"Lao Wang, don't get excited yet. We haven't played the video yet. Let's talk about it after we finish watching it." Guan Hongfeng comforted.

Wang Guijin nodded quickly, and Song An found a chair for him to sit down.

Lao Wang's eyes were only focused on the big screen, and he didn't care about anything else.

Feng Jing clicked the play button again, and Wang Shan was holding a little bear toy in her arms, looking at the camera expressionlessly.

"I have nothing to say to this world. I don't have any last wishes. I will leave this world after I fulfill my mother's wish."

Song An noticed that Wang Shan in the video shrugged her right shoulder when she said the last sentence.

The video ended, and Wang Shan stared blankly at the empty screen.

"Director Gu, I want to ask you a favor!"

Wang Guijin suddenly stood up and said to Gu Ming

"Lao Wang, I know you want to know about your daughter, but our current understanding of Wang Shan is limited to the surveillance at the entrance of ICBC. As for the rest, we really don’t know." Gu Ming explained

"That means Wang Shan may be dead."

Old Wang slumped in the chair weakly, his forehead resting on the back of his hand, revealing a painful expression.

The people in the serious crime team were silent for a while, not knowing how to comfort him.

Song An patted Wang Guijin on the shoulder,"Old Wang, your daughter will not commit suicide, don't worry."

Wang Guijin's eyes lit up, and he immediately grabbed Song An's hand,"Xiao Song, did you find something?"

"Song An, if you find anything, tell Lao Wang as soon as possible."Gu Ming also said

"I have found small orange lights strung together with wires near all the murder scenes! Lao Wang once told me that in the Sishui area, people would use small orange lights to send blessings to those who committed suicide."Song An explained. Lao Wang nodded quickly,"It is true."

"These small orange lights were undoubtedly lit by Wang Shan, the daughter of Lao Wang. She was silently sending blessings to these dead people. At the same time, Wang Shan was also telling our police intentionally or unintentionally that these people actually died of suicide! Why did she do this?"

After Song An finished speaking, he looked around the audience.

The others were still silent, and an old expert who was proficient in psychology immediately said,"Save yourself!"

Song An looked at the old expert, and they both smiled happily at the same time. Mr. Cui suddenly realized, poked the air with a neutral pen, and said,"I understand too! These people should have received very serious psychological intervention, so they insist on believing that suicide is a great thing. Wang Shan must be the one who is most affected among these people."

Wang Guijin looked at Mr. Cui eagerly, with tension and anticipation appearing on his face at the same time.

Song An glanced at Wang Guijin,"Lao Wang, what I am going to say next may be hurtful to you. If you find it harsh, you can stop talking first.........."

"No need! I am a failed father. My child ran away from home. It is all my fault. If I dare not even listen to the truth, I am not worthy of being a father."

Wang Guijin insisted on staying.

Song���Nodding,"Because Wang Guijin has always opposed his daughter's entrance examination to the dance academy, there has been a lot of conflict between father and daughter.

Professor Tian must have taken advantage of this and slandered Lao Wang and his fatherly love.

Under this subtle influence, Wang Shan began to doubt the meaning of life!

But she is a child educated by the police after all, and she has always believed in her heart that there should be love and justice in the world.

Therefore, her subconscious drives her to come to the murder scene again and again, leaving the little orange light.


After Song An finished speaking, he thought for a while and added,"Also, in the video just now, everyone was facing the camera directly, except Wang Shan, who was holding a teddy bear."

"Is there any problem with this?" Guo Zijian asked doubtfully.

"This habit is called alienation in behavioral science, which represents a subconscious resistance, or dislike for what one is currently doing. When she talked about suicide, the shrugged right shoulder also showed that she did not agree with this behavior in her heart."After

Song An finished his analysis, Lao Wang nodded repeatedly,"Yes, yes, Wang Shan has been very strong since she was a child, I believe she will be fine."

Guan Hongfeng looked at Wang Guijin and said,"Lao Wang, whether Wang Shan can be saved depends on you!"

"Rely on me?"

Wang Guijin thought for a moment,"I understand what you mean, it's what the film mentioned, her mother's wish. But.......I don't remember what her mother's wish was before she died."

"Think about it again, this clue may be very important for finding Wang Shan in the end."Old Cui said.

Wang Guijin thought for several minutes, but still had no clue.

At the door, a logistics police officer knocked on the glass,"Director Gu, we just received a call from President Xie of Northern University. President Xie said that after watching the video on the Internet, they unanimously concluded that these victims were all volunteers for a psychological experiment! The initiator of this experiment is Zhou Tian, an associate professor of the Department of Psychology!"

"Associate Professor of Psychology, Zhou Tian!"

There was a cry of surprise in the conference room. The suspect that Song An had just mentioned was Zhou Tian!

Before the logistics police officer left, Fang Yiren had already rushed into the conference room, looked at Song An and said,"I have found Zhou Tian you asked me to investigate! There are a total of 276 men named Zhou Tian in the city, and only one meets your requirements. He is an associate professor of psychology at Northern University!"

Gu Ming immediately ordered,"Everyone in the serious crime team will take action immediately and start investigating Associate Professor Zhou Tian of Northern University right away!"

Each team went to arrange personnel. When Song An was about to leave, Wang Guijin stopped him.

"Don't worry, Lao Wang, I will definitely hand Wang Shan over to you!" Song An patted Lao Wang on the shoulder and said.

Lao Wang nodded and took out a yellowed notebook from his pocket,"This is some diaries I wrote from the birth of my child to the day she ran away from home. I hope it will be of some help to you."

Song An nodded, took the notebook, and gave Lao Wang a gesture of trusting himself.

Song An, Guo Zijian and Guan Hongfeng formed a team and drove directly to Northern University.

In the car, Song An hurriedly flipped through all the diaries written by Lao Wang.

The car stopped at the gate of Northern University on Wenhua West Road.

It was school time, and young college students in fashionable clothes were filing out to go shopping.

Song An and his friends did not stop. Under the guidance of the guard, they went directly to the principal's office to find the president of Northern University, Jie Zhili.

Principal Jie told them that Zhou Tian had been absent for more than three weeks. The school contacted all his relatives and friends, but they all said they didn't know where he was.

""Principal Xie, please take us to Zhou Tian's dormitory." Song An said.

Principal Xie nodded repeatedly,"Sure, he lives in the single dormitory at the back and has never been married."

Principal Xie took Song An and others to the staff dormitory of Northern University. According to the school's system, single teachers can be allocated a one-bedroom and one-living-room single room. Married teachers can be allocated a two-bedroom and one-living-room couple's room.

"Principal Xie, what is your impression of Zhou Tian?"

Guan Hongfeng asked.

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