Early the next morning.

As soon as they arrived at the police station, Luo Fei and Liao Xingyu started taking action.

As agreed last night, all members of the second and fourth groups went to Guangyuan County, where Lao Wu’s household registration is located, to conduct a detailed investigation into his past life.

Luo Fei led a group to visit Lao Wu after working.

As one of the places where the crime occurred, Tianfu Middle School is naturally the top priority.

So their first stop is here.

The four of them identified themselves and easily met the principal of the school after entering.

After learning their purpose, the other party explained, "Director Liang Qin of the Logistics Department has always been in charge of the school's logistics staff and work, so perhaps only she knows about these things."

"Then can we meet Director Liang?"

"What a coincidence. She is not in school right now and is on a business trip."

"Then when can she come back?"

"Well... I probably have to go at least tomorrow."

Luo Fei and the others looked at each other anxiously.

With victory in sight, I was told that I might have to wait one more day. Isn't this irritating?

Especially Luo Fei promised Zheng Changjun that the case would be solved within seven days at the latest.

After thinking for a moment, he said, "Excuse me, principal, can you give us Director Liang's contact information?"

"Okay, okay, no problem."

After getting Liang Qin's contact information, they left in a hurry.

After returning to the car, Luo Fei called Liang Qin again. After identifying himself, he persuaded the other party to agree to finish the work and rush back this afternoon.

Luo Fei then rushed to the next place with confidence.

According to the information they investigated, Lao Wu found many jobs after dropping out of high school.

Construction site, waiters, cleaning...

But it may be due to physical defects that, except for his current job in the police canteen, he cannot hold any other job for a long time.

Some even fail to do so for a month, and they will be fired for various reasons.

So in order to save time, Luo Fei divided everyone into two groups, one with Zhang Wei, and one with He Xin and Lin Jie, and then went to these places to understand the situation.

Meanwhile, the police force.

Group 2 office.

"Have you heard? Team Leader Luo and the others actually found clues yesterday, and now all the people from Group 1, Group 2 and Group 4 have gone out to investigate!"

"Zhang Qiang, don't be surprised. We just have clues. It's not certain whether they will be useful."

"Yeah, we didn't find enough clues back then? But after one lap, we almost broke our legs. What's the result?"

"But this time I think it's different. I just went to Captain Zhao's office to hand in information, and happened to bump into Captain Zhao calling Director Zheng. I personally heard Captain Zhao say that they already have a suspect."

"Really? Are you bragging?"

"Who is bragging! But you guys must not have imagined who Team Leader Luo and the others are suspecting?"

"who is it?"

"It's that old Wu from our cafeteria who has some brain problems!"

Everyone who had been aroused by his topic suddenly felt ridiculous when they heard this.

Think about Lao Wu, who usually smiles like an idiot. He is the murderer of the serial corpse dismemberment case?

What an international joke.

Wang Tao, who was making soy sauce in the second group, was also very surprised when he heard this, "Zhang Qiang, are you kidding?"

Zhang Qiang scratched his head, "Anyway, that's what I heard Captain Zhao say."

"Didn't Team Leader Luo have a good relationship with Lao Wu? I saw him helping Lao Wu mop the floor the day before yesterday. Why am I suddenly suspicious of him now?"

Song Zhe, another member of the second group, said in confusion.

"Hey, isn't it just a pretense to gain fame?"

Wang Tao sneered, and conspiracy theories suddenly started in his heart.

Could it be that Luo Fei thought that Old Wu was mentally ill and wanted to put the crime of killing people into pieces for meritorious service, right?

If he dares to do this, his future will really end here!

The more Wang Tao thought about it, the more excited he became.

At noon, Luo Fei and others who went out for a visit did not come back.

Wang Tao happened to be feeling at ease, and walked slowly into the canteen in a very good mood.

As soon as I walked to the door, I met Lao Wu holding a mop.

Old Wu took the initiative to say hello as usual, "Hello, Officer Wang... By the way, why didn't you see Team Leader Luo and the others today? Are you out handling the case?"

Wang Tao didn't have a good relationship with him, but he would nod and say hello when he saw him.

But today, when he thought of Zhang Qiang's words before, there was a hint of sarcasm on his face.

Just because Luo Fei helped him a few times, Lao Wu always praised Luo Fei for how good he was when he met everyone, and he had long been unhappy.

I'm afraid he still doesn't know their plans...

"How do I know where they went?"

Rolling his eyes, Wang Tao walked around the other party and wanted to leave.

But he was stopped by Lao Wu.

"Why is Officer Wang so angry today? Could it be that there is some conflict with Team Leader Luo? In fact, Team Leader Luo is a very good person..."

What Wang Tao hates to hear the most now is others saying that Luo Fei is good, and immediately breaking his guard after hearing this.

I didn’t even think about anything about being undisciplined, I just blurted out words without thinking.

"A good person? People have suspected you as a murderer, and you're still here to put in a good word for him, idiot."

He didn't feel remorse until he finished speaking.

How could he impulsively tell this matter?

Even if Lao Wu is not the real murderer, this is still a serious violation of discipline!

"Officer Wang, who is the murderer?"

Old Wu's eyes moved and he smiled doubtfully.

If Wang Tao observed carefully, he would definitely find that his expression was a little unnatural.

But unfortunately, he was so flustered at the moment that he naturally didn't notice it.

"Nothing, you must have heard wrong."

After a hasty and perfunctory remark, Wang Tao was no longer in the mood to eat, so he turned around and left the canteen quickly.

So he didn't see Old Wu standing there, staring at his back. He rarely showed his usual smile. Instead, he had a gloomy face and didn't know what he was thinking...

Four p.m.

Luo Fei and Liao Xingyu, who went out for a visit, finally came back one after another.

But before everyone could take a breath, Zhao Donglai called them to the conference room.

"Let's all talk about our findings."

As Zhao Dong finished speaking, Liao Xingyu was the first to speak.

"Team Zhao, we visited Lao Wu's hometown. According to clues provided by the neighbors, Lao Wu's father died of illness when he was five years old. He grew up with his mother."

"Because there is no supporter in the family, the life of mother and son is very difficult. People in the village usually sympathize with them and will take care of them. The relationship between mother and son and the villagers is pretty good, and there are basically no disputes."

"Later, Lao Wu's mother also died of illness the month after he was rejected from the college entrance examination. Since then, Lao Wu has been going out to work and only goes back once a year on the anniversary of his mother's death."

"In addition, we also verified with the local police that the exact time of his mother's death happened to be three o'clock in the morning on August 11th of that year!"

Although it had been a year, Zhou Fan still recalled one detail immediately.

He exclaimed, "Captain Zhao, according to the autopsy report, the time of death of the three deceased was almost at this time!"

Zhao Donglai looked solemn, "This is indeed a clue... Zhou Fan, what about your findings?"

"Team Zhao, we visited several schools where Old Wu attended, as well as several of his former classmates."

"According to them, Lao Wu studied very hard due to family reasons. From elementary school to high school, his grades were always among the best, but..."

"Perhaps due to his physical defects, Lao Wu has been suffering from campus bullying for a long time. Several times he was even beaten to the point of being injured and sent to the hospital."

"It's so serious. Didn't the school intervene?"

"No, it is said that Lao Wu was very cowardly and timid at the time. Even if a doctor called the police, he would not even dare to identify the murderer, and the school would not be able to intervene."

"However, one of his former high school classmates said that after that, Lao Wu came up with the idea of ​​becoming a police officer because he felt that the police could uphold justice and help the strong and the weak."

"So later he applied for the police academy during the college entrance examination, but he failed in the end due to physical reasons. This incident dealt a huge blow to him, and coupled with the stimulation of his mother's death, his whole person became a little abnormal. "

After Zhou Fan finished speaking, Luo Fei also began to talk about his findings.

"We also asked these elders where Wu works today."

"According to the description, Lao Wu was often discriminated against or treated unfairly at work, resulting in a very unsatisfactory life. Moreover, after entering the society, his character was not as timid and cowardly as Team Leader Zhou said, but he was also very unsatisfactory. They are never as enthusiastic and proactive as they are in our police force."

"In addition, the person in charge of Tianfu Middle School is on a business trip, so we have not learned about the situation for the time being, but I have made an agreement with the other party that she will contact me as soon as she comes back in the afternoon."

After they finished their reports, Zhao Donglai said, "Okay, now let's talk about your respective opinions."

"Based on Lao Zhou's situation, it can be seen that Lao Wu is a typical person with low self-esteem and cowardice, who is naturally timid and afraid of getting into trouble, so he does not dare to resist even if he is bullied."

"Generally, under such long-term bullying, the mentality of such people is indeed easy to become distorted, and eventually go to the other extreme. Combined with the brutal and perverted degree of the 3.11 corpse case, Lao Wu's life experience is indeed in line with this tendency. "

"I agree with your analysis, but don't forget that Lao Wu's dream is to rely on the police, but the murderer in this case obviously came to the police. This doesn't make sense."

"This is very simple. In one sentence, love creates hatred."

"Hate comes out of love? What do you think, Team Leader Luo?"

"If you think about it, Lao Wu wanted to be a police officer because of his own experience, so subconsciously he probably thought that only by becoming a police officer, no one would dare to bully him."

"So the police is not just a profession for him, but the salvation of his life. But when he ran towards this salvation with confidence, he was turned away because of his health. Do you think he Can you accept it like a normal person?"

"Of course, this kind of mentality from love to hate certainly did not form immediately, but was slowly accumulated by many small things that were unsatisfactory in his life and encountered obstacles at work."

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

Liao Xingyu was even more shocked and said, "I can go, Team Leader Luo, you are almost catching up with those experts in criminal psychology research!"

It can be said that Lao Wu's mentality has been completely analyzed by him.

And based on the current situation, his analysis is indeed accurate.

Facing his compliment, Luo Fei just smiled modestly, and then continued, "There is another question, have you noticed it?"

"what is the problem?"

"Except for Zheng Bei, the other two victims are all related to the school... I am wondering if some aspects of the behavior of these two people have brought back some bad memories of Lao Wu's past, so he Choose these two people to attack?"

Luo Fei previously thought that Lao Wu was a randomly selected target, but when he learned that the other party had worked in logistics at Tianfu Middle School, he was not sure anymore.

If he really just picked the target at random, he could just look for someone to attack outside like the first victim, and there would be no reason to go to all the trouble of sneaking into the school.

He didn't say that everyone didn't feel it yet, but everyone reacted when he said this.

"That being said, it's really possible!"

"Yes, I remember that I visited the victim Zheng Lin's interpersonal relationship at that time. I heard from her classmates that the victim did bully her classmates, but that was all in junior high school."

Zheng Lin was the first female high school student to be victimized in the 3.11 case.

Because Zhou Fan and the others visited this case from the beginning, he still had some impressions of the matter.

"That's right. Lao Wu worked as a cleaner at Tianfu Middle School three years ago, and Zhou Lin was a freshman in high school before she was killed. If we push back to that time, she happened to be a junior high school student."

"Now we just need to confirm whether Wang Lin went to Tianfu Middle School for junior high school!"

"There is no need to be sure. At that time, we also suspected that the two victims were related, so we specially conducted background checks. Zheng Lin was a former student of Tianfu Middle School."

"What about the classmate Zheng Lin once bullied? Have you investigated this clue?"

"I just asked the other party to understand the situation, but the subsequent clues proved to have little to do with this matter, so I didn't investigate in depth."

Just as Luo Fei was about to say something, his cell phone suddenly rang.

Looking at the incoming call, he hurriedly picked it up.

After a moment, he hung up the phone, "Captain Zhao, the person in charge of logistics from Tianfu Middle School is back. We need to go to Tianfu Middle School immediately."

"As for the situation of the female teacher, Zhang Wei and I will stop by to find out more about it. As for Wang Lin, I'll leave it to you. Be sure to ask her about bullying her classmates. The more detailed the better."

"Okay, we get it."

Luo Fei took Zhang Wei and the others downstairs quickly and went straight to Tianfu Middle School.

Just after leaving the police station and before reaching Yongjiang Bridge, Luo Fei received a call from an unknown number.

He picked up with confusion.

Then there was an unexpected voice on the other end of the phone.

"Officer Luo, I am Lao Wu."

Luo Fei was instantly alert and said calmly, "Old Wu? Why do you have my mobile phone number?"

"Oh, I asked your comrades in the police force for it."

Old Wu's tone was still normal, and nothing unusual could be heard.

But his intuition told him that there was something wrong with the other party calling him at this time.

"Then do you have anything to do with me?"

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