Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 179 Someone cried out for injustice (please subscribe and vote monthly)

As soon as Luo Fei handcuffed Wang Yan, Pan Hu also ran over with everyone.

After Luo Fei ran away, the room seemed to calm down. Thinking that Luo Fei said that the other party might escape through the back door, he became worried.

He tentatively fired a few shots at the gate, but there was no reaction at all.

Pan Hu was also sure that the person might really want to run away, so he immediately chased him. Just in time to see Luo Fei tugging and twisting, he quickly caught the person.

Good skill!

Everyone applauded his skill in their hearts.

"It turns out you are an undercover police agent!"

Wang Yan also saw Luo Fei's face clearly, and finally realized why he was exposed. He immediately screamed at Luo Fei with splitting eyes, as if he wanted to die with him.

"Why are you arguing? Be honest!"

Pan Hu scolded Qian Qian, quickly removed the gun from the opponent's waist, and then motioned to Zhou Tao to take the person away.

Then he looked at Luo Fei, wanting to criticize him for his unauthorized action just now.

But if you think about it carefully, Luo Fei not only accurately predicted the enemy's next move, but also took down the enemy first, preventing him from injuring others with a gun.

This was the first time that all the drug dealers were caught without any casualties.

So he had to admit that not only did Luo Fei do nothing wrong, but he also had merit.

How can he criticize this...

Confused, he could only keep a straight face and said, "Don't be so impulsive again, you know!"

Luo Fei didn't argue and nodded seriously, "Remember Captain Pan."

That's it.

Pan Hu then asked Zhou Tao to lead people to escort Wang Yan and others back to the police force first.

And he led the rest of the people to start closing the net.

Because the arrest was quick and sudden, Liao Hao and others did not even have any expectations. They were sleeping soundly at home when they were suddenly pinned down on the bed by the police who broke in.

After a night of running around, almost all the main members of the gang including Liao Hao, Guo Laoer, and Li Jian were arrested before 12 noon.

The rest are some offline people whose identities are not yet known, but these people are all little shrimps. As long as the key people are caught, these people can be dug out sooner or later.

When all these people are brought to justice, Luo Fei will not need to be involved in what happens next.

So after dinner, Pan Hu called him to the office.

After saying some words of gratitude and regret, he was asked to return to the criminal police team.

After Luo Fei left, he called Zhao Donglai again.

"Old Zhao, your people will be back soon and are intact. Don't look at me with irritated eyes anymore when you see me in the future!"

Two days ago, he went to the bureau to report on his work and happened to meet Zhao Donglai.

That guy, looking at his expression, Pan Hu suspected that he wanted to eat him!

That’s why I’m saying what I’m saying now.

Faced with his joke, Zhao Donglai snorted, "Whoever frowned, you are wrong."

Anyway, as long as he doesn't admit it, the other party can't do anything to him!

"You are a captain after all. If you dare to do it, why not be it? Don't let me despise you!"

"Whatever you say, anyway, if I say no, it means no!"

"You guy..."

At half past one in the afternoon, Luo Fei walked into the criminal police team building.

As soon as he went upstairs, he happened to bump into Zhao Hai who came out of the hall to collect water.

"Team Leader Luo, you have finally finished training?!"

As a drug police officer, you are more likely to suffer crazy revenge from drug dealers.

Therefore, even internally, Zhao Donglai did not reveal the true situation. The external explanation has always been that Luo Fei went to the province to participate in a closed training session.

It just so happened that Luo Fei had been living in the dormitory of the Anti-Narcotics Brigade these days, so everyone naturally believed in Zhao Donglai's words.

"Yeah, it just ended today."

Luo Fei didn't explain either. He followed his words and chatted for a few words before going to Zhao Donglai's office.

"Captain Zhao, I'm back."

Having just received Pan Hu's call, Zhao Donglai was not surprised.

He looked at Luo Fei up and down. He was as lively as before. His heart that had been hanging around for so long finally returned to his stomach.

"Has everything over there been settled?"

"Well, the main leaders and second-in-commands of the gang have all been arrested, and there is nothing I need to do, so Captain Pan asked me to come back first."

"That's should be quite tired during this period. You don't have to go to work today. You can go back and have a good rest for the afternoon and come back tomorrow."

I ran around all night last night and am really feeling sleepy now.

Faced with his kindness, Luo Fei did not refuse.

"Thank you, Captain Zhao. I'll go back first."

"Let's go... By the way, there's one more thing. Remember to call Yang Mei when you get back soon."

"Your cell phone has been turned off during this period. This girl can't get through your phone. She comes to pester me every day. I must have taken you somewhere... If you don't come back, I will be annoyed to death."

Luo Fei couldn't help but laugh when he saw how deeply hurt he was.

"Okay Captain Zhao, I'll call her when I get back soon..."

Just as he was talking, there was suddenly a burst of noise outside.

"Leader... let your leader come out quickly, I want to see him..."

"...If you don't let me see him today, I will never leave!"

"...Put it down, what are you going to do? Put the knife down quickly!"

"I'm warning you...this is the criminal police team. If you dare to do anything random, we won't be polite!"

The shouts came one after another to the ears of the two people, and they could roughly distinguish the voices of Liao Xingyu and others.

Are there still people coming to the criminal police team to cause trouble?

Luo Fei was stunned for a moment, very surprised.

And Zhao Donglai didn't know what he thought of, his face suddenly changed, and he ran out the door!

Seeing this, Luo Fei hurriedly followed.

At this time, everyone in the hall outside dispersed, staring at a man holding a fruit knife in the field with wary expressions. The two sides were in a confrontation.

Liao Xingyu faced the man head-on, his whole body tense, and he kept trying to persuade the man to put down the murderous weapon in his hand.

The man was probably in his fifties or sixties, but his hair was very gray and his figure was very thin.

Although he holds a knife in his hand, his face looks nothing like it

He seemed to be very excited at this moment, and could not listen to a word of Liao Xingyu's shock. He just kept waving the knife and asked to see the leader.

Zhao Donglai ran out, happened to see this scene, and shouted sharply, "Guo Tianlai, what are you doing? Why don't you put down the knife quickly!"

Seeing Zhao Donglai, Guo Tianlai suddenly knelt down and said, "Leader, my son is really unjust. Please, please help him!"

Since he had a knife in his hand, Zhao Donglai did not dare to step forward to help him. He could only say angrily, "What are you doing? Get up quickly!"

"And how many times have I told you that the evidence of your son's shooting and robbery case is conclusive, the criminal facts are clear, and no one has wronged him. Why don't you listen!"

"Because you made a mistake in the first place. My son did not kill anyone, let alone rob him. Leader, I beg you to investigate further, and you will definitely be able to..."

"That's enough Guo Tianlai, you are the police force run by your family, you just want to investigate? These are all stipulated by procedures. Your son's case has been closed, and now the files have been transferred to the procuratorate. It is impossible to re-investigate. of."


"Anyway, I have made it very clear to you. Throw the knife away from me immediately. If you continue to mess around, I will charge you with disturbing official duties!"

Seeing that the other party was not getting enough, Zhao Donglai became impatient.

Hearing this, the hope in Guo Tianlai's eyes gradually dimmed. He stared at the knife in his hand and suddenly smiled sarcastically.

"I understand, you can't find the murderer at all, so you want to make my son a scapegoat... What kind of police are you!"

Zhao Donglai was about to get angry when he saw Guo Tianlai suddenly pointed the fruit knife at his chest and stabbed him hard!

not good! This guy is planning to commit suicide at the police station!

Everyone was shocked immediately, especially Zhao Donglai, whose heart almost jumped into his throat.

If something happens to this person, he, the captain, will probably end up dead.

Fortunately, Liao Xingyu had been approaching Guo Tianlai secretly. When he saw this situation, he immediately rushed forward decisively and grabbed the opponent's knife-wielding wrist.

Then Zhao Donglai and Zhou Fan also rushed over, and the three of them worked together to snatch the fruit knife.

"Let me go. You police officers don't care about my life or death anyway, so just let me die!"

Guo Tianlai, who failed to seek death, was pushed to the ground, still shouting with extreme grief and anger.

Zhao Donglai threw the fruit knife far away and said angrily, "Guo Tianlai, no one can stop you if you want to die, but you think you can threaten the police in this way. You are totally wrong!"

As he said that, he noticed blood stains on Liao Xingyu's hands and hurriedly said with concern, "You're injured, is it serious or not? I'll take you to the hospital quickly!"

In desperation just now, Liao Xingyu held the blade of the fruit knife with his other hand, so there was a cut on the palm of his hand.

"No need, Captain Zhao. It's not a big deal. I can just go by myself. You'd better deal with this matter."

"Then Zhou Fan, take Liao Xingyu to the hospital."

"Okay, Captain Zhao."

Zhou Fan and Liao Xingyu left quickly.

After glancing at Guo Tianlai, Zhao Donglai said angrily, "Take him under custody first, and then call his family members to inform them to pick him up."

After saying that, he turned and walked towards the office.

When passing by Luo Fei, he cheered up and said with concern, "Luo Fei, you haven't gone back yet? It's none of your business, go back and rest quickly."

Luo Fei was still in the mood to rest at the moment and hurriedly kept up with him.

"Captain Zhao, what happened just now?"

Zhao Donglai sighed, "That man's name is Guo Tianlai, and his son Guo Jing was the culprit in the 2.11 robbery last year."

"Is this the case that led to Captain Lu's promotion?"

"That's right."

"Hasn't this case been cleared? Then why would he say that his son was wronged?"

Luo Fei was speechless.

Just now he saw Guo Tianlai looking like he was being wronged greatly. He thought it was some difficult case that the police force had recently encountered, but he didn't expect that the case had already been closed.

Although he had seen many family members who made trouble to help the prisoners escape the crime, this person was too extreme and even went to the police station to commit suicide.

"It's not that he wants to exonerate his son. A few days ago, Guo Jing's first-instance verdict came down and he was sentenced to death."

"He panicked and came to our police force every day to make trouble... Don't you think this is unreasonable? I am not responsible for his son's case. Besides, the evidence is conclusive, but he insists on saying that his son was wronged... \

,""He keeps getting into trouble every now and then. If I hadn't looked at his age, I would have wanted him to stay in the detention center for a few days..."

Amidst Zhao Donglai's complaints, Luo Fei finally understood the general cause of the incident.

Guo Tianlai's son Guo Jing was the murderer who committed a series of robberies last year and shot and killed an Electric Power Bureau employee.

After the case was investigated by the team led by Lu Jianfei, the case was handed over to the Procuratorate and prosecution was quickly initiated.

In view of the bad nature of this case, Guo Jing was sentenced to death in the first instance. Guo Jing may have realized his crime and accepted it in court and would not appeal.

The conditions of Guo Tianlai's family are not good either. His wife died young and he has an only son, Guo Jing. Naturally, he is reluctant to give up a white-haired man for a black-haired man, so he comes to the criminal police team every day to complain, insisting that his son was wronged and begging them to re-investigate this case. case.

Zhao Donglai sympathized with his situation at first and tried to persuade him a lot, but the other party refused to give up and came to the police force every three days to make trouble. In the end, he got tired of it.

According to the verdict, Guo Jing will be executed on the 25th of this month.

And today is already June 5th.

Guo Tianlai may have been anxious, so he decided to take a desperate risk and ran to the police station to threaten him with death.

Therefore, after Zhao Dong finished speaking, he said, "Don't worry about this matter. Anyway, Guo Jing will be executed soon. When the person dies, he will have nothing to cause trouble and he will calm down."

Luo Fei thought that this was also the case, so he didn't think more about it.

After going out, he went to talk to Zhang Wei and the others for a while before leaving the police force.

After returning to the dormitory, he immediately found his mobile phone and turned it on.

He thought he was going to be an undercover agent before, so he simply told Yang Mei and Wu Yan that he was going to conduct closed training and it was not convenient to contact them recently.

Then he turned off his phone and left it directly in the dormitory.

This also led to Yang Mei not being able to find him, so she went to bother Zhao Donglai.

After turning on the phone, a series of messages popped up.

He briefly scrolled through it and found that people like Yang Mei, Luo Xiaoxiao, Luo Hao, and Wang Yong had sent him a lot of messages.

However, Yang Mei is the most popular among them, followed by Luo Hao and his sister.

Thinking of Zhao Dong's arrival, he quickly called Yang Mei first.

Seeing Luo Fei's call, Yang Mei initially thought she was hallucinating.

"Luo Fei, where have you been during this time!"

On the other end of the phone, she said half aggrieved and half complaining.

"I'm sorry Yang Mei, didn't I tell you before that I have to conduct closed training, so..."

"Don't lie. Don't think I don't understand. Even if it's a closed training, at most it can't be video-recorded or disclosed. How can it be that you can't even make phone calls? Tell me honestly, did my uncle ask you to perform something? Gone on a dangerous mission?"

I have to say that Yang Mei was very smart and she guessed most of them right.

Of course Luo Fei didn't dare to admit it, "No, you really are overthinking... By the way, today is Wednesday, and I will be able to go back to you in two days. Whatever you want to play then, I will accompany you."

Interrupted by him, Yang Mei was diverted from her thoughts and said enthusiastically, "Then I have to think about it..."

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