Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 155 This is a good thing (please subscribe and vote monthly)

Coming out of Zheng Changjun's office, the two of them happened to bump into Wu Cheng who was about to leave, and the two sides inevitably exchanged pleasantries.

Wu Cheng has been having a good time recently. Because of Luo Fei's outstanding performance, he has also received many awards from his superiors. Even several leaders from the province have affirmed his work, which makes him even more proud. People feel refreshed when happy events occur.

At this time, he was sad that his two favorite generals were about to be transferred, but at the same time, he was also happy for them.

After all, the better the people under him are, the more respectable he will be as a leader.

"Donglai, Luo Fei, you must behave well after you go to the city. I am very optimistic about you!"

After patting the two of them on the shoulders and encouraging them, he added, "By the way, Donglai, the city has approved your application to recommend Yang Su to take over your position as captain. Please remember to inform me when you return."

Luo Fei listened to the conversation between the two. Zhao Donglai recommended Yang Su to take his place?

However, Yang Su is now the oldest member of the police force and his ability to solve crimes is not weak, so it is normal to choose him.

After parting ways with Wu Cheng, the two rushed back to the police force.

Yang Su and his party left first, so when they came back, these people were gathering in the hall outside to chat.

"I'm so envious of Team Leader Luo. He was transferred to the city just a short time ago. His future will definitely be bright."

"I can't help it. If Team Leader Luo is strong, we can only envy him."

"Hey, he has been promoted twice. Normally, I should be happy for them, but when I think about the police force losing them in the future, I feel unhappy..."

"Who says it's not the case? Team Leader Luo has finally managed to bring the achievements of our police force forward. Once he leaves, we will have to go back to before liberation..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone who was already depressed suddenly started to cry out.

Zhao Donglai and Luo Fei walked in just at this time.

Seeing them all looking dejected and dejected, Zhao Donglai couldn't help but wonder, "What's going on? Aren't you supposed to be happy just after receiving the award? Why are you still looking like this?"

"Captain Zhao, you are back!"

"Captain Zhao, you are too strict in your tone. If Director Zheng hadn't informed you today, we still wouldn't have known that you and Team Leader Luo had been promoted. Congratulations!"

"Congratulations to Team Leader Zhao and Team Leader Luo. Don't forget your brothers when you go to the city in the future!"

"That's right, don't forget each other even if you are rich or noble!"

Everyone congratulated each other, and Wang Lei rolled his eyes and said, "Team Zhao, Team Leader Luo, we usually forget about it, but this time it's both first-class merit and promotion. Shouldn't you express your gratitude? "

"That's right, what Wang Lei said makes perfect sense!"

"Team Zhao, it's unreasonable for Team Leader Luo to refuse to treat us!"

Under the leadership of Wang Lei, everyone clamored for a treat for the two of them.

In fact, Zhao Donglai had already planned to treat everyone to a breakup meal before being transferred.

Hearing this, he smiled and said, "No problem... Then don't leave after get off work today. Let's get together. You can decide what you want to eat. Just let me know before you get off work."

"Okay, I'll wait for your words, Captain Zhao!" Everyone cheered immediately.

Someone else looked at Luo Fei with a smile, "Team Leader Luo, what about you?"

Luo Fei knew in his heart that he couldn't escape from this meal, so he was very straightforward.

"Since Team Zhao is scheduled for today, I will do it this weekend."

"It's Fat Sister's Hot Pot in Xinjie. Since everyone is here, I won't make any further notice. Don't forget it."

Together, their police force currently has a total of twenty-two people.

Zhao Donglai has worked for many years and is the captain of the criminal police team. His salary is at least twice that of Luo Fei.

He can have money and be willful and let everyone decide what they want to eat, but Luo Fei's wallet does not support him being so arrogant.

So I directly chose the affordable hot pot.

Fortunately, everyone was very understanding and had no intention of making things difficult for him.

The matter was settled just like that.

Afterwards, Zhao Donglai called squadron leaders Luo Fei, Yang Su, Zhang Fan, Yang Mei, and Liu Qiang to the office.

"This time our collective third-class merit reward is 50,000 yuan. I plan to divide the money among each group according to their contribution. Do you have any objections?"


His division was the fairest, so none of the five people objected.

"Okay, then my plan is for Luo Fei's three groups, 20,000, Luo Fei personally 10,000, Wang Yong 3,000, Sun Jun 3,000, Zhang Fan and Zhao Cheng each 2,000."

"The remaining two groups are 10,000 each...the police dog squadron and the technical squadron are 5,000 each."

Zhao Donglai briefly explained his arrangements.

Considering that his salary was not bad, and he was not short of the 1,800 yuan, he gave all the 50,000 yuan to the five squadrons, and he did not get a single point.

It can also be seen from this that he is indeed a good leader.

Among them, Luo Fei's personal share was already the total amount of one group and two groups, but no one present felt there was anything wrong.

After all, without him, they wouldn't even be able to get this reward.

Seeing that no one had any objections, Zhao Donglai counted the amount of each group, handed it to each of them, and told them to give it to their own group members in the future.

After sending it out, he added, "Except for Yang Su and Zhang Fan, everyone else should go and get busy."

"Okay Captain Zhao, let's go down first."

After coming out, Liu Qiang from the police dog squadron said something and strode towards his office.

Yang Mei and Luo Fei were left walking and chatting slowly.

"It's okay, Luo Fei. You only share 10,000 of the 50,000 yuan bonus. Shouldn't you also express your gratitude to me?"

Yang Mei mostly said this as a joke, but Luo Fei really took it seriously when he heard it.

Having been in love with her for so long, it seems that he has never given her any serious gifts.

He said seriously, "Okay, if you want anything, I'll buy it for you."

Yang Mei has long been accustomed to his straight male expression.

"I'm just joking, don't take it seriously, and I don't have anything special, so you might as well save the money... for our wedding."

Unexpectedly, this girl thought so long-term, Luo Fei laughed, "Okay, then I will listen to you."

"By the way, you caught the wanted criminal Wang Pingchuan before. Didn't he have a reward? Has the reward been paid?"

"Come down. The provincial leader has handed over the money to Captain Zhao today. I guess he will finish his work soon and he will divide it up."

Yang Mei nodded, "That's good. You will definitely get a lot of it by then."

Hearing this, Luo Fei was noncommittal.

At that time, in order to follow Yang Dawei, he voluntarily gave up the opportunity to arrest Wang Pingchuan.

Although Zhao Dong later said that he would be credited with the arrest, he was not sure how much he would get.

However, since he was the main contributor to this case, he would definitely receive a lot of salary and bonuses at that time, so it didn't matter to him how much the bounty was.

After returning to the office of Group Three, he immediately handed over the money to Wang Yong and others.

When the four of them heard that the prize was their collective honor, they couldn't help but inquire about it.

"Team leader, how many of the two groups have been divided into them?"

"Our group has 20,000, and one group and two groups have 10,000 each..."

Wang Yong laughed immediately, "Sure enough, it's fun to hang out with the team leader. We are twice as powerful as them!"

"Of course, since the team leader came, our salary has never been higher than theirs..."

"I said Wang Yong, your third prize is five thousand, plus the current three thousand, it's almost ten thousand. Isn't it a bit inappropriate for you to just treat us to some barbecue?"

"What's a small ten thousand? That's still two thousand short... Anyway, there's only barbecue. You can eat it whether you like it or not!"

The few people didn't say a word before they started bickering again.

Luo Fei listened for a while and then returned to his seat, picked up a criminal investigation book and started reading.

Over here, the office.

"This time I was transferred, and the county asked me to recommend a replacement, and I recommended Yang Su. I just met Director Wu and he said that the matter has been decided."

After Zhao Dong finished speaking, Yang Su was obviously a little excited, while Zhang Fan looked surprised and had mixed emotions.

Although he knew that in terms of qualifications and ability, it was impossible for him to be the captain of the criminal police team, he would still feel somewhat disappointed when it was confirmed.

Zhao Donglai obviously understood, so he chose to leave the two of them alone to talk about it.

He patted Zhang Fan on the shoulder and said, "Zhang Fan, don't have any other ideas."

"Your performance over the years has actually been pretty good, but there can only be one person in this position, so I hope you can understand."

"Captain Zhao, I understand that Lao Yang's performance has always been better than mine. He deserves the title of captain. Don't worry, I won't have any ideas."

"That's good."

Zhao Donglai nodded with satisfaction, "I'm relieved if you think so."

"Besides, Director Zheng and Director Wu have always emphasized that in our Ministry of Public Security, those who are capable will be promoted, and those who are not will be demoted, so as long as you work hard, you don't have to worry about not having the chance to be promoted. Isn't Luo Fei a good example? Say yes."

The two of them naturally nodded again and again.

"In addition, the reward for our arrest of Wang Pingchuan last time has also been reduced. The total is one hundred thousand yuan. I plan to divide it equally according to the credit."

"Although Luo Fei did not participate in the arrest at that time, without him, we would not have been able to find each other, so I decided to give Luo Fei a share of the credit for the arrest. Do you have any objections?"

"Of course, we haven't agreed on this issue before, and we definitely have no objection."

"Yes, I have no objection either."

"Okay, in addition to the arrest of the four of us, members of the three groups also participated in the identity verification of the other party, and finally found out the identity of the other party's fugitive."

"So my plan is that each of the four of us will have 20,000, Wang Yong will have 10,000, and the remaining three will have 10,000 and the other three will share it equally. What do you think?"

"I think it makes sense."

Only then did Zhao Donglai divide the 100,000 that Wang Wen'an gave him.

Yang Su and Yang Su were holding a thick wad of money and couldn't be happier.

"Okay, then if you have nothing else to do, you can all go down and do your work. By the way, remember to ask the people from the third group to come too."

"Okay, Captain Zhao."

After that, Yang Su went to the third group office to inform.

When a few people came over, Zhao Donglai didn't waste any words and immediately handed the money to them according to the previous arrangement.

The few people who got the money were very happy, especially Wang Yong. His bonuses combined today are higher than one month's salary.

Several people thanked them, took the money and went out happily.

Luo Fei fell at the back, walked a few steps and suddenly stepped back.

"What's wrong, Luo Fei, is there anything else?"

"Captain Zhao, I was not involved in the arrest at that time. Isn't this money a bit too much? Why don't you take back 10,000 yuan? Otherwise, I always feel that I deserve it..."

Luo Fei never thought that he would be able to get such a large bounty, and his highest expectation was only 10,000.

Zhao Donglai thought he wanted to say something, "You can take it if it's given to you. This amount is the result of discussion between Zhang Fan and I, so there is no need to feel any psychological burden."

"Then...well, by the way, Captain Zhao, there is something else I want to discuss with you."

"What did you say?"

"Can I recommend Sun Jun to be the leader of the third team? He has good abilities and a stable temperament. I think he will definitely be qualified for this position."

If Luo Fei, the dark horse, hadn't come out of nowhere, Sun Jun would have been the leader of the third group, so when he heard what he said, Zhao Donglai nodded immediately.

"Okay. In fact, I am more interested in him. I will call and apply to the superiors soon."

"Okay, then I'll thank Captain Zhao on behalf of Sun Jun."

"By the way, Luo Fei, remember to prepare the handover report in advance. I estimate that the transfer order will only be completed within the next two days, so as not to be in a hurry."

"If you don't understand anything about the report, just ask me or Yang Su."


Five p.m.

Everyone who usually disappears when the time comes, but today they are all chatting and laughing in the hall outside.

Zhao Donglai walked over and said, "How are you doing? Have you thought about anything delicious?"

A group of people looked at each other, and Wang Lei from the last group stood up as a representative.

"Captain Zhao, I heard that there is a new private restaurant on Orchid Street that tastes good. How about..." He rubbed his hands and laughed.

Zhao Donglai didn't understand why, so he waved his hand and said, "Okay, let's go to this restaurant to eat."

Everyone immediately cheered and set off towards Orchid Street in a mighty manner.

On the way, Luo Fei took the time to call Wu Yan and told her that everyone was going to have a dinner today and would not go home to eat.

Wu Yan gave a few instructions and then hung up.

When we took a look at the place and saw that the decoration and environment were acceptable, everyone decided that this was the place to go.

After entering, we asked for a large private room, and everyone ordered a table full of dishes and started eating.

During this period, in addition to toasting Zhao Donglai and Luo Fei to celebrate, everyone also did not miss Yang Su.

They had all heard that Yang Su would take over as captain Zhao Donglai, so they naturally had to establish a good relationship with the new leader in advance.

After a while, a group of people drank a lot.

Wang Yong's face turned red after drinking, and he began to pull Luo Fei to express his reluctance.

"Team leader, I really hate to let you go. You must never forget my brother in the future..."

Wang Lei on the side ruthlessly broke down the situation, "I'm not telling you, Wang Yong, are you reluctant to let Team Leader Luo go, or are you reluctant to let him go and the performance of your three teams be lost?"

Wang Yong didn't feel embarrassed at all when his thoughts were revealed, "Don't you know that as a consultant, our team leader is equal to our performance, so of course neither of us can bear to part with him..."

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