Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 197 Too Abnormal (please subscribe and vote monthly)

In the cabinet, which is almost a person high, there are more than ten glass jars specially used for brewing wine.

But now the contents in these jars are not medicinal materials, but women's breast organ tissue and some other parts of the body.

These things were run into a slightly dark red liquid, which made people feel physically uncomfortable.

Even the three of them, who were used to seeing murder scenes, felt their stomachs churn at this moment.

"Ugh...this guy is so perverted!"

Zhang Wei's face turned pale, he covered his mouth and retched.

Zhao Donglai endured the discomfort and said, "It seems that these organs should belong to the deceased."

With this evidence, he no longer has to worry about convicting Li Dapeng.

"Let's go look at other places and let them handle these things when Zhao Tian comes."

As he spoke, he was about to close the two cabinet doors, when the items on the bottom layer of the cabinet caught his attention.

He leaned over and picked up the thing, and Luo Fei realized that what he was holding was a thick professional book on human anatomy.

Zhao Donglai flipped through it and took a look, "The pages of the book are slightly yellowed, and there are a lot of curling and folding marks on the corners of the book. It seems that it has been turned over frequently."

Li Dapeng is the only one who lives here, so naturally the person flipping through the book doesn't do what he wants.

Luo Fei thought of something at this time, "By the way, Captain Zhao, I just found this thing in Li Dapeng's kitchen. I suspect this may be the murder weapon he used to dismember his body."

Zhao Donglai looked at the oversized bone chopping knife in his hand. This kind of thing is usually only found in meat vendors or restaurant kitchens, and ordinary people have no use at all.

After all, when everyone buys ingredients such as bones, vendors will chop them directly for them, so generally few families will buy this specifically.

"Keep this thing safe first. When Zhao Tian comes, give it to her."

After saying that, the three of them continued their search.

Soon Zhao Donglai found several pieces of women's underwear under the bed in Li Dapeng's bedroom, and they were of different models and sizes. It could be seen that they did not belong to the same person.

After their search was almost complete, Zhao Tian finally arrived with colleagues from the technical team.

"Captain Zhao."

"Stop talking and get to work quickly... By the way, Zhao Tian, ​​come with me."

Zhao Donglai took Zhao Tian to the room where human tissue was soaked.

When she saw the contents of the cabinet, Zhao Tian also felt terrified for a moment.

Generally, murderers dismember the body after killing, just to make it easier to dispose of the body.

Although this is scary, the mentality is at least normal. But this Li Dapeng has obviously gone beyond this category and is a proper pervert among perverts.

"Zhao Tian, ​​remember to take these things back later and see if they can still be used for DNA confirmation. If so, it's best to test them all."

"In addition, check the room carefully, especially the bathroom. Be sure to determine the specific place where he killed and dismembered the body."

"I see."

After explaining Zhao Tian, ​​Zhao Donglai and Luo Fei went back first.

Now that the facts of the case are basically clear, and they still have so many discoveries in Li Dapeng's home, they only need Li Dapeng to explain, and the case will basically be solved.

police force.

"Captain Zhao, you are back. Did you find anything?"

Zhao Donglai walked into the lobby of the police force, and Zhao Hai and others who were standing outside greeted him immediately.

"A lot has been gained. What about Liao Xingyu and the others?"

"Team Leader Liao and the others are still in the interrogation room. That guy is very tough-talking. He hasn't said a word since he was captured."

"I gonna go see."

Zhao Donglai took Luo Fei outside the interrogation room and listened for a while.

Sure enough, you can hear the uncomfortable voices of Liao Xingyu, Li Jun and Zhou Fan questioning and scolding from inside.

But apart from the three of them, no other sounds were heard.

It seems that what Zhao Hai said is indeed right, this guy is indeed tough-talking.

Thinking of this, Zhao Donglai immediately opened the door and went in.

In the room, facing Li Dapeng who had always remained silent, Liao Xingyu and others were gradually on the verge of going berserk.

Seeing Zhao Donglai and the two, the three of them instantly felt like they had seen a savior.

"Team Zhao!"

Zhao Donglai nodded towards them, and then looked at Li Dapeng sitting on the interrogation chair.

"Li Dapeng, do you think it will be useful if you don't speak? You know what we just did... We searched your residence, and we are not afraid to tell you the truth. We have discovered all the things you hid. "

When he heard this, Li Dapeng quickly raised his head that had been hanging down, glanced at him and then quickly lowered it.

Although the speed was very fast, several people still saw the panic in their eyes.

Thinking there was something going on, Zhao Donglai immediately slapped the table hard, hoping to create more psychological shock to the other party.

"Li Dapeng, I advise you to truthfully explain the facts of your crime immediately. There is no point in your wasting your time!"

However, in the face of his angry rebuke, Li Dapeng turned a deaf ear and still kept his head lowered, as motionless as a sculpture.

This made Zhao Donglai very angry. After that, he and Liao Xingyu took turns, constantly creating psychological offensives to force the other party to speak.

However, more than an hour later, Li Dapeng still gritted his teeth and refused to reveal anything.

The only time he spoke in the middle was to deny, "I don't know anything."

Realize that this is another tough nut to crack.

Zhao Donglai had no choice but to temporarily call everyone out.

At this time, Zhao Tian and the others also came back.

In the office.

"Team Zhao, we conducted luminol tests on all Li Dapeng's rental houses. Finally, we found a large area of ​​blue light reflection on the bathroom floor, and there were varying degrees of reflection on the walls and ceiling."

"So now it is basically certain that he completed the dismemberment operation in the bathroom. We carefully counted the human organs brought back from his home. Among them, there are eight pairs of human chest tissues, but there are ten pairs of reproductive tissues."

Zhao Donglai was shocked when he heard this, "Ten? You couldn't have made a mistake, right?"

There were originally eight missing persons, but there were only seven bodies, one of which was incomplete. This was enough to cause a headache.

Now that there are two more victims, doesn't this make it more difficult for them?

"Captain Zhao, we were afraid of making a mistake, so we counted it several times, so I'm sure we didn't make a mistake. It's ten."

"Could there be some animals among them?"

"This is impossible. There are still big differences between humans and animals, so I am sure it is indeed human."

Zhao Donglai's expression became more serious than before, "Okay, I understand, you go down and do your work first..."

Wait until Zhao Tian goes out.

"You also heard what Zhao Tian said just now. It means that we still have at least three victims whose bodies have not been found. What do you think?"

Zhou Fan immediately suggested, "Team Zhao, didn't we say before that we would wait for the DNA test results to come out before we would re-salvage the watershed near the dumped body? I think it's time to take action now."

"Okay, you were responsible for this matter before, so you will be responsible for this matter as well."

Zhou Fan immediately agreed.

Luo Fei said at this time, "Team Zhao, we have only received eight missing persons records so far, but logically speaking, there should be two more, so I suggest that we check again and add the time span Transfer within four years.”

Because among the bones that were recovered previously, the earliest one died only about two years ago, so when they traced it, they limited the time to the past three years.

But now it seems that this speculation may not necessarily be accurate.

Zhao Donglai also realized this, "Liao Xingyu, following Luo Fei's suggestion, we will re-check the missing persons situation in this city. In addition, please remember to inform Huang Xu and Wu Yang."

"Also, ask them to send us the surveillance video copied after the victim disappeared. Li Dapeng is now preparing to fight a protracted war with us, so we must try to get as much evidence as possible."

"This way, even if he really refuses to admit it until the time comes, the procuratorate will have sufficient evidence to prosecute him."

"Okay, I understand." Liao Xingyu nodded hurriedly.

"When the surveillance is sent, everyone will work harder and try to connect the clues to Li Dapeng as soon as possible. Luo Fei, you and I can continue to interrogate Li Dapeng."

After the arrangements were made, everyone immediately went out to do things.

Zhao Donglai and Luo Fei also continued to spend time with Li Dapeng.

Liao Xingyu soon made progress.

After relaxing the time limit, he soon found two police reports about the missing escort girl in the city.

Liu Moumou, female, disappeared on her way home from the night shift. She was 25 years old when she disappeared. She was a drink promoter at a mass-selling KTV and was also commonly known as a bartender.

Wang Moumou, female, disappeared on her way home from the night shift. She was 22 years old at the time of disappearance and worked in the same KTV as Liu Moumou.

The two disappeared, one in February three years ago, and the other in May three years ago.

Several people who subsequently checked the surveillance video finally saw Li Dapeng's car coincidentally appearing in the surveillance video near the victim's disappearance.

If it happened once or twice, it could be considered a coincidence, but if it happened too many times, it would be enough to prove that there was something wrong with him.

After getting these evidences, Zhao Donglai immediately went to question Li Dapeng.

I thought that when faced with these irrefutable evidence, he should have relaxed somewhat.

In the end, Li Dapeng still said nothing.

And this guy is quite smart. He knows that the situation is not good for him, and he will only make mistakes when he speaks, so no matter what Zhao Donglai asks, he still doesn't even speak.

Knowing that he was pretending to be mute on purpose, Zhao Donglai was so angry that he wanted to hit him.

In the end, he decided to let each other go for two days.

The opponent's psychological defense is at its strongest now, but as long as most people stay there for a few days, their attitude will soften to some extent.

With this thought, Zhao Donglai asked Luo Fei to put him back into the detention room first.

At about seven o'clock in the evening, Zhou Fan called Zhao Donglai.

"Team Zhao, the salvage team has been searching for about two kilometers from the place where the body was dumped, but still no body was found. Moreover, divers have gone down twice and both said they found no abnormalities."

"Now they plan to change places and go down again. If they don't find it again, they will call it a day... What should we do now, Captain Zhao?"

When Zhao Donglai heard this, his heart felt heavy.

I thought that once the murderer was caught, the case would proceed smoothly, but the result was still twists and turns...

"Since you can't find it, you should come back first."

Although judging from the evidence they have so far, even if they cannot find these corpses, they still have enough evidence to convict Li Dapeng.

But as a criminal police officer, he must still hope to find the remains of these three victims so that they can rest in peace.

Thinking of this, he immediately realized that he still had to intensify the interrogation of Li Dapeng.

At least it was necessary to determine whether the remains of the three victims were really washed away by the water or whether they were disposed of elsewhere by him.

Half an hour later, Zhou Fan came back dejectedly.

Apparently, the last search did not find the remains of the new victim.

Around nine o'clock, Zhao Donglai notified the entire team to get off work.

On the afternoon of the next day, the identification results of the organ specimens found in Li Dapeng's house also came out.

Because Li Dapeng used formalin to soak the samples, the cell structure of many of the specimens was damaged and the samples could not be extracted.

Only the two specimens that were relatively new were successfully extracted, and they happened to match Zhou Lin.

With this result, Li Dapeng's crime of murder and dismemberment can no longer be escaped.

Zhao Donglai immediately took the result and interrogated Li Dapeng again.

"Li Dapeng, how did you think about it after calming down for a night?"

"I remind you, even if you don't say anything, with the evidence we currently have, you will never be able to escape."

In order to break his psychological defense, Li Dapeng was forced to sit in the detention room all night last night, and Zhao Donglai even turned off the lights inside.

I thought this would allow him to break through his defense, but in the end, he still hung his head like yesterday, didn't speak or begged for mercy, as if he hadn't heard anything at all.

"Li Dapeng, can't you hear me talking to you?"

Zhao Donglai slapped the table, and his angry voice echoed throughout the interrogation room.

His answer was still a long silence.

"Li Dapeng!"

Half an hour later, Zhao Donglai sat in the office with a headache.

"What do you think we should do now? If this guy refuses to speak until he dies, won't the bodies of the three victims never be found?"

Liao Xingyu and others also looked equally distressed.

They were really helpless when they encountered a tough guy like Li Dapeng.

He was beaten again and again, and he probably wouldn't listen if you scolded him, so for a while they really couldn't think of a way to get him to talk.

After a brief silence, Li Jun suddenly suggested, "Captain Zhao, people like Li Dapeng obviously have psychological problems, so why don't we try to stimulate him?"

"What kind of stimulation method?"

"Hasn't he been dependent on his sister since childhood? I guess the relationship between the brother and sister is good. We can try to do some ideological work on his sister and let her persuade Li Dapeng to confess."

Zhao Donglai's eyes suddenly lit up, "This is a good idea, then you should contact Li Dapeng's sister immediately."

"Team Zhao, what Team Leader Li said inspired me. I think it would be more appropriate to find his sister to stimulate him, rather than his mother." Luo Fei said.

"His mother? But judging from the things he did, he should hate the other party in his heart. How could he accept the other party's persuasion?"

I'm sorry that the author didn't pay attention to the repeated chapters before. I'm sorry.

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