Wang Meng led Lin Xuan to get familiar with the office of the task force.

Small but complete.

Two offices, two lounges, office hall, archives room, weapons depot, shooting training room, canteen, bathroom.

Only then did Lin Xuan know.

He is a newcomer to the special criminal case task force.

There are only nine people in total. Is this still a department-level department?

"You don't have a gun license yet, do you?"

Wang Meng said: "When the other team members come back, you will practice shooting first and pass the psychological assessment. Then I will take you to familiarize yourself with our weapons arsenal."

Weapons arsenal...Lin Xuan was confused.

Is there anything special about the weapons arsenal of the Special Criminal Case Task Force?


Wang Meng took Lin Xuan to the archives room again.

Here are stored some serious cases, important cases, special cases and other files that the task force has solved in the past.

There are two forms.

One kind of computer storage, one kind of paper document.

The computer is not connected to the Internet.

As for why, everyone in the know knows.

"After you officially go to work, first read the files and become familiar with our team's case-handling methods, processes, and procedures for taking over cases."

Wang Meng pointed at the computer, "The power-on password is your identification code. Let me remind you that your personal identification code is confidential and cannot be told to others. Otherwise... I don't need to say more, right?"

"Yeah." Lin Xuan nodded.

"There's one more thing I want to remind you of."

Wang Meng's expression was serious, "While taking over the case, members of the task force are not allowed to go home, contact outsiders including relatives, and are not allowed to go out without permission. If any violation is found, not only will they be expelled from the task force, but also Accept the review and be severely punished, and those who violate the rules will be punished with an additional penalty!”

Lin Xuan's expression changed, "I understand!"

Finally, Wang Meng took him to the kitchen.

The so-called's hard to describe in a word!

It is full of bread, instant noodles, prepared dishes, instant dishes and so on.

Seeing Lin Xuan's weird look, Wang Meng smiled awkwardly and said, "There is nothing we can do. All our task force are old men, and none of them can cook. Of course, if there is no case, you can also go out to eat and have a dinner together. What."


Lin Xuan grinned and expressed understanding.

"I haven't eaten for a day, let's eat something first."

Wang Meng smiled and said: "After I get familiar with the environment, I will go home and rest. I will officially start working tomorrow."

"No, I'm not hungry yet."

Lin Xuan shook his head, "Boss, I just heard you and Brother Zhan say that we have a case in hand now, can I learn from it?"


Wang Meng thought for a while and nodded, "Okay, although the case is high-level, it does not involve insiders, so it doesn't matter if you take a look."

If insiders are involved, there must be a way to prevent leaks.

The two returned to the office hall.

Wang Meng pointed to a desk, "This will be yours from now on."

Turn on the computer on your desk.

Use your own authority to retrieve a case file from a certain database.

"Let's take a look first."

Wang Meng patted Lin Xuan on the shoulder, "If you don't understand anything, just ask Xiao Zhan."

Zhan Shaoyang, who was typing on the keyboard, turned to Lin Xuan with a smile and nodded, then turned back to look at the monitor.


Lin Xuan nodded, "Sir, please do your business."

After Wang Meng left.

Lin Xuan sat down and looked at the computer on his desk.

Use the mouse to open the file.

Wait until he sees the file name on the file.

Bewildered for a moment.

[Predicting future murders]

When Lin Xuan came back to his senses, he felt deeply humiliated by his intelligence.

What's the big deal? Predicting the future?

This is a special word used in supernatural science fiction novels.

How could it appear in reality and in the case?

criminal investigation files

Case name: Predicting future murders

Case number: 50701183…

Criminal suspect: Hou Xinyong

Time of filing: April 9, 2016

Case closing time:…

Unit that filed the file: Criminal Investigation Detachment of Pudong Branch, Magic City

The person who stood up the scroll...

April 8, midnight.

The 110 police station in Shanghai received an alarm call.

The reporter claimed to be the watchman at a funeral home in Shanghai.

Claiming that he witnessed a horrific supernatural event.

At the time of the crime.

He is playing with his mobile phone.

Suddenly I heard a woman screaming at the top of her lungs.

That inhuman cry made his hair stand on end and shuddered.

The reporter was frightened at the time.

Because at this time, there was only one corpse placed in the mourning hall in the funeral parlor.

And himself, there is no longer any living person!

The frightened reporter began to think that he had heard wrongly.

Because the scream only lasted for a few seconds and then stopped abruptly.

So, he walked out of the room and went to the mourning hall to check.

Finally mustering up the courage, the reporter picked up a shovel.

He walked gingerly through a corridor and headed towards the mourning hall.

However, he just reached the door.

The reporter's face instantly turned pale and bloodless.

He saw a figure wearing a shroud, standing in the mourning hall.

He lowered his head and remained motionless, like a statue.

My whole body seems to be exuding a cold aura...

Seeing this figure, the reporter was immediately frightened out of his wits.

Because he knows it very well.

This figure wearing a shroud is the corpse that was delivered in the afternoon.

This was not the most frightening thing for him.

What frightened him was the figure standing still.

Suddenly... she moved!

She slowly raised her head.

The long hair covering her face was also shaking a little bit.

In the fluttering of the long hair and in the gaps.

The reporter saw an open eye, which did not blink, flashing a cold luster.

Staring at him!

Facing this weird and terrifying scene.

The reporter suddenly felt a chill coming towards him and shuddered.

He was so frightened that he collapsed on the ground.

The fear in his heart also reached the extreme, and he rolled his eyes.

He fainted and fell to the ground...

I don’t know how long it took, when the reporter woke up.

Recalling the scene before fainting, he got up in fear.

But he found that the figure in the shroud had disappeared long ago.

A word came to his mind.

Corpse transformation!

In the legend.

Some people who had great resentment during their lifetime, after death.

Will be unwilling to rest in peace.

When the resentment cannot be dissipated, it is easy to turn into a corpse!

The reporter ran out of the mourning hall and the funeral home.

Then he remembered to take out his mobile phone and call the police!


Lin Xuan stared at the file and saw this.

Thinking: What blinded my 24K titanium alloy eyes?

Is this a file?

Are you sure it is not a supernatural novel?

The question is.

Which police dare to joke about the investigation report and file?

There is another key.

What is described and recorded in this file.

What does it have to do with "predicting future homicides"?

Lin Xuan, with a puzzled look on his face, took a deep breath.

Continue reading the file...

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