Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 177 Finally found it (please subscribe and vote monthly)

After entering, Luo Fei's blindfold was quickly removed.

And he finally had a chance to take a look at his surroundings.

He should be in a small farmyard at the moment.

There is a large yard in front and houses in the back.

The only difference is that the walls surrounding the small courtyard are much higher than those in front of ordinary rural courtyards.

There are some wood and wooden boards piled around the yard, and there are also a lot of sawdust and wood waste scattered around. It looks like a wood processing workshop.

While Luo Fei was looking at it, Liao Hao took the initiative to explain, "This is all used to confuse the people around us, so that we won't arouse suspicion when we come in and out."

"No wonder, you are smart."

"Okay, Boss Lin, come with me."

Luo Fei followed Liao Hao to the door. He walked up and knocked on the door. The person inside quickly opened it, "Here we come, come in quickly."

It was Wang Yan who opened the door.

After welcoming the two of them in, he quickly closed the door.

This house doesn't look like much of a problem from the outside, but once inside, the layout of the room

The spacious living room was not furnished with furniture or sofas, but instead was filled with various boxes filled with raw materials. There was a lot of equipment on the only table in the room.

At this moment, in addition to Wang Yan who opened the door, there were four other people busy. At their feet were several bags of wrapped things. From the appearance, they were exactly the same as the things Luo Fei traded last time.

The previous bag was five kilograms, but here there are at least more than ten bags!

Luo Fei was shocked by the case. At this time, Wang Yan had already reached out to him, "This is Boss Lin. I am the person in charge here. If you have anything you want to ask, you can ask me."

Luo Fei stretched out his hand and shook it, "What do you call it?"

"Just call me Brother Yan."

Luo Fei had long recognized that the other party should be Wang Yan, one of the four, and upon hearing this, he was even more certain of his identity.

Thinking that the other party said that he was the person in charge here, he probed, "Could it be that the previous batch of goods was purified by Brother Yan?"

"It's me. Is Boss Lin satisfied with that batch of goods?"

"Satisfied, I really didn't realize that Brother Yan is still a technical talent. I have been looking for such a good product!"

Luo Fei excitedly held Wang Yan's hand again.

His reaction was expected by Wang Yan. After all, his products have always been very popular.

"Boss Lin, as long as you choose to cooperate with us, you don't have to worry about quality at all."

"I learned this technique from big bosses abroad, and I use the best equipment and raw materials. I guarantee that your goods will not only be easy to sell, but also have many repeat customers."

"If this is really the case, then we will

"Come on, Boss Lin, let me show you around again..."

As Wang Yan said, he took Luo Fei around in a circle. In order to show his skills, he personally operated the equipment to refine it for him on the spot.

Luo Fei looked full of regret. If he had brought his cell phone with him, he could have filmed this scene and everyone could close the network directly.

About half an hour later, Luo Fei, who had finished the tour, expressed that he was very satisfied.

He said on the spot that he would cooperate with them in the future.

After reaching the agreement, Liao Hao took out the blindfold again and said, "Boss Lin, you have to work harder to put it on so that I can send you back."

Luo Fei put it on without saying a word, then got into the car smoothly and returned to the original abandoned brick factory.

Because there were no problems with his performance today, after a few simple exchanges, he took back his mobile phone and drove away.

After driving the car out of the other party's sight, Luo Fei immediately called Pan Hu.

Although they knew that the phone was not on him, Pan Hu and others had been monitoring his phone, so when he got the phone, they knew that he had come out safely, and they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Pan Hu answered almost instantly, "How are you, Luo Fei? Nothing happened?"

"No, everything went well."

"Then did you find anything?"

"There are some, but it's hard to tell on the phone. Let's wait until I get back."


Luo Fei was not followed this time, so almost an hour later, he successfully returned to the anti-narcotics brigade.

At this time, everyone was already waiting for him in the conference room, including Jiang Chuang and others.

He immediately described everything he saw in the drug manufacturing den.

Everyone was excited when they heard that Wang Yan was the technician responsible for making drugs.

Pan Hu said, "Luo Fei, your discovery is very important to us!"

Although they had previously determined that Wang Yan and Zheng Yujie were the leading figures in the group, they did not know their specific roles, so they did not dare to arrest them all.

"With your clue, we can lock Wang Yan, and after we have the irrefutable evidence of his crime, we can dig out the evidence of the other three crimes from his mouth!"

In the past, we had to check four people, but now we have to check one, and the workload has been reduced a lot.

Hearing this, Wu Cheng said, "In other words, as long as we can find the specific location of this drug manufacturing den, we will basically have succeeded?"

"That's right." Pan Hu nodded and said melancholy, "Unfortunately, at that time we only monitored that the car got off the main road near Dawan Village in Jiuli Township, but there was no specific location... Luo Fei, what do you have over there? Did you find it?"

"I was wearing a blindfold at the time, and I could only feel that there should be a garbage spot where the car turned on the main road. In addition, the place where they were located should be a relatively densely populated village, and there was a duck farm nearby."

"By the way, the place where they make drugs is a rented residence. The courtyard wall is very high, and there is a wood processing workshop outside, with a lot of wood immediately on display."

"Wood processing factory? Then I will immediately call Jiulihe Police Station to investigate all the wood processing sites near Dawan Village."

"This is also a way, but I plan to wait for daybreak and go to the scene again to check. As long as I can find the road where they got off the main road, I will be confident that I can find this place."

"Really? Then what are you waiting for? Let's go now!"

"Bureau Wu, wait a minute. I've heard that this group of people secretly process and produce late at night in order not to be discovered, and don't leave until dawn. So if we go there at this time, I'm worried that we will bump into each other."

When Wu Cheng heard this, he hurriedly said, "Then wait until dawn before going."

"Okay, let's go back and rest first. When it gets light, He Yong, Zhou Tao and I will go for a walk with Luo Fei."

After the discussion was completed, Pan Hu made some arrangements, and everyone dispersed.

At dawn the next day, the four people immediately met up and drove a private car straight to Dawan Village, Ningjiang County.

In order to accurately simulate the scene last night, after the car passed the brick factory where they met, Luo Fei took out the eye mask he had prepared in advance and put it on.

Seeing this, Pan Hu and others immediately stopped talking to avoid disturbing his thoughts.

It wasn't until the car came to a fork in the road near Dawan Village that Pan Hu had to remind him, "Luo Fei, we've reached the first fork, and there happens to be a garbage pool at the intersection."

Luo Fei was also constantly comparing and analyzing at this time. After a while, he shook his head and said, "Although there is also the smell of pine trees and garbage pools, it is still slightly different from last night. Let's go ahead."

Pan Hu signaled to Zhou Tao who was driving, and the latter immediately continued to drive along the main road, and soon came to the second fork in the road.

Dawan Village is surrounded by mountains, which are especially rich in pine trees. At the previous fork in the road, there were other trees besides pine trees on both sides of the hillside, but at this intersection, the two sides of the mountain were basically all big pine trees.

At the same time, Luo Fei finally felt the same strong pine scent as last night. Without waiting for Pan Hu to remind him, he immediately said, "If there is another fork in the road ahead, go in from here."

Even with the blindfold on, I guessed that there was a fork in the road ahead!

While the three of them were shocked, they became more hopeful that they could find the drug manufacturing den.

Without saying a word, Zhou Tao turned onto a side road.

Afterwards, under Luo Fei's guidance, they walked and stopped, occasionally going wrong and going back.

About forty minutes later, they arrived at Group 5 of Dawan Village.

As soon as the car drove into the residential area, Pan Hu, who was sitting in the passenger seat, saw a large pond surrounded by barbed wire on the roadside at the entrance of the village. At this moment, a group of ducks were floating on the water.

Five or six meters away from the pond, there is a large duck shed with more ducks in it.

This is completely consistent with what Luo Fei said last night about a duck farm near the village where the den is located.

Pan Hu was overjoyed and quickly told Luo Fei about the problem.

Luo Fei actually smelled it, so he decisively took off his blindfold and rolled up the car window.

"Team Pan, this should be right here."

He Yong was overjoyed and asked hurriedly, "What should we do now? Shall we go down directly?"

Pan Hu shook his head.

"No, it would be too conspicuous for a stranger to enter the village. It would be better to find someone to take us in."

"As he said that, he immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call. After waiting for a while, his mobile phone rang.

After exchanging a few words, he said to everyone, "I have asked someone to contact the village chief, and he will come to pick us up right away."

"If anyone asks about it later, just say that we are here to inspect the project, do you understand?"


While speaking, Luo Fei also quickly gave himself a few instructions, then picked up a peaked hat and put it on.

In about ten minutes, the village chief also successfully met them on a motorcycle.

"Hello leaders, I am Zhou Tiansheng, the mayor of Dawan Village."

The other person is about fifty years old, and he is honest and honest with the simplicity unique to rural people.

Pan Hu did not want to reveal his identity, so he did not correct his title. Instead, he warned, "Village Chief Zhou, please don't call us that again when you get in."

"What should I call it?"

"Just... call us boss. If anyone asks, just say that we plan to come to your place to develop a farmhouse project."


After discussing it, several people got out of the car and followed the village chief towards the inside.

At this time, Luo Fei found a pair of sunglasses from nowhere. After walking behind a few people for a short distance, he immediately smelled several familiar smells.

Although it is very light, it is what he and Brother Hao left behind.

He was immediately sure that this was where he got off last night.

Glancing at the two forks in front of him, he immediately determined that the smell continued all the way to the fork above.

However, at this time Zhou Tiansheng was planning to take them to the intersection below. Luo Fei said hurriedly, "Village Chief, let's go this way and take a look."

Although Zhou Tiansheng called them leaders, he actually didn't even know their identities.

At that time, the director of the town police station personally called them and told them that he must cooperate with all the other party's requests.

So despite his doubts, he nodded and walked towards the road above.

This area is a concentrated residential area, with one house connected to another.

They didn't go far before they met several villagers.

Seeing Zhou Tiansheng entering the village with a few strangers, everyone couldn't help but curiously asked a few questions.

When they heard that the other party was planning to come to their village to inspect and open a farmhouse, everyone except for a few comments didn't take it to heart.

As living standards get better and better, many big bosses have indeed come to rural development projects in recent years.

After walking for a while, a house with a closed door and high walls immediately caught Luo Fei's attention.

Although he was looking in from the outside, he was immediately sure that this was the courtyard from last night.

Not only did the residual smell disappear here, but the baby clothes hanging in the yard of a nearby house also proved that the baby crying he heard last night came from this house.

Luo Fei hurriedly approached Pan Hu and lowered his voice to signal to him, "Captain Pan, this is the place."


"You're sure, you can't go wrong!"

The two of them were talking, but they didn't stop and walked past quickly.

With Luo Fei's affirmation, Pan Hu suppressed the ecstasy in his heart and reluctantly accompanied Zhou Tiansheng for another half-circle in the village. Then he immediately led Luo Fei and others to the anti-narcotics brigade on the pretext that he still had something to do.

In the conference room, Pan Hu briefly explained their findings, and Pan Hu immediately set up the arrangements.

"Zhou Tao, He Yong, you should immediately cooperate with the local police to secretly investigate the situation of this private house and find out who is already living there."

"Zhang Jun, Yang Fang, please immediately check out the residents of several households around this house. If there are no problems, ask the local police station to contact them immediately to provide a venue for us to monitor the criminal den."

"Zhou Qin, Zheng Juan..."

After arranging the arrangements for everyone, Pan Hu looked at Luo Fei again.

"Luo Fei, this is a critical period. Remember to always pay attention to the other party's phone number. If they contact you, remember to report it as soon as possible."

"Understood Captain Pan."

"Okay, then let's go down and take action immediately!"

Everyone went down and got busy.

Zhou Tao and the others will soon have the results.

"Team Pan, we called from Jiulihe Township Police Station. After verification, the original owner of that house is also a villager from Group 5 of Dawan Village. However, the family is out of town and has not been back for many years."

"This house was sold by them four years ago to an out-of-town owner who was in the lumber business."

"However, it is said that this foreign boss is very mysterious. He usually lives in seclusion and never interacts with the surrounding villagers. The villagers are not very familiar with them. Occasionally, they can be seen taking lumber out, but I don't know how to sell it. where."

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