Solving the case: Combining the police dog's olfactory genes at the beginning

Chapter 198 The Unqualified Mother (please subscribe and vote monthly)

"It's not persuasion, it's stimulation."

Faced with everyone's doubts, Luo Fei explained, "Based on the people Li Dapeng killed, it is not difficult to see that his mentality was distorted due to his childhood experiences, and he had a crazy hatred for women who did the same kind of work as his mother."

"It's said to be murder, but it's actually more like venting anger. I don't think there's much hope in trying to influence such a person with family affection. The best way is to fight fire with fire and use the person he hates most to stimulate him."

"Perhaps when he is extremely angry, he will have unexpected gains."

Everyone nodded after hearing this.

"In this case, let his mother and sister inform him." Zhao Donglai finally decided.

After understanding, Li Dapeng's sister married in Guangyuan County three years ago. She usually takes care of the children and takes care of the housework. She rarely comes to the city. She only has the opportunity to get together with Li Dapeng during the Chinese New Year.

When she received the call from the police, she initially thought it was a scam call.

After all, in her heart, Li Dapeng has always been a good man who obeys the law and abides by the law. He usually doesn't even know how to sneak around, so how could he commit a crime.

It wasn't until the person on the other end repeatedly confirmed her identity that she finally believed it was really the police calling.

In panic, she immediately rushed to the police team as quickly as possible.

Li Juan is only 23 years old today, but because she was exposed to the burden of life too early, she looks much older than her peers. Her hands are also very rough. It is obvious at a glance that her living conditions are not very good.

In the recording room, she was wearing a short-sleeved shirt that had turned white after washing. She cried very sadly and repeatedly asked Li Dapeng what he had committed.

Zhao Donglai received the other party in person.

"We can't reveal too much about your brother's case for the time being. I can only tell you that he is currently related to a murder case."

"But he refuses to cooperate with the police investigation now. Li Juan, this is harmful to him... We called you here because we hope you can persuade him to explain his crime as soon as possible, so that we can win leniency. do you understand?"

In fact, the crime committed by Li Dapeng has a 90% chance of being punished by death.

But Zhao Donglai definitely couldn't say that. If he wanted Li Juan to cooperate, he had to give them a little hope.

After learning that Li Dapeng was involved in the murder case, Li Juan became anxious. After hearing this, she nodded hurriedly, "Okay, comrade police, I will definitely persuade him."

Upon seeing this, Zhao Donglai immediately glanced at Zhao Hai next to him.

"Zhao Hai, take her to meet the suspect."

After the two of them went out, he immediately ran quickly to his office.

At this moment, in the office, group leaders Luo Fei, Liao Xingyu and others were gathered around his desk.

What was playing on the computer screen in front of them was the surveillance footage of Li Dapeng's interrogation room.

After discussion, everyone has always believed that if the police were present, it would probably make Li Dapeng wary, and it would be more difficult for Li Juan to persuade him.

So in the end they decided to let the two of them meet alone, while they observed the situation in real time on the surveillance camera.

However, in order to ensure that Li Dapeng would not attack Li Juan frantically, not only were his feet shackled, but his hands were also handcuffed to the interrogation chair.

After Li Juan entered, she cried and shouted, "Brother!" when she saw this situation.

Li Dapeng thought he heard wrongly and raised his head in surprise.

After seeing it was really her, his stagnant mood immediately began to rise and fall, "Juan'er, why are you here?"

"I was notified by the police...Brother, what happened to you? Why did they say you killed someone? Is there any misunderstanding here?"

Li Juan had been dependent on him since childhood, and the relationship between the brother and sister was very deep. After hearing this, she not only did not leave, but walked quickly to Li Dapeng and asked in tears.

"Hurry up and tell me. If you are really wronged, I will help you hire a lawyer to litigate the case even if I borrow money..."

She naively thought that Li Dapeng was wrongly accused.

Li Dapeng, on the other hand, avoided her gaze with a guilty conscience, and his expression was a little unnatural.

"This matter has nothing to do with you, so just leave it alone. Go home and live a good life with your brother-in-law and them. From now on... don't care about my life or death."

"Brother, you...could it be that what the police said is true, that you really killed someone?! Brother, why is this, why do you do such a thing?"


"Brother, please explain quickly. The policeman just said it. If you cooperate, you can still get leniency."

"You are still so young, you can't make any more mistakes!"

Li Juan persuaded her earnestly, while Li Dapeng gradually became impatient.

Although he did not have much education and did not understand the law, he knew in his heart that he had killed so many people, and even if he confessed, he would not be treated leniently.

The police relied on Li Juan's ignorance and deliberately used her to set up a trap for themselves.

He interrupted Li Juan with a gloomy expression, "I told you that this matter is none of your business, so stop asking and go back to your home!"

"elder brother……"

"If you really think I'm your brother, get out of here and don't make me angry."

Knowing that he was determined by the weight, Li Juan could only go out calmly.

In the office, Zhao Donglai looked at the situation and sighed after a while.

Unexpectedly, Luo Fei guessed it right.

It seems that family affection really cannot impress this guy...

"It seems that we can only count on Wang Lili now. By the way, Luo Fei, when did the other party say she can come over?"

Wang Lili is the biological mother of Li Dapeng and Li Juan.

"I just called the other party and she said she would buy the nearest train ticket and come over."

"Well, then remember to contact the other party at any time."

After saying that, Zhao Donglai called Liao Xingyu again, "Let's go and try to interrogate Li Dapeng again."

Maybe Li Juan's appearance has loosened the opponent's psychological defense, and he must seize the time to try again.

With this mentality, Zhao Donglai and Liao Xingyu walked into the interrogation room.

Of course, it turned out that he was still too naive.

Li Dapeng not only did not relent at all, but also said very provocatively, "Don't waste your efforts."

"Anyway, I don't know anything and I won't say anything. Either you let me go or shoot me."

"Li Dapeng, what kind of attitude do you have! What kind of place do you think this is? How dare you be so arrogant? Do you really think you won't be shot?"



Zhao Donglai was so angry that he wanted to rush up and beat someone, but he was pulled out in time by Liao Xingyu.

"Captain Zhao, this guy probably knows him in his heart, so

Zhao Donglai was furious.

"Tell me why he is such a mayor."

When Wang Lili arrived, it was already the morning of the next day.

After she ran away from the big boss, she went to live in his city, DQ City, where she got married and started a family, and soon had a child.

For so many years, she had never cared about the lives of her two children, and she had never even come back to see them.

If the police hadn't called her, she would have almost forgotten that she had such a son and daughter.

Wang Lili is almost fifty years old this year, but her wealthy life these years has kept her well-maintained, and she is wearing famous brands, making her look like she is in her early forties.

There was an instant sharp contrast with Li Juan, who looked particularly old due to her busy life.

As soon as she came in, she said in a very dissatisfied tone, "Comrade police, those two children didn't follow me. If he committed a crime, you can deal with it how you want. Why do you have to ask me to run away?" , I’m very busy, okay?”

As a mother, not only did she not care about her son when he committed a crime, but she was just unhappy about being in trouble.

It can be seen that the brother and sister Li Dapeng have no weight in her heart.

Although Zhao Donglai and others hated Li Dapeng for his cruelty and perversion, they still couldn't help but sympathize with him at this moment.

The fact that he will embark on such a path of no return has a lot to do with Wang Lili's irresponsibility.

"Cooperating with the public security organs is the obligation of every citizen, so I hope you can understand."

Zhao Donglai silenced her dissatisfaction with his words.

"Okay, then how do you want me to cooperate? But I have already agreed, if I pay him money to pay a fine or something, forget it, I don't have the money."

In just a few words, everyone has seen her selfish and cold nature.

"Don't worry, I don't need any money from you."

"According to our investigation, Li Dapeng was involved in a murder case, but he has refused to explain, so we came to you this time because we hope you can meet him and find a way to get him to talk."

"Killing someone? I knew this little bastard was just like his father, a failure. Fortunately, I didn't take him with me, otherwise I don't know how much trouble he would have caused me."

"Li Dapeng is also your son after all. Is it appropriate for you to say this?"

"What's inappropriate? He's a murderer. Do you police officers still want to speak for the murderer?"

"...Okay, no more nonsense. He is in the interrogation room now. Come with me."

Zhao Donglai took a deep breath and took Wang Lili to the interrogation room.

Li Dapeng was still handcuffed on the interrogation chair just like yesterday. Except that he was more haggard than the first two days, his mental state did not change much.

When he heard someone coming in, he didn't even raise his eyelids.

Zhao Donglai was used to his attitude and said directly, "Li Dapeng, your mother is here to see you."

Li Dapeng, who had been indifferent just now, suddenly raised his head when he heard this, and his sinister eyes immediately stared at Wang Lili!

Wang Lili instinctively felt uncomfortable, as if she was being stared at by a poisonous snake.

She frowned in displeasure and scolded, "What kind of look do you have, you don't even know how to call me mom?"

"I don't have a mother, my mother has died long ago!"

"Who are you cursing to death? You, an unfilial son, dare to curse me like this. Aren't you afraid of thunder from the sky?"

"Get out, get out, I don't want to see you!"

"You are my mother and I want to come see you? If the police hadn't asked me to come, I wouldn't have bothered to come see you."

"You still dare to stare at me? Sure enough, you have the same virtues as your short-lived father. Besides glaring at people with your eyes, what else can you do?"

"Oh, you are better than that short-lived ghost, and you still dare to kill people! Why did I give birth to a waste like you? How could I not learn anything and actually imitate others to commit crimes? You will lose my face!"

"Hurry up and tell the police comrades everything you need to explain. Don't waste my time. I have to rush back."

Wang Lili cursed unhappily, and Li Dapeng's face gradually turned sinister. Out of anger, he grabbed the edge of the table with both hands, and the veins on his hands bulged. One look at it showed what kind of turmoil he was experiencing in his heart at this moment.

Although he was completely handcuffed, Zhao Donglai was worried about leaving the two of them alone, regardless of his danger level or his hatred for Wang Lili.

So he and Luo Fei stood nearby and watched, wary of the other party in case they got angry and hurt someone.

At this time, Luo Fei noticed the change in his mood and immediately spoke to help, "Li Dapeng, your mother came to see you because she was concerned. How can you have such an attitude?"

"Even if she left you when she was a child, she must have had her own reasons. You have to understand her."

Li Dapeng's hatred for Wang Lili can be said to be deep in his bones.

He would never forget that just after his father died, he and Li Juan left him and Li Juan alone, taking all the family money and running away. Before leaving, they lied to the siblings that they were going to the city to buy candy for them.

As a result, he and his sister waited at home day after day. If the neighbors in the village didn't see them as pitiful and occasionally gave the brother and sister a bowl of rice, they would have died of hunger long ago.

He was only five years old at the time, but he still had to take care of two-year-old Li Juan. Only he knew the hardships best.

Now this woman actually has the nerve to appear in front of him, brazenly accusing herself of embarrassing her?

Li Dapeng, who was already extremely angry, tried his best to suppress it at first, but Luo Fei's words were like the last straw that broke the camel's back, breaking the last string of his reason.

"Shut up, what qualifications do you have to teach me a lesson? I'm going to kill you, kill you!"

He suddenly roared angrily, stood up suddenly and rushed towards Wang Lili, intending to strangle her neck like he had killed those women before, and watch her struggle in pain and die in fear.

But he forgot that he was still handcuffed. As soon as he stood up, the anklets tied to the legs of the stool were pulled back. His hands were also not free, and the whole person was completely restricted within the confines of the chair.

Wang Lili, who was still showing off her money as a mother, was so frightened by this situation that her face turned pale and she hid behind her.

Only then did she finally realize that the man in front of her was not only her son, but also a murderer.

Zhao Donglai immediately signaled Liao Xingyu and the others to come forward and pin them down on the table.

"Be honest, Li Dapeng, you still dare to commit murder here and think we are vegetarians?"

"Let me go, let me go!"

Even though he was being held down, Li Dapeng still continued to struggle with all his strength, which showed how determined he was to kill Wang Lili.

At the same time, he stared at Wang Lili and yelled crazily, "You bitches who abandon your family and children should all die, you all deserve to die!"

"You said that I killed you to embarrass you? No, I was doing justice for God. What qualifications do irresponsible mothers like you have to live? I will chop you all up one by one, so that you can die without any reason. Whole corpses, feed the dogs with your hearts and livers!”

Luo Fei lost no time in speaking, "So you admit that you killed those women?"

Today’s 12,000 update, to make up for it a little bit, readers

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