
The voice was trembling and weak.

But it was like a flash of light that cut through the sky.

Old Wang's body trembled heavily, and the corners of his mouth and hands trembled violently.

Wang Shan slowly walked to Wang Guijin, took Gu Ming's hand, and held his shoulder,"I was wrong, Dad!"

"No, you are not wrong, it is my fault! Shanshan, I am very happy to hear you call me dad for the last time before you die."

Wang Guijin showed a kind and gentle smile and reached out to touch Wang Shan's hair, just like when she was a child, she brushed the fallen leaves off her daughter's shoulders.

"My son, when you get married, your father won't be able to see you anymore..........Remember to go to the grave and burn a copy of your wedding photo for your parents. By the way, if he dares to bully you, just say your dad is a policeman! Whoever dares to bully my Wang Guijin's daughter, I won't let him go even if I become a ghost!"

Wang Shan hugged Wang Guijin's arm, unable to utter a complete sentence, crying until she couldn't speak.

Four minutes were up, and Lao Wang still stood there motionless.

Everyone was stunned.

Song An laughed, clapped his hands and said,"Congratulations, Lao Wang, father and daughter are finally reunited! Not to mention that your daughter will get married in the future. Maybe after you retire, you will have to help her family look after their grandchildren every day. It's so annoying."

"Xiao Song, have you known this a long time ago?"Wang Guijin looked at him in confusion.

Gu Ming, Guo Zijian and others also looked at Song An, as if they were looking at a charlatan who could predict the future.

Wang Shan also looked at Song An in confusion,"How do you know that there is no fentanyl in it? You can't tell from the outside, right?"

"There are two reasons! One is the oil painting we found in Zhou Tian’s dormitory. On it was a line of words saying,"I hope one day, I can dance a swan dance for my dad!" I immediately thought of you. The reason you had a quarrel with Lao Wang was that you wanted to apply to the dance academy, so you drew this painting. You have a wish in your heart, but you don’t dare to face it. But because of this wish, your subconscious mind keeps telling you that you must live!"

After Song An finished speaking, Wang Shan and Wang Guijin looked at each other, and the father and daughter linked their arms and smiled at each other.

"The second reason is that our Criminal Police Team Six receives several meat patties every morning, and all these meat patties come from the same store, so I became suspicious. I have secretly investigated. Every time you went to the meat pie shop to pay, although you wore sunglasses and a hat, I still recognized you from the back!"

Song An looked at Wang Shan with a question mark on her face and said,"Don't forget, you went to find Li Xing at around 12 o'clock in the evening on October 4th and handed him a special drain plug. You were captured by the surveillance camera twice when you passed by the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China."

Wang Guijin looked at Wang Shan in surprise,"Daughter, did you really buy those meat patties?"

Wang Shan was a little embarrassed, patted the dirt on her father's shoulders, lowered her head and said,"My mother is not here, you live alone, and there is no one to take care of you and cook. I'm afraid you will get stomach problems if you don't eat in the morning, so I........."

Wang Guijin was so moved that he didn't know what to say.

Gu Ming sighed with envy,"This is the benefit of having a daughter. It's true what they say about a daughter being a father's little cotton-padded jacket! Look at my son. He only shows up once when he plays games online and asks me for money. The rest of the time, I don't even know where this man is!"

"My brat is also too much! He asks for leave every few days, and every time he asks for leave, he says that his father, that is, me, is seriously ill and bedridden! His class teacher called me and asked me why I got seven completely different types of cancer in half a year!"Guo Zijian said helplessly.

Zhou Xun shook his head,"It's not necessarily that my daughter is good, it depends on the person! My daughter is a bully in her class. She bullies boys every day. I have to apologize to her every now and then. I'm so embarrassed."

Everyone laughed together.

Wang Guijin looked at Gu Ming carefully,"Director Gu, is our Wang Shan going to be sentenced for this crime?"

Gu Ming smiled,"Of course not, she did not provide the direct murder tool, and was instigated by Zhou Tian, so she is also a victim. What's more, the small orange lamp left by Wang Shan at the scene indirectly helped Song An uncover the truth! According to the relevant provisions of Article 232 of the Criminal Law, criminal responsibility can be completely exempted."

Wang Guijin heaved a long sigh and patted the back of Wang Shan's hand, motioning her to relax.

Song An said,"From the current point of view, Zhou Tian used the opportunity of psychological assistance to control Wang Shan and others mentally, and his ultimate goal is to use Wang Zhihe's death to uncover the dark side of Anding Nursing Home!"

"Humph, for his own purpose, he didn't hesitate to kill so many people! I must catch this bastard!" Gu Ming said angrily.

Guo Zijian clenched his fists,"Unfortunately, this person has been hiding very deeply. Although we now have his photos and have begun to monitor his family and relatives, I always feel that it is not easy to find him!"

Song An suddenly looked at Wang Shan,"When was the last time you saw Zhou Tian? Did you find anything unusual?"

Wang Shan thought for a while,"That was three weeks ago. He told me that he would go on a long trip. By the way, he also treated me to a kind of pickled vegetable that day. The radish was very crisp and delicious, especially with rice."

Wang Shan's information did not seem to be of much help in arresting Zhou Tian, and everyone was a little disappointed.

Song An looked at Wang Shan,"You just said that he treated you to pickled radish? How could someone treat you to a meal and treat you to pickles?"

Wang Shan shook her head,"I don't know either. He said that he loved pickled radish the most. That kind of radish was very cute and only a few centimeters long."

Gu Ming said to Song An,"Forget it, Xiao Song, don't embarrass Wang Shan. If it doesn't work, we can apply for more special police detachments to fully control all intersections in Jibei. I don't believe that we can't catch people even with photos!"

Song An seemed not to hear what the director said, and grabbed Wang Shan,"You just said that the radish was a few centimeters long. Do you mean after it was cut?"

Wang Shan was frightened by Song An's appearance and shook her head subconsciously,"No, it's the whole pickled one. He said that the taste of the cut one is not authentic. Also, he told me that I can eat the most authentic pickled radish when I go back this time."

Song An filtered Wang Shan's words in his mind, then raised his head and said to Gu Ming:

"Director Gu, Zhou Tian is not in the city, he is in the countryside, and very likely at a relative's house in the countryside!"

"Rural relatives' home?"

Gu Ming, Guo Zijian, Zhou Xun and others looked at each other, wondering why Song An came to this conclusion.

"The vegetable markets and supermarkets in the city do not sell small radishes that are only a few centimeters short. These radishes are usually grown in rural areas. The reason why they are so short is that the soil is severely compacted and the roots of the radishes cannot absorb water and nutrients! Zhou Tian said that he loves to eat this kind of pickled radish the most. He may have to go to the home of a relative who grows this kind of radish to avoid the limelight!"

Song An's analysis made everyone suddenly enlightened.

Wang Guijin looked at Song An with admiration,"I didn't expect that you, a child who grew up in the city, actually know so much about crops. Xiao Song's observation ability of life is really too meticulous.".

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