Principal Xie took off his glasses, wiped the lenses, and shook his head helplessly.

"We can't see through him. He is a very strange person! He doesn't care about material things, such as salary, promotion, etc. But he is very obsessed with his studies. What's more, he can't stand his students being distracted in class! He once punished several students physically because they were not paying attention in class, and was warned by the school! Otherwise, based on the number of academic papers he published, he would have been promoted to full professor long ago."

Song An memorized this information one by one.

The logistics staff of the Political and Educational Department opened the dormitory door, and Song An and others walked into Zhou Tian's dormitory.

Zhou Tian's dormitory looked a bit messy, and there was a damp smell in the room.

Guan Hongfeng could tell at a glance that the green wall by the window was where the video was shot!

The lilies next to it had withered, but the vase was still there.

Guo Zijian found an unfinished oil painting in the drawer.

There was a line of small words written on the lower right corner of the painting,"I hope that one day I can dance a swan dance for my father."

Song An found a wishing bottle on the desk.

There was a small tree in the wishing bottle. When he shook the bottle with his hand, a large number of small red fruits fell from the tree, which was very beautiful.

""Captain Guo, I found a bottle. What did you find?"

Song An walked towards Guo Zijian.

Guo Zijian showed Song An the painting.

Guan Hongfeng came over with the vase. The three grown men studied these things for a long time, but they really couldn't see any clues.

However, from the outside, the wishing bottle and the oil painting did not look like a man's collection.

They looked more like a girl's personal belongings.

Thinking of girls, Song An immediately thought of Wang Shan.

"Let's go back to the police station and ask Lao Wang to take a look. Maybe he can figure out something." Song An said.

Guan Hongfeng and Guo Zijian nodded.

After thanking Principal Jie, they immediately returned to the police station and came to the meeting room.

The three of them put all the clues they had just found on the table.

Lao Wang glanced at the wishing bottle, his face changed, and he immediately said,"Hawthorn tree, it's Wu Zhen's hawthorn tree!"

"Lao Wang, what is Wu Zhen Hawthorn Tree?"Guan Hongfeng looked at him in confusion.

"I used to be a policeman at Wuzhen Police Station. My wife was a teacher at Wuzhen Middle School. We got married under a hawthorn tree at the southernmost part of the town. I proposed to her while holding a bunch of lilies in my hand and standing under the hawthorn tree. She cried and agreed. 々"

Old Wang was lost in memories, with tears streaming down his cheeks."When my wife was ill, she kept talking about Wu Zhen's Hawthorn Tree and how she wanted to go back to see it again, but I was too busy with work and never went back with her........."

"Director Gu, Wang Shan is very likely in Wu Town!" Song An said immediately.

Gu Ming nodded,"Without further ado, we will set off for Wu Town immediately. Lao Wang, you should follow us too!"

Song An supported Lao Wang and got into the police car.

Four police cars flashed their lights, sounded their sirens, and rushed towards Wu Town like sharp arrows!

Under the guidance of Wang Guijin, the police car took a shortcut to the southern suburbs of Wu Town. The car passed through a wheat field and soon found a tall hawthorn tree in front.

The autumn wind blew through the hawthorn tree, and the leaves rustled.

Under the hawthorn tree, there was a girl standing, wearing a white corseted long skirt and holding a square black lacquered wooden box in her hands.

The police car stopped around the hawthorn tree, and Song An helped Wang Guijin get out of the car.

Wang Guijin saw the girl in a long skirt standing under the hawthorn tree and shouted hoarsely,"Wang Shan, don't be impulsive!"

"Wang Guijin, you finally thought of this place, didn't you?"

Wang Shan sneered, gently put down the black lacquer square box, took out a syringe from the small bag across her body, and pointed the needle at her arm.


Wang Guijin was startled, his body collapsed, and he quickly knelt on the ground.

"Wang Shan, you can hate me as much as you want, but don't punish yourself! You are only 23 years old, and you still have a long way to go!"

"Professor Tian was right. Wang Guijin, you don’t care about me at all, and you don’t care about my mom at all! Dad, don’t you regret giving birth to me? I’ll give my life back to you now!"

Wang Shan gritted her teeth, stabbed the needle into her skin, and pressed the booster at the back with her right thumb to push the fentanyl in the syringe in!

Old Wang was so scared that his face turned pale, and his mouth trembled so much that he couldn’t say a word.

The other criminal police were also stunned by the scene before them.

No one expected that a girl who looked very quiet would commit suicide if she said so!

At this moment.

A clear and loud male voice suddenly sounded in the wilderness.

"October 20, 1977, sunny.

Today, I stood in the corridor outside the obstetrics and gynecology department of the county hospital for a whole morning, my hands clenched nervously, and my whole body was sweating. Maybe in a few minutes, maybe in half an hour, I will be a father. I prayed silently in my heart, hoping that the mother and child would be safe.

My colleague Damao suddenly came to me and said that they received a call from the masses and someone heard gunshots in the Nanjiao Forest Farm! I really don’t want to leave. I really want to see the birth of the child with my own eyes. I want to kiss her forehead and say, Dad will protect you for the rest of your life with his life.

But the gunshot is an order! Although it was very painful, I still gritted my teeth and left the corridor. Just as I walked to the door and was about to get in the car, maybe it was an illusion, maybe it was real, I heard a cry! My child, are you begging Dad to stay and not leave?........."

Song An held a yellowed notebook and read carefully and attentively.

Wang Shan looked at Song An without saying a word, listening to the words in the notebook, and looked at Song An almost greedily, as if expecting him to read on. He even forgot about the booster that his thumb was holding.

Song An read word by word for a full half hour.

There was no literary talent in the diary, it was all trivial matters.

From naming the child Wang Shan, hoping that she would be as beautiful and precious as coral.

To the first time the child spoke, the first time he learned to walk, the first time he sang, the first time he got a little red flower, the first time he got the first place in the class, the first time he cried........

He took the trouble to record the exact date and time of every incident.

".〃 Wang Shan, this notebook has been torn apart by your father. If he really has no feelings for you as Professor Tian said, why did he record these things? Why did he read them over and over again?"

Song An looked at Wang Shan calmly and asked.

"Wang Guijin, I don't want to listen to these superficial things! If you really love me and care about me, if you really want to protect me, then you should show it with your actions!"

Wang Shan pulled out the syringe and threw it to Wang Guijin across Song An.

Wang Shan said loudly,"The syringe contains fentanyl. I think you must know its use! If you inject this dose, a person will die in four minutes! If you dare to inject fentanyl, I will forgive you, and I will........."

Before Wang Shan finished her words, Wang Guijin had already picked up the syringe and pressed the booster without hesitation.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Wang Shan stood there in a daze, her eyes wide open like bells.

""Old Wang!!"

Gu Ming and others quickly ran towards him.

Only Song An did not move at all, but had a smile on his face.

When Gu Ming and others ran over, Wang Guijin had already pushed the syringe to the bottom.

There was no regret on his face.

"Old Wang, why are you so confused! She told you to die, and you really died. Are you crazy?"

Gu Ming was anxious, angry, and sad. He hugged Wang Guijin's shoulders, unable to speak with red eyes.

Wang Guijin looked at Gu Ming and said with a smile,"Because she is my daughter. How can a father refuse his daughter's request? I have made a mistake once, and I can't make the same mistake a second time..........."

Several colleagues silently supported Wang Guijin, and some secretly wiped away tears.


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