Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 164 Discovering the situation (please subscribe and vote monthly)

Half past four in the afternoon.

After watching the last set of surveillance videos near the Yongjiang Bridge on the day Zheng Bei was killed, Luo Fei felt confident.

He stretched and stood up from the stool.

Moving his neck, which was sore from sitting still for a long time, he said to the other three, "I'm going to report to Captain Zhao now. Do you want to come with me?"

The three people who were struggling with the surveillance video suddenly looked up, and when they saw his calm expression, they were all shocked!

Zhang Wei guessed in disbelief, "Team, team leader, don't say you have discovered something?"

After saying that, he now denied it in his heart.

How can this be!


Hearing this, the three of them could fit an egg into their mouths.

Finally, the three of them followed Luo Fei into Zhao Donglai's office in disbelief.

"Luo Fei, do you guys... have any clues?"

"That's right, Captain Zhao. I checked all the surveillance videos and found a very suspicious object."

Zhao Donglai was also excited.

"Quickly tell me who it is!"

"That's Lao Wu who works in the cafeteria."

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Donglai didn't have much reaction. Zhang Wei had already exclaimed, "How is this possible? Team leader, are you right?"

With Old Wu's appearance, he doesn't look like a murderer, does he?

It’s not surprising that he had such a big reaction, after all, Lao Wu’s usual disguise was indeed deeply rooted in people’s hearts.

Even He Xin couldn't help but remind him, "Team leader, Lao Wu is a disabled person. It might be difficult for him to kill people and dismember them..."

"Old Wu's legs were just defective, but they were not unable to move normally. Moreover, according to the autopsy results, the three deceased were all injected with sedative drugs before their death, so Old Wu was fully capable of committing crimes."


"I know you may find it hard to believe it for a moment, but I doubt him and I'm not making random guesses."

"First of all, according to my investigation, Lao Wu's usual movements are very regular, but during the three time periods when the crimes occurred, his whereabouts from 6 pm to 6 am were not monitored."

"In addition, in the last surveillance picture of Zheng Bei before he was killed, he seemed to have seen something, so he changed his direction and walked towards the embankment of Yongjiang Bridge."

"Now we boldly speculate that he may not have seen anything else at that time, but an acquaintance, and he should not have been wary of this person at all, so he walked over, and then the murderer took the opportunity to inject anesthetic drugs and was eventually killed. "

The four people present had seen the surveillance video before Zheng Bei's murder.

It is undeniable that Luo Fei's inference is indeed reasonable.

However, "This does not mean that the murderer is Lao Wu."

Facing He Xin's reasonable rebuttal, Luo Fei smiled slightly.

"It really can't be proven, but I checked all the surveillance around the Yongjiang Bridge from 6 pm on July 10 to the early morning of July 11. Guess what I found?"

As expected, everyone's appetite was whetted by him, and they all looked at him, "What did you find?"

"After getting off work at six o'clock that day, Lao Wu passed by the Yongjiang Bridge around 6:10, and then appeared at a monitored intersection south of the bridge. After that, he did not appear again at several monitored intersections."

"And this intersection is exactly the same as the one where Zheng Bei was killed before he was killed!"

"When there was trace of him again, it was already 8:30 the next morning. He bought a breakfast at the entrance of their community and then set off to work in the cafeteria."

Several people were stunned.

According to what he said, Lao Wu's suspicion was indeed high.

But what puzzled them was how Luo Fei thought of paying attention to this problem.

You must know that Lao Wu got off work at six o'clock in the afternoon, and the time when Zheng Bei was killed was at least between three and four o'clock in the morning that night, with at least nine hours in between.

Normal investigations start from the time when the victim was killed and push forward bit by bit. When there are no more clues, they will continue to push to an earlier time.

In addition, the direction they focused on at that time was suspicious vehicles traveling along the road or people acting suspiciously.

For people like Lao Wu who pass this route on and off work, or for people who pass by so early in the morning, everyone can just glance at it and pass by. Who will pay attention to whether he appears at the next intersection?

Otherwise, with so many people coming and going every day, everyone would have to check it again, and they wouldn't be able to finish it in a year.

But Luo Fei went to check and leave at 6pm as soon as he came up. Such targeted behavior gave them the feeling that he knew that Old Wu was the murderer all along.

Zhao Donglai naturally felt the same way.

He couldn't help but ask, "Luo Fei, tell me honestly, did you discover there was something wrong with this person early on?"

He had long known that Luo Fei had a very keen intuition when facing the murderer.

Thinking about it again, Luo Fei has indeed had a lot of contact with Lao Wu intentionally or unintentionally.

At first, he felt strange, secretly thinking that he had never seen Luo Fei so warm-hearted before. Did he already realize that there was something wrong with the other person's relationship?

This time Luo Fei didn't hide anything anymore.

He nodded, "Yes, the first time I met this person, I felt something was wrong with him."

"What's wrong?"

In the past few days since he came to the police force, Zhao Donglai had also had contact with the other party, but apart from finding him weird, he didn't find anything wrong with him?

"Captain Zhao, don't you think Lao Wu is a little strange? He seems to be overly enthusiastic about our police. Of course, this can be explained by the fact that he likes the profession of police. The weird smile can also be explained by the fact that he has been stimulated."

"But the first time I chatted with him, I had a vague feeling that he didn't really respect us. Instead, he had a sense of disobedience like a cat and mouse."

"So that afternoon, I went to his house in the name of visiting, and actually found three newspapers with news about the victims in his house. I talked about the case with excuses, but he also talked about it..."

Luo Fei briefly described how Lao Wu made him feel at that time.

After Zhao Donglai heard this, he almost died of anger.

"You guy, why didn't you tell us such an important clue earlier? And now that you have discovered that there is something wrong with him, you actually dare to run to his house alone. Do you have any sense of safety?"

"Captain Zhao, I went there because I was sure he wouldn't do anything. Besides, I had no evidence at the time. Would you believe me?"

"I...even if I don't believe it, I didn't take it seriously when you reported the situation! Anyway, next time this happens again, you must report it to me first!"

"Okay, I will report it in advance next time."

At the same time, Zhang Wei and the others finally came to their senses!

"I went to the team leader and told him this, and I finally understood why I felt uncomfortable every time I saw this guy smile."

"When this case happened, he kept everyone chatting and analyzing. I thought he was an addict working as a police officer. He was showing off his feelings and laughing at us?!"

"I gave him the newspaper about the case of the female teacher at that time. I was still wondering at the time why he collected it. It turned out that he was collecting it as a trophy?"

The three of them were angry.

Just thinking about how they were treated like fools by Old Wu, who might still be hiding in the dark and laughing at them, made them so angry that they wanted to catch each other and beat them up.

"Captain Zhao, what are you waiting for? Catch this bastard quickly!"

"That's right, this bastard is not only crazy, but he also openly provokes our police. We must not let him go!"

"Don't worry. Although we have discovered him now, we still lack key evidence. If we catch him like this, he will not plead guilty."

"What should we do?"

"This bastard has deceived us for so long without being exposed. It shows that he is very cunning. He must have destroyed all the key evidence long ago. Where can we find evidence?"

"That's impossible to say."

Luo Fei smiled with an inscrutable look on his face.

At this time, the three of them had long admired him, and upon seeing this, they all said, "Team leader, just tell me what to do, we all listen to you!"

"That's right, team leader, just arrange it!"

"Team Zhao, I would like to request that we conduct a comprehensive investigation on Lao Wu, including all aspects of his growth, study, work, etc. In short, the more detailed the better."

"I always feel that his change in mentality from dreaming of being a police officer to hating and provoking police officers is by no means unreasonable. So as long as we understand these reasons, we may be able to get clues."

"Okay, then I'll do as you say!" Zhao Donglai nodded repeatedly.

"In addition, in order to speed up the progress, can we ask the second and fourth teams to help? Of course, if they or some team members are unwilling, there is no need to force it."

Although the four of them would be able to find out this matter in a day or two at most if they put in a little more effort.

But Luo Fei is not the kind of person who is ignorant. Liao Xingyu and the others offered to help at noon. Of course, he had to express this favor.

"Okay, I'll talk to them later."

Zhao Donglai said, his face became gloomy, "As for Wang Tao in your group, I think he is not suitable to work with you. When this matter is over, I will transfer him to another group."

In the morning, Wang Tao came to his office and demanded to quit, which really pissed him off.

In fact, he didn't care whether the other party participated or not, since he was not expected to solve the case anyway.

The main reason is that the other party's behavior is obviously a slap in the face. After all, this case was filed by him and Luo Fei together. Doesn't the other party mean to question his decision by making such a fuss?

I'm afraid no leader would like such a subordinate.

"I have no objection, Captain Zhao, just make the arrangements."

Luo Fei nodded.

No matter if he is transferred away, he can just be out of sight and out of mind.

Hearing this decision, He Xin and the other three couldn't help but feel anxious for Wang Tao.

To put it nicely, he was transferred to another group.

But now that each group has enough personnel, where can he be transferred?

Besides, each group only gets so many performance appraisal points every month. If there is one more person, the original number of people will be reduced. Which group would be happy?

Wang Tao, you have really narrowed your path...

Lin Jie and Lin Jie sighed quietly, but neither of them thought about interceding for him.

After all, they had already tried to persuade him, but he was determined to have his own way, and there was nothing they could do to help him.

As for Zhang Wei, it was even more impossible to plead for mercy. He usually felt that Wang Tao was a bit condescending, and he deserved it even if he was transferred.

At the same time, three groups of offices.

"Wang Tao, I'm not talking about you. Luo Fei is Captain Zhao's right-hand man. If you go against Luo Fei like this, you've offended Captain Zhao. How will you be able to work in the police force in the future?"

Li Jun, the leader of the third group, said.

Hearing this, Wang Tao curled his lips mockingly, "That's better than following him around. It's not like you don't know how difficult Team Leader Li's case was back then."

"Do you really think that a rookie who has never even been to the police academy and got in by taking the public examination can break through?"

In fact, Li Jun didn't think highly of Luo Fei, but based on Luo Fei's performance, he felt that the other party would not act recklessly.

"You can't say that. Luo Fei's performance in the county criminal police team was quite remarkable. Maybe he was really confident. I think you should go and admit your mistake to Captain Zhao and go back as soon as possible."

"Everyone is investigating the case, and it's not a problem for you to wander outside like this."

Li Jun and Wang Tao entered the police force in the same batch, but he had better luck. In the past two years, the leader of the third group retired, and he was successfully promoted to captain.

At this moment, he also had good intentions and did not want Wang Tao to make common sense mistakes at this age.

But Wang Tao misunderstood what he meant, and he said sarcastically, "Li Jun, you don't need to persuade me. I know you are all afraid of offending Zhao Donglai, but I am not afraid."

"Just wait. When Luo Fei stumbles on this case, what about the captain? He will still be punished if he doesn't do things well. Maybe the captain will have to be replaced by someone else."

After that, regardless of Li Jun's expression, he stood up and said, "Okay, I'm leaving."

Li Jun could only look at his back and shake his head.

Here, Zhao Donglai also found Liao Xingyu and the leader of the fourth group, Zhou Fan.

After telling Luo Fei what he had discovered, both of them were equally shocked. Lian Huo Fei was too amazing.

I thought he was doing useless work, but I didn't expect that he would make such a big discovery in just one day.

At the same time, they also realized that Luo Fei was clearly deliberately giving them credit.

If it is finally confirmed that it is Lao Wu, then all those involved will be rewarded based on their merits.

The two of them felt grateful and quickly agreed.

Then Zhao Donglai called all the three groups together, held a brief meeting to discuss, and determined the next work.

Everyone who was eager to solve the case worked overtime for two hours, planning to find out all the basic information about Lao Wu first, and then go directly to visit and investigate early tomorrow morning.

You wouldn't know the results if you didn't check them, but once they checked, they really discovered a lot of problems.

For example, before Lao Wu came to work in the cafeteria, he actually worked as a cleaner at Tianfu Middle School for a long time!

This would explain why he was able to sneak into Tianfu Middle School and kill people without being discovered by the surveillance cameras.

Also, the date when Lao Wu's mother died of illness was actually March 11th a few years ago.

Combined with the fact that every time he kills someone, he always chooses the 11th day, which makes people think that he is commemorating his mother.

All kinds of discoveries seemed to prove that Luo Fei's speculation was correct, and everyone couldn't help but get excited. If it weren't for the fact that it was already dark, they would even wish they could go visit and investigate right away.

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