what's going on if I go with you to figure it out?"

Wu Xiaoyue helplessly held her forehead and said comfortingly, "Besides, you have bumped into your mother-in-law before, so why should you be nervous? Just treat her like an ordinary elder."


"Oh, it's nothing, but it's okay. Be more confident. For such an excellent daughter-in-law, your mother-in-law will definitely like you from the bottom of her heart."

Wu Xiaoyue said, regardless of whether she was still struggling, he pushed her into the car half-heartedly.

"Sister Yang Mei, go quickly. Don't let them wait too long. I will go home first."

"Then Xiaoyue, please be careful on the road."

"I know, you should be careful when driving... Sister Yang, come on, don't be nervous!"

Under Wu Xiaoyue's encouragement, Yang Mei took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down, then started the car and left.

"Luo Fei, please take this dish out... Don't bring this one out yet. It needs to be heated in a while, so as not to taste bad when it gets cold."

In the kitchen, Wu Yan kept giving instructions.

At this time, Luo Fei's cell phone rang, and he looked at Yang Mei's caller ID.

"Mom, Yang Mei may be here. I'll go down to pick her up first."

"Go quickly, go quickly!"

Luo Fei answered the phone and went downstairs.

After a while, he led Yang Mei into the house carrying large and small bags.

Wu Yan came out immediately when she heard the noise, "Daughter, you are here, come and sit down."

Before coming up, Yang Mei was really nervous, but now she was calm.

He smiled and said, "Hello, aunt."

Just sat down on the sofa.

At this time, Wu Yan also saw the gift Luo Fei placed on the coffee table and became anxious.

"Daughter, you brought so many things last time, why did you bring them again this time? Auntie like you would be embarrassed..."

"It's just a little tea and cordyceps. Auntie, I'm embarrassed to say that."

Luo Hao and Luo Xiaoxiao also ran up immediately and called Miss Yang Mei each.

Yang Mei immediately guessed the identities of the two of them, and hurriedly pushed the snacks specially prepared for them in front of them, "You are Luo Hao and Xiaoxiao. This is a small gift I prepared for you. I hope you like it. .”

"I like it, thank you Sister Yang Mei!"

Luo Xiaoxiao said happily. He glanced at his mother subconsciously and saw that she had no objection. Then he happily picked up his own box.

"As long as you like it, I'll bring it to you next time!"

As soon as these words came out, Luo Xiaoxiao's eyes lit up even more. She liked this future sister-in-law so much!

Then Luo Hao also picked up his box and thanked Yang Mei.

Wu Yan was still thinking about the dishes in the kitchen and said hurriedly, "Luo Fei, just sit with Yang Mei for a while. The food will be ready soon."

After saying that, she walked into the kitchen and started busying herself. After about ten minutes, the last two dishes were brought to the table, and she announced that the meal was ready.

When she came to the dining table and looked at the table full of delicacies, Yang Mei was surprised, "So many dishes?!"

"No, my mother got up early in the morning to organize this. If I hadn't kept saying enough, she could have done more." Luo Fei said, winking at her.

When Yang Mei heard this, she felt excited because she could feel Wu Yan's importance to her from these details.

"Thank you for your hard work, Auntie."

"It's not hard work, don't listen to his nonsense, hurry up and try auntie's cooking to see if it suits your taste."

"Well, the food cooked by auntie is so fragrant. You don't need to taste it to know that it must be delicious."

"Ha ha……"

Although Yang Mei is usually cold in front of her peers, she has always been open-minded in front of her elders.

A few words made Wu Yan smile from ear to ear. She was so satisfied with her daughter-in-law that she had nothing to say and kept picking up food for her.

In this way, several people finished the meal happily.

After the meal, Yang Mei took the initiative to help clear the table. Wu Yan was not willing to let her do it, so he asked Luo Fei to pull her aside and sit down.

While she was cleaning up, Luo Fei leaned into Yang Mei's ear and whispered, "Don't worry now, I just said my mother is easy to get along with."

Not used to being so intimate in front of his family, Yang Mei glared at him angrily, but she agreed with his words in her heart.

She could feel that Wu Yan's mother-in-law was really easy to get along with. The conflicts between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law that she was worried about would not arise.

After Wu Yan finished washing the dishes, she came over to chat with Yang Mei for a while.

Of course, most of the questions she asked Yang Mei answered, but the questions were not excessive. They were just about who else was in the family and what their parents did.

Yang Mei had been chatting with her for more than an hour, and then she got up and prepared to leave.

Wu Yan tried to persuade her to stay, but when she saw her persistence, she didn't force her anymore, but took out a thick red envelope.

"Yang Mei, this is your first time at Auntie's house. Auntie has nothing to offer you. You accept this red envelope and go buy something you like."

"Auntie, I can't accept this..."

Yang Mei tried her best to refuse, but in the end she couldn't refuse the offer and had to accept it.

Wu Yan happily waved to the two of them, "Then you two go out and have fun. Come and play often when you have time in the future."

"Okay, bye, auntie."

After saying goodbye, Yang Mei and Luo Fei went downstairs.

After arriving in the car, Yang Mei took out the bulging red envelope again and said, "Luo Fei, why don't you take this back? It's too much, I can't take it."

She didn't even need to look, she could guess from the thickness alone that there were at least ten thousand inside.

In fact, Luo Fei was also a little surprised.

Although he asked her to give her a big red envelope before, Wu Yan usually wanted to be the owner of two flowers for one money, but she didn't expect to be so generous this time.

But this also shows that she really likes Yang Mei as her daughter-in-law.

He didn't look at the red envelope, "My mother gave it to you, just keep it."

"But... how about I only take part of it, and you help me return the rest to auntie? I have no other intention, just..."

"No, you want me to be scolded to death."

He knew without even thinking that if he really did this, he would probably be kicked out of the house tonight.

When Yang Mei heard what he said, she could only give up the idea.

Afterwards, the two of them played outside happily all afternoon. When it was evening, they went home.

When she went to work on Monday, as soon as Yang Mei walked into the technical room, Wu Xiaoyue approached her with a gossipy face.

"Sister Yang Mei, tell me, did your meeting with your future mother-in-law go well yesterday?"


"What do you mean it's okay? Let's talk about it in detail..."

Yang Mei didn't want to say it at first, but she was so entangled that she had no choice but to say it briefly.

It was okay at first, but when she heard that Wu Yan had wrapped her a red envelope worth eleven thousand one hundred and eleven, Wu Xiaoyue lost her composure at all, and her envy was palpable.

"Sister Yang Mei, you are such a good mother-in-law! I suddenly envy you so much."

After Yang Mei went back last night, she counted carefully and found that the red envelope had eleven thousand one hundred and eleven. .

And it seemed that if it weren't for the fact that the red envelope couldn't be filled, she would probably have paid more than that.

Faced with Wu Xiaoyue's sigh, it was hard for her to disagree.

While the two best friends were whispering, Zhao Donglai called Luo Fei and Yang Su together for a meeting.

It's not a big deal, just a simple notification that the case of Ning Shaobin's gang has been officially submitted to the procuratorate, and he also revealed some news.

"Director Wu just called and said that leaders from the province may come to the commendation meeting at the end of the month to commend us in person, so you should all be alert that day, do you understand?"

They handled the Ning Shaobin gang case extremely well, and it was no surprise that it alarmed the province. The three of them were not much surprised when they heard this, and they all nodded to express their understanding.

Zhao Donglai let them out.

Nothing major happened in the next few days, so everyone lived a leisurely life of going to work normally and getting off work on time.

During this period, Tang Cuifang came to see Luo Fei once.

Zheng Huan's identity and household registration issue has been resolved, and her student status certificates from Linshui No. 1 Middle School have all been transferred. Because of her special situation, Ningjiang High School also decided to handle the matter in a special way and will soon give it to her. Zheng Huan went through the transfer procedures.

Tang Cuifang came to him mainly because she wanted to ask Luo Hao to take care of him at school.

After Luo Fei returned, he greeted Luo Hao, and Luo Hao naturally agreed.

After solving this matter, time quickly came to the end of the month.

Early in the morning, Luo Fei and the others put on their police uniforms and set out for the city.

This commendation meeting will be held in the conference room of the Municipal Public Security Bureau. Public security officers from the entire city will come to participate. The scale is many times larger than the previous ones they attended in the county.

When they entered, the conference room, which could accommodate several thousand people, was already filled with police officers.

There are also some familiar faces among them, all of whom I have met at the county's commendation meeting before.

What surprised Luo Fei the most was that a group of old acquaintances from the Songxin Town Police Station were also there.

"Zhou Suo, are you here to attend this commendation meeting?"

Seeing his former leader, Luo Fei hurriedly greeted him and looked behind him, but found no trace of Zhang Haiyang, "My master and the others are not here?"

When Zhou Weimin saw Luo Fei, his face burst into laughter, "No, I'm here alone this time."

With Zhang Haiyang's level, they are not able to attend the city's commendation meeting.

With that said, Zhou Weimin excitedly patted Luo Fei on the shoulder.

"Luo Fei, you really shocked all of us this time. You actually eliminated a trafficking gang in less than a month. I'm so impressed."

"Don't say that Zhou Suo, it's just luck..."

"Don't be so modest. Now Director Wu has specially ordered that all police stations in our jurisdiction come to participate in the commendation meeting. He told us to learn from you!"

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