Solving the case is a little bitter, but my sister is super sweet

Chapter 53 Do you believe that there are ghosts in the world, or do you believe that I am Qin Shi Hu

The reporter called the police and the police arrived at the scene.

The on-site investigation scared even the police.

The reason was that they found the body through the investigation...

It walked out of the mourning hall and the funeral home by itself!

Isn't this nonsense?

A group of old criminal investigators re-investigated the scene.

Finally, everyone gave a unanimous answer.

That's right, the body walked out of the funeral home by itself.

A disturbing horror spread in everyone's heart!

How is it possible?

What era is it now? Animals are not allowed to become spirits.

You told me that there are ghosts, corpses, and dead people can be resurrected?

Then all the information about the deceased was placed in front of the investigators.

Yu Xiaoli, female, 29 years old... died in a traffic accident.

Key points: Yu Xiaoli and her family changed their nationality six years ago. They are foreigners and returned to China for work.

After a simple autopsy, Yu Xiaoli's death was confirmed. The police contacted her family and issued a death certificate.

After the police negotiated with the family of the deceased, her family could only arrive in Longguo two days later due to visa issues.

During this period, Yu Xiaoli's family asked the police to keep the body properly.

The family wanted to see Yu Xiaoli for the last time, cremate her, and take her ashes abroad.

As a result... the body ran away!

Since there was no problem with Yu Xiaoli's death.

The police began to suspect that someone had stolen the body.

The first suspect was the night watchman at the funeral home.

But after interrogation, no problems were found.

Other possibilities began to be investigated.

For example.

People that Yu Xiaoli had contacted in Longguo, acquaintances, friends, colleagues...

After an investigation.

The police found something unusual in the studio of one of Yu Xiaoli's friends.

When this abnormality was discovered.

Everyone was horrified again!

What did the police find?

The previous reason was.

This friend of Yu Xiaoli was a cartoonist.

He was writing a horror and supernatural comic.

When a criminal policeman accidentally flipped through this comic, he was dumbfounded.

Because of a certain plot in the comic.

It was actually very similar to the process of Yu Xiaoli's body disappearance case...!

It was also a woman who died in a car accident.

The corpse was also sent to the funeral hall.

Then the corpse resurrected and walked out of the funeral home.

This comic also depicts the reporter, the night watchman, every move.

The process and experience of encountering the "corpse transformation" described by the reporter are exactly the same.

It seems that the cartoonist has personally experienced these scenes.


A terrible problem arises.

The storyline and plot creation of the cartoonist.

It was completed a week ago.

How could he know what happened a week later?

It is even more impossible to know the every move of the night watchman in the funeral home.

But... he just drew it!

When the police interrogated the cartoonist, they told the cartoonist the whole process of Yu Xiaoli's corpse being "stolen".

The cartoonist was also scared and trembling.

The police could see that this was not a disguise by the cartoonist.

He was really scared.

Do you think the matter ends here?

It is not.

When the police launched an investigation into the content of the cartoon drawn by the cartoonist.

You don't know until you investigate.

After the investigation, something even more terrifying happened.

As mentioned before.

This cartoonist is a cartoonist who specializes in supernatural horror themes.

He drew a total of four comic plot stories about supernatural horror themes.

Each story is independent.

However, the main story line of the entire comic can be connected together.

Yu Xiaoli's "resurrection" is the fourth horror story.

Funeral home supernatural events!

And before that, there were three supernatural horror stories.

Pond ghost, evil ghost, and ghost paralysis.

At the same time, in each of these three horror stories.

There will be a death.

No, it's four stories, all with the dead!

When the police, with a skeptical and incomprehensible mentality, began to investigate according to the plots, scenes, and some signs, or some characters and plots in the comics.

All the detectives were stunned.

Because they found that the first three horror stories actually happened.

It is extremely consistent with the plots in the comics.

The cartoonist drew each story.

Deaths occurred in one week!

Faced with this strange and incomprehensible thing, everyone was scared.

The cartoonist who was a major "suspect" was also controlled at the first time.

He was interrogated again.

But in the end, no results were obtained.

The cartoonist was not found to have any motive or possibility of committing the crime.

Because the people in the cartoonist's studio, relatives, and girlfriend can prove it.

It is impossible for this cartoonist to have time to commit the crime.

Of course, the most incredible point.

It is the performance of the supporting characters in the story drawn by the cartoonist.

For example.

How could he make the funeral home watchman discover the "corpse transformation".

All the expressions, movements, coma, exclamation, running out of the funeral home, calling the police, and a series of actions.

A vivid restoration?

And it was "restored" a week in advance?

Is this something that can be controlled by human power?

This is just like "foreseeing the future"!

After that, the police conducted a thorough investigation of four suspected "supernatural" cases.

But no results were found.

The Magic City police took the initiative to report and requested the dispatch of "professional" personnel to assist in the investigation.

This morning.

Six members of the special criminal case task force arrived in Magic City and began to investigate.

This is why Zhan Shaoyang said: It's tricky, but it shouldn't be supernatural.

Normal people definitely don't believe in anything supernatural.

Let alone believe that there are really any supernatural events.

Does Lin Xuan believe it?

This is bullshit.

Do you believe that there are ghosts in the world, or do you believe that I am Qin Shihuang?

Don't say that someone has seen ghosts with their own eyes.

Why have ghost legends been passed down from ancient times to the present.

No one has come up with real evidence to prove that there are ghosts?

China has a history of 5,000 years.

There is still no evidence to prove that there are ghosts. Isn't it strange?

Lin Xuan leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes.

His brain entered a state of rapid operation.

Whether it was in the past life or this life.

Lin Xuan likes to unravel the files.

Then, chew on those subtle clues and details and make inferences.

When all kinds of information and clues in the files are gathered in his mind.

As various information is pieced together, the case becomes clearer and clearer.

If, put aside the supernatural and incomprehensible aspects of this case.

What kind of result will be obtained by simply analyzing the case?

Four cases, four lives, four murders.


Suppose there is a person who commits four crimes in succession.

How can he leave no clues in all the cases.

Let a group of top criminal investigators in the Magic City not find any abnormalities and suspect that it is a supernatural event?


Lin Xuan raised his head, his face solemn, and thought of a possibility.

In this world, can anyone really commit a perfect crime?

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