Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 178 If you’re afraid of danger, you won’t become a police officer (please subscribe and vote

With Zhou Tao's discovery, Pan Hu became more certain that there was something wrong with that family.

So when there was a situation on Zhang Jun's side, he immediately led his team to stay on guard.

Luo Fei and the other party took over, and naturally it was not convenient to participate in this task, so he stayed in the police force.

Pan Hu and others are relatively professional in this regard.

Within a few days, the pattern of these people's activities had been figured out.

Usually, most of the time, there are only four horses in the house. Wang Yan often comes here every other day, always at night and leaves before dawn in the morning.

With this discovery, Pan Hu did not ask everyone to arrest him immediately, but planned to collect more evidence.

As a result, two days later, they discovered an unexpected surprise.

Zheng Yujie and Zhou Fei also entered the house.

This discovery makes everyone extremely excited. As long as they can be caught here, there is no need to worry about insufficient evidence.

It's just that this kind of opportunity doesn't come around very often. If you miss it, you don't know when you will have to wait until next time.

Therefore, as soon as Pan Hu received the news, he immediately decided to arrest the people here overnight.

Moreover, the advantage of arresting at night is that villagers will rest at home at night, which can largely avoid being accidentally injured by vicious criminals.

"You guys target this house immediately, we will rush over immediately!"

"Remember, no one is allowed to act rashly before we come here. If a few target people leave, let them leave first. In short, this arrest plan can fail, but they must not be alarmed."

After Pan Hu made the arrangements, he immediately took everyone in the car and drove quickly to Dawan Village.

Since knowing the location of the drug manufacturing den, Pan Hu moved his headquarters from the city to the county's anti-drug brigade in order to respond promptly.

So they dispatched the police quickly.

In the car, I saw that we were getting closer and closer to Dawan Village.

Pan Hu suddenly said to Luo Fei, who was sitting next to him, "If this arrest goes well, you can go back... Hey, I'm really reluctant to let go."

After investigating the case for more than half a year without any clues, Luo Fei could make such great progress within a month of his arrival.

He really couldn't bear to let such a talent go...

But it's useless to be reluctant, Zhao Donglai will definitely not let him go.

Sighing, he warned again, "Luo Fei, you don't need to participate in the arrest mission for a while. Just stay in the car and wait for us."

Drug dealers are different from ordinary criminals. Every year, countless anti-drug policemen die at the gunfire of arresting drug dealers.

Since he promised Zhao Donglai to return the person safely, he certainly couldn't let him participate in such a dangerous job.

"Captain Pan, I know you are doing this for my own good, but if you want me to hide in the back and watch everyone charge in the front, I can't do it." Luo Fei shook his head and refused.

"Luo Fei, you are not a narcotics police officer. You are just someone I asked to help, so there is no need for you..."

"Even if it's just to help, then my current task has not been completed, and we are still a group, so we should naturally advance and retreat together!"

"Why are you so stubborn? Drug dealers are different from ordinary criminals. They are far more dangerous than you think. Besides, I promised you, Captain Zhao..."

"Captain Pan, this is my own choice, so you don't have to worry about having trouble explaining things to Captain Zhao."

Luo Fei interrupted him decisively and said firmly, "And if you don't dare to go in the face of danger because you are afraid of danger, then what kind of policeman should I be?"

One sentence left Pan Hu speechless.

Yes, their identity as police officers means that they need to fight the evil forces to the end, and they also need to have the courage and determination to die with the evil at any time.

The anti-narcotics police know this better than anyone else.

But he didn't expect that this spirit would be so vividly reflected in Luo Fei.

Everyone in the car instantly stood in awe of this detective, who was much younger than them.

"Well said, Luo Fei, you are like this!"

Zhou Tao gave Luo Fei a thumbs up.

Facing the expressions of praise from everyone or appreciators, Luo Fei looked very calm.

In fact, he would say this partly because the spirit of the police was influencing him, but of course it was mostly due to his own confidence.

With his current reach, even A-class fugitives like Jiang Sanqiang would be no problem for him, let alone a few drug dealers.

Although these people may have guns, he also carries a gun himself, so he is confident that he will incapacitate the other party before they take action!

His attitude was so determined that Pan Hu knew he couldn't defeat him.

He had no choice but to say, "Then you can participate if you want, but your actions for a while must be completely under my command."

"Obey Captain Pan!"

Regarding the arrest plan, they had already met to discuss it and simulated it no less than ten times, so although it was a temporary plan, everyone still had a direction in mind.

In order to avoid disturbing each other when the car entered the village, Luo Fei and the others got off the car some distance away from the fifth group of Dawan Village.

"Zhang Jun, what's going on over there now?"

"They haven't come out since they went in. Captain Pan, have you arrived?"

"We have arrived outside the village. You just wait where you are and we will enter the village immediately."

In order to facilitate movement, everyone wore new headphones developed by the Ministry of Public Security, so everyone could hear the conversation between the two.

Pan Hu no longer had to explain the situation, but directly waved his hand and ordered everyone to walk into the village.

Under the cover of the night, everyone walked around the house softly.

Through this period of surveillance, they were already familiar with the situation around the house, so Pan Hu immediately asked everyone to disperse and surrounded the house.

It was Zheng Yujie and the others who were so smart that they were misled by their cleverness. They were worried that the villagers would discover their secrets, so they reinforced the walls around the house to be extremely high and strong.

Therefore, it is very difficult for people to enter and exit the entire yard except through the front gate.

Therefore, all the key police forces were deployed in front of the gate.

At this time, Zhang Jun and others also came out and rushed to join them.

After a quick exchange of words about the situation, Pan Hu decided to wait and wait until Zheng Yujie and others came out, then rush out to arrest them, catching them off guard.

As long as big fish like them are caught, the small fish and shrimp inside will be easy to deal with.

After that, everyone hid on both sides of the gate and everywhere around it, and began to wait patiently.

About an hour later, they finally heard a conversation coming from inside.


Pan Hu's heart moved and he immediately made a gesture. The already nervous people were highly concentrated and stared in the direction of the door, ready to go.

One second, two seconds, three seconds...

Soon there was the sound of the latch being pulled out of the door, and then the door was pulled open.

"Be careful, let's go back first."

Zheng Yujie said, and Zhou Fei walked out of the door together.

As soon as he came out, his hair suddenly stood on end. The sixth sense he had cultivated for many years gave him a very strong sense of crisis.

Before he could even think about it, his hands quickly reached to his waist.

However, he was fast, and others were faster than him. A figure rushed towards him quickly, and he was hugged and thrown to the ground decisively. Then he was pushed to the ground by several people, and he lost mobility in an instant.

Zhou Fei's reaction was much better than his, and he was quickly controlled before he noticed anything was wrong.

"who are you!"

Zhou Fei screamed and struggled, but a loud shout sounded in his ears, "Don't move, police!"

When Zhou Jun led people to arrest Zheng Yujie, Pan Hu acted almost at the same time.

He kicked open the door that was just about to close, and quickly rushed in with people, "Don't move, raise your hands, police!"

The one who closed the door was just a policeman. His heart trembled with fright at the policeman's word. When he saw the black hole pointing a gun at him again, he lost the courage to resist.

"Don't kill me, I surrender!"

He raised his hands decisively and begged with a pale face.

Naturally, someone stepped forward and handcuffed him and took him outside. Pan Hu did not stop and led everyone to rush in. Suddenly, the door of the house was opened a crack.

"No, get out of here!"

Realizing something was wrong, Pan Hu yelled, and at the same time a gunshot was heard. A bullet narrowly missed his ear and flew past, then hit the wall behind.

Fortunately, no one was hurt, but Pan Hu was still frightened and broke into a cold sweat.

"Hurry up and take cover, everyone take cover."

He fired practice shots toward the place where the gun was placed. While reminding everyone to take cover, he quickly hid behind a pile of wood in the center of the yard.

Luo Fei and Zhou Tao also hid in with them.

"There is a gun inside, what should Captain Pan do now?" Zhou Tao asked anxiously.

It is very common for drug dealers to have guns. Zhou Tao has participated in so many arrests, and almost every time there will be a gunfight.

He had been used to this kind of situation for a long time, so he seemed so nervous.

Because in every gunfight, teammates will be injured or sacrificed...

Pan Hu also had this worry in his heart.

As the captain, he doesn't want anything to happen to any of his players.

"Everyone should take cover for the time being and don't act rashly."

He pressed the headset and gave instructions to everyone.

Then he raised his voice and shouted inside, "People inside, listen, you have been surrounded. Give up your useless resistance immediately, and maybe you can win leniency..."

Before he could finish speaking, a gunshot rang out and a bullet hit the pile of wood where he was hiding.

The other person didn't say anything, but this shot seemed to have made his attitude clear.

At this time, the three men in the room were already frightened. Looking at Wang Yan who was hiding in front of the door and confronting the police, someone said in a trembling voice, "Yan, Brother Yan, why don't we surrender?"

"Didn't they all say that as long as they surrender, they can still get leniency?"

"Shabi, do you believe what I said in the note? Just what we did is enough to kill you a dozen times in the criminal law, and you still expect them to give you leniency?"

Wang Yan turned around and cursed angrily, and at the same time, he was already thinking about countermeasures quickly in his mind.

It's not an option to continue the confrontation like this. Sooner or later, the bullets will run out.

When the police rush in again, you will have no way to escape.

So I still have to find a way to escape.

Thinking like this, there is a small alley behind, as long as you

He knew that beyond the courtyard wall behind the house was a large area of ​​farmland.

So as long as he runs out from here, he has a high chance of escaping.

And although the courtyard wall is high, there is still a lot of wood piled behind it, so it is not very difficult to climb out...

Just at this moment, the sound of a few bullets crackling came from the outer door. He waited for the silence to calm down, then decisively fired a shot outside again, then closed the door and quickly said to the three of them, "Let's go from the back!"

Of course, he did this not out of righteousness, but because he wanted these three people to explore the way for him in front.

After all, with the intelligence of the police, they would definitely have people stationed around the house.

So after these three guys go out to attract their attention, it will be much easier to escape by yourself.

The three of them didn't know what he was thinking. After hearing this, they all ran back quickly.

Here, when Pan Hu failed to shout, Luo Fei suddenly took the initiative to ask for help, "Captain Pan, you guys cover me and go to the back."

"I observed last time that there is a door behind the house. I am worried that they may escape over the wall from behind. In addition, the other party has a gun in their hand. Remember to remind the team members outside to pay attention."

After saying that, he didn't care whether Pan Hu would agree or not, and immediately crouched and ran back quickly.

"Luo Fei, don't do this nonsense!"

Pan Hu was in a hurry and did not dare to shout loudly, so he could only lower his voice and yell, but Luo Fei could not listen because the people were almost in sight of the door.

In order not to let the drug dealer inside notice, Pan Hu could only fire a few decisive shots to help him cover.

Luo Fei also took this opportunity to successfully leave the opponent's sight, and then quickly ran back.

Seeing the man running away, Pan Hu was so angry that he almost vomited blood due to his nonsense.

He could only quickly use the headset to remind him that he must be careful and safe, and then informed the people outside to rush to the back of the yard, and at the same time informed the other party that they had a gun.

"Understood Captain Pan."

Zhou Jun had just put the three captured people under centralized custody. After receiving Pan Hu's order, he left four colleagues to guard them, and then decisively led the remaining people to run quickly to the back of the yard.

Here, as soon as Luo Fei ran to the back of the yard, he saw several figures running out of the back door of the house.

He immediately dodged and hid behind a group of wooden boards.

The frightened people did not notice him. Wang Yan, who ran out, immediately said, "Hurry up and climb out of here. I will stop you."

The three horse boys were so moved that they quickly climbed up the wall along the pile of wood. Looking at the wall that was about two meters high, several of them gritted their teeth and jumped down.

Wang Yan had been waiting quietly, and sure enough, after hearing the three people landing, the police scolded and chased them quickly.

It's now!

He no longer hesitated, put the pistol in his hand away from his waist, and immediately climbed up the log and was about to climb out along the wall.

Suddenly, a slightly familiar voice sounded from behind, "Brother Yan, where are you going in a hurry?"

Wang Yan was startled, and the next moment he was pulled off the wood.

He fell heavily to the ground, ignoring the pain, and quickly touched his waist.

But how could Luo Fei give him this opportunity? He quickly bullied him and grabbed his wrist with a grappling move.

Integrated with the strength gene, it is no exaggeration to describe Luo Fei's strength as strong as an ox. Wang Yan didn't even have a chance to resist, so he screamed and lost his resistance.

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