Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 154 Meeting with Provincial Leaders (please subscribe and vote monthly)

While Luo Fei and Zhou Weimin were chatting, Zhao Donglai also met an old acquaintance.

Lu Jianfei, captain of the Municipal Criminal Investigation Detachment.

The two were familiar with each other, and he smiled and patted Zhao Donglai on the shoulder when they met.

"Not bad, Dong Lai. I have heard about this case. Your police team has made great achievements. Congratulations!"

"Captain Lu, it's time for me to congratulate you. You will be transferred to the province soon and you will be promoted step by step."

"Haha, aren't you the same? I heard Director Zheng say that after I am transferred, I will let you take over this position. Did he tell you?"

"Well Director Zheng has told me before."

"Work hard, and based on your current performance, you may be able to surpass me in achievements before you are my age in the future."

"Captain Lu, what you said is so embarrassing to me. It's not like you don't know my abilities, so how dare you compare with you? I'm satisfied if I can get to this point."

"You don't have to be so arrogant about yourself. You are not bad at ability, but your subordinate Luo Fei is also really good. I heard that he will also be transferred to the city with you this time?"

Lu Jianfei's tone was somewhat envious.

Luo Fei's ability was obvious to all. He followed Zhao Donglai to the city. Lu Jianfei had a hunch that as long as Luo Fei didn't make mistakes, Luo Fei would definitely be promoted again within two or three years at the latest. This young man's ability was really too strong. So strong that it completely ignores background relationships to a certain extent.

It's a pity that I didn't have the opportunity to become his direct leader. After all, I didn't have this opportunity...

The two chatted briefly, and Lu Jianfei went over first.

At this time, Yang Su, who had been following Zhao Donglai, was shocked and said, "Captain Zhao, are you and Luo Fei really going to be transferred to the city?"

What Lu Jianfei said just now was still echoing in his mind.

Zhao Donglai nodded, "Well, Director Zheng said so some time ago."

This news is too sudden.

"Then why didn't you tell us before?"

"The transfer order hasn't been issued yet. I thought it wouldn't be appropriate to publicize it, so I didn't say anything."

Yang Su felt a little uncomfortable in his heart.

After all, we have worked together for so long, and when he suddenly heard that Zhao Donglai was about to be transferred, he would inevitably feel disappointed.

Zhao Donglai looked at him seriously, "I originally planned to tell you some time later, but now that you know it in advance... Yang Su, Director Zheng asked me to recommend a candidate to replace my current position. I recommend it. Of course, whether this can be done depends on the attitude of the leader."

"You have been a police officer for the longest time, and you have the most outstanding experience and ability. If you really take over the position of captain, I hope you can perform well and don't let me down, you know?"

"Captain Zhao, thank you for your trust. If I become the captain, I will definitely work hard and never let you down." Yang Su was moved and promised hurriedly.

"Well, let's go over and sit down..."

At half past ten, the commendation meeting officially began.

This commendation conference was mainly held for the case of a trafficking gang. This case involved a large number of people and spanned a wide range of regions. It was already relatively serious, so the authorities attached great importance to it.

So this time, in addition to Zheng Changjun and other city leaders, there were also three leaders from the province.

Judging from the epaulettes on the shoulders of the three of them, they should all be above Zheng Changjun.

A group of people sat down on the rostrum. After Zheng Changjun briefly asked the three people for their opinions, he took out the manuscript and started to get down to the topic.

He first made a brief summary of several recent cases with relatively high impact in the city, of course focusing on the abduction and trafficking case of Ning Shaobin's gang.

At the same time, I commended the departments that investigated these cases, and then came the commendation session.

The process of commendation is first collective and then individual.

So the first person whose name was read was Luo Fei's police team.

"This time it is all thanks to the efforts of all the comrades of the Jiangning County Criminal Police Team that we were able to smash the trafficking group headed by Ning Shaobin in one fell swoop and rescued more than 130 abducted people, of whom more than 80 people have been reunited with their families. ."

"In view of their hard work, we will be credited with third-class collective merit. Now we invite them all to come on stage!"

As early as Zheng Changjun read it, Zhao Donglai and the others stood up from their seats.

Everyone lined up and walked towards the stage with heads held high under the leadership of Zhao Donglai.

The person in charge of awarding the awards this time was a leader from the province. I just heard from Zheng Changjun that he seemed to be the deputy director of the Provincial Public Security Department, named Zhou Longgang.

This man was about forty years old, about the same age as Zhao Donglai. He was smiling all over his face, making him look very easy-going.

After he handed the medals, certificates of honor and bonuses to Zhao Donglai, he shook hands with everyone one by one, and finally took a group photo with them.

"The criminal police team in Jiangning County has been quite aggressive in the past six months. One big case after another has been solved."

"No, even the whole Jiangning County has followed the scenery."

"Hey, who made the police force have a genius for solving crimes? We can't compare..."

At the same time, the police officers from various departments in the audience were also talking about this scene, and their voices could not hide their envy and jealousy towards Zhao Donglai.

In particular, some captains and director leaders were all upset that they did not have a police officer as good as Luo Fei among their subordinates.

Otherwise, they wouldn’t have to watch today...

After Luo Fei and the others went down, Zheng Changjun read out the names of two more departments.

One of them is the Municipal Criminal Investigation Detachment. Because of its outstanding performance and excellent results, it was recorded as a second-class collective merit.

The other one is the Jiangning County Anti-Drug Brigade, Wang Sanqian's team. Because they had destroyed several drug trafficking dens in the past, they were also given a collective commendation.

However, Wang Sanqian was not among those who came to the stage to receive the award.

Luo Fei briefly inquired about Zhao Donglai and learned that the other party was performing a secret mission. Zhao Donglai speculated that he was working as an undercover agent.

"It should be. I remember that since the last commendation meeting, no one else has been present."

Luo Fei said casually. As for whether the last sentence was an accident, he swallowed it back silently.

Zhao Donglai misunderstood what he meant, "Do you think everyone is as fast as you? And those drug dealers are much more insidious and cunning than people like Shu Anguo. It's normal for it to take a long time. Sometimes some anti-drug police even have to stay undercover for a year or two. All situations exist.”

Luo Fei nodded to express his understanding and did not explain more.

At the same time, everyone in the audience continued to discuss Jiangning County.

After all, there are three collective honorary commendations, and Ningjiang County accounts for two.

Wu Cheng, who was sitting in the front row, was always smiling from ear to ear. His subordinates were excellent, and he, the director, also had a good face.

The leaders of several other counties were furious when they saw it.

After the collective commendation, it’s the individual’s turn.

Zheng Changjun thought, "The reason why this huge trafficking gang case was solved so quickly was not only the concerted efforts of Jiangning County Criminal Police Team, but also the able command of captain Zhao Donglai and the leadership of Comrade Luo Fei, leader of the third group." Discover carefully."

"So it has been decided that each of them will receive first-class merit. Of course, I would also like to praise Comrade Luo Fei here."

"Although he was admitted to our Ministry of Public Security only last year, he has repeatedly made outstanding achievements since he entered the police force and solved many major cases one after another. I also hope that everyone here can learn more from him."

After Zheng Changjun finished speaking, thunderous applause erupted from the audience.

Luo Fei and Zhao Donglai took to the stage again.

After Zhou Longgang handed over their medals, certificates of honor and awards to the two of them, he patted them on the shoulders encouragingly, "Keep working hard in the future, I'm very optimistic about you!"

While speaking, he glanced at Luo Fei emphatically.

"Thank you, leader, we promise to live up to the expectations of the leader!"

Zhao Donglai spoke on behalf of the two of them, with an excited tone.

In the audience, Wu Xiaoyue watched this scene and immediately leaned into Yang Mei's ear.

"Sister Yang Mei, are you particularly proud to see Luo Fei being so good?"

"Then you still need to tell me?"

Yang Mei rolled her eyes at her, then turned her head, with a smile that couldn't be hidden on her face.

Then Luo Fei and Zhou Longgang took a group photo together, and then left.

Zheng Changjun began to recite Yang Su and Zhang Fan's personal second-class merit, and Wang Yong's third-class merit.

Yang Su and Zhang Fan had not experienced this kind of scene before, so they seemed very calm from beginning to end. But Wang Yong, on the other hand, seemed very excited because it was the first time in his life to go on stage to receive recognition.

After commending them, Zheng Changjun read out the names of several more people, one of whom was Lu Jianfei.

Lu Jianfei's police team was praised this time because the serial robbery and murder case they had solved previously was finally closed. As the person in charge, Lu Jianfei was also recorded as a second-class personal merit.

Luo Fei Luo Fei heard Lu Jianfei and Zhao Donglai talking about this case before. It seemed that the murderer committed crimes one after another and also shot and killed an employee who worked at the Electric Power Bureau. The impact was very bad.

After a month of sleepless pursuit, Lu Jianfei and the others finally succeeded in bringing the murderer to justice. However, the case reached a deadlock because the murderer refused to plead guilty.

A few days ago, they finally found some conclusive evidence and the case began to enter the judicial process.

According to Zhao Dong, Lu Jianfei's promotion this time was also due to his outstanding performance in this case.

After the individual commendations were over, Zheng Changjun did not announce the adjournment of the meeting immediately, but continued to speak.

"I have a few more things to announce today. The first one is Comrade Lu Jianfei, the captain of the Municipal Criminal Investigation Detachment. Since he took up the position of captain, he has worked hard and fulfilled his duties. During his tenure, he has solved many difficult and major cases."

"So after the unanimous decision of the province, it has been decided to transfer him to the provincial criminal police team as captain. Now everyone please applaud to congratulate him!"

Everyone immediately applauded, and Lu Jianfei immediately stood up from his seat and bowed in all directions.

Zheng Changjun continued, "As for the position of captain of the Jiangzhou City Criminal Investigation Detachment, after discussions between me and the bureau, it was decided that Comrade Zhao Donglai from the Ningjiang County Criminal Police Team should take the position."

"In addition, in view of Comrade Luo Fei's outstanding performance, the Municipal Bureau decided to let him join the Municipal Criminal Investigation Detachment along with Zhao Donglai's notice. The reason why we chose to announce it in public today is to encourage everyone here to learn from them."

"The assessment standards of our Ministry of Public Security have never been based on qualifications. Only if you have the ability, no matter you are a newcomer or an old person, you can be reused."

Encouraged by his words, thunderous applause suddenly broke out again.

At the same time, except for Yang Mei and Yang Su who knew about it, everyone in the Ningjiang Criminal Police Team was stunned by the news.

Team leaders Zhao and Team Leader Luo are going to be transferred? !

People in the other groups didn't know what they were thinking, but the four people in the third group just felt very upset at the first time.

They are very self-aware. At least 90% of the current glory of the police force depends on Luo Fei.

If he leaves, won't they immediately return to their previous state?


At 12:40, the commendation meeting ended.

Everyone came out of the conference room and dispersed in groups, while Luo Fei and Zhao Donglai were called to Zheng Changjun's office.

"Come from the east, Luo Fei, this is Secretary Wang from the Provincial Public Security Department." Zheng Changjun briefly introduced the old man next to him.

Wang Wen'an, a senior official of the Public Security Department, also looked at the two people with a smile.

His position is still above Zhou Longgang, and he is also the highest-ranking leader Zhao Donglai and the others have contact with.

Therefore, the two of them did not dare to neglect and hurriedly said hello, "Hello, Secretary Wang."

Wang Wen'an smiled very kindly from beginning to end, "Don't be nervous, your performance is great this time, that's why I want to meet you alone."

"By the way, Luo Fei, I heard that you were able to catch this trafficking gang this time. You discovered it by the way when you were investigating the Wang Wenbin case. Can you tell me the details?"

Wang Wen'an looked at Luo Fei curiously.

Of course, Luo Fei would not let go of this opportunity to perform in front of the leader, and quickly explained the ins and outs.

"Are you saying that you suspected Yang Dawei of killing his wife, and then when you followed and monitored him, you undoubtedly discovered that he was also related to human trafficking?"


Wang Wen'an nodded repeatedly after hearing this, "You can find many doubtful points with just a short contact. At the same time, you are bold and careful, and you are willing to take the truth to the end. That's good. Our public security community needs excellent police officers like you."

He praised Luo Fei without hesitation and said, "Then Yang Dawei's wife..."

"It has been confirmed that his wife was indeed killed by him. Our captain reported this case two days ago and submitted it to the prosecutor's office."

Hearing this, Wang Wen'an was even more shocked by Luo Fei's ability.

Discovering suspicious points based on intuition is an ability that every criminal police officer should have, but it is very rare to have such accurate intuition.

Especially Luo Fei can't help but have accurate intuition and his ability to solve crimes is also top-notch.

He was even more satisfied with Luo Fei and praised him a lot. His words naturally encouraged him to perform well and he would definitely have a bright future.

Luo Fei also hurriedly expressed his gratitude to the leader for his attention and would definitely live up to his expectations.

Then Wang Wen'an took out a thick pile of money and handed it into Zhao Donglai's hand.

"This is your reward for catching Wang Pingchuan, the fugitive who has been offered a reward by the xz police. The total amount is 100,000 yuan. When you return, you can share it among your comrades according to the merit."

"Of course, don't worry. You have earned a lot of face for the province this time, so the province will not fail to express that the reward will be directly added to your salary according to your respective merits."

Zhao Donglai hurriedly and excitedly expressed his gratitude to the leader for his love on behalf of everyone else.

Afterwards, Wang Wen'an said a few simple words and let them go out.

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