"It doesn't matter, this pose is very good! It's not terrible for a girl to be clingy, but it's terrible that she is still happy whether you are around her or not, that's really troublesome!"

The boss smiled and pressed the shutter to take a special couple photo of Song An and him.

After the photo was taken, the boss didn't want money.

He wanted to enlarge the photo of the two of them and put it in the window as a sample display.

"So shameful........."

Tian Rui recalled how she had just looked. She grabbed Song An's hand and twisted her boyfriend's fingers. Her neck turned red with embarrassment.

Song An laughed,"Boss, it's a happy decision! But you have to accept the money!""

"Humph, Mr. Song, you did it on purpose, you must have done it on purpose!"

Tian Rui pulled Song An's hand and shook it.

Song An was very happy and took out fifty yuan and put it on the counter.

When the lights came on, Song An took Tian Rui to the"Old Street Old Flavor Braised Food Shop" again to buy her favorite chicken feet. 15

The weather turned cooler, and there were fewer and fewer pedestrians on the street. The young couple went shopping until ten o'clock and then went back.

On the way back, the two encountered a ridiculous thing. When they passed an alley, they were robbed!

Two young boys, swinging switchblades, dragging like two hundred and fifty-eight thousand, suddenly jumped out of the shadows!

""Stop! Brothers are out of money, can you give me some money to spend?"

The two boys looked at Song An, then looked at the girl next to him, and their eyes lit up immediately.

When the two hooligans just jumped out, Song An hadn't made a move yet, and Tian Rui had already blocked him!

This reaction time was no more than 0.1 seconds, and Tian Rui relied entirely on instinct.

"Oh, the beauty saves the hero! Girl, your man is a gigolo, why don't you live with us?"

A hooligans came over with a smirk, not taking Tian Rui seriously at all.

When she was about one meter away from Tian Rui, she screamed!

Her left whip kick quickly crossed the night sky, and the whip kick kicked the hooligans' right cheek fiercely!

At the same time, her right arm quickly bent, and her right elbow hit the opponent's chest!

Horizontal kick and elbow strike!

Tian Rui has practiced the basic movements of military boxing for four years, and has long practiced them into muscle memory.

The little hooligans didn't have any skills, and Tian Rui's moves were decisive, so the hooligans fell to the ground with their hands on their chests.

""Little girl, you're looking for death!"

Another thug was furious, picked up a brick from the ground, and hit Tian Rui on the head!

When thugs fight on the street, the most common weapons are benches and bricks. The two guys can be seen fighting often.

Seeing that thug picked up the brick, Song An decisively hugged his girlfriend's shoulders and pulled her behind him.

At the same time, he swung his left fist forward, turned his waist, and swept the thug's neck with his right leg!


The brick in the thug's hand was like a watermelon run over by a car, breaking into pieces and shattering into a pile of powder!

The thug didn't have time to be surprised, and Song An kicked him on the neck again. His body swayed and he also knelt on the ground.

Song An and Tian Rui went over and handcuffed the two thugs.

""Get up! You two are really capable of robbing and hitting the police!"

Tian Rui grabbed a thug by the shoulder and lifted him up like a chicken.

""Police sister, we really didn't mean to rob you! It was his bad idea. He insisted on robbing the eighth passerby because it would be more auspicious. Who would have thought that the eighth one would be you two! Xie Laosan, damn auspiciousness, aren't we just rushing to help them with their performance!"

Song An and Tian Rui took the two robbers and sent them to the nearby Xiaoqinghe Police Station.

When the two were about to leave, the police on duty at the police station grabbed Song An and turned his neck to shout to the office,"Director! Instructor! Look, who's here?"

Song An and Tian Rui were stunned.

Four or five people rushed over from the office, and after seeing Song An's appearance, they all recognized him.

"Oh, isn't this Inspector Song who won the first-class merit today? Welcome to our station to guide our work!"

The old director held Song An's hands, his face excited,"Inspector Song, since you are here today, we will never let you go unless you teach us some tricks!"

Song An felt helpless. He didn't expect that being famous also has its disadvantages. He had a good time shopping and strolling on the streets, but now he has become working overtime.

Song An stayed until after ten o'clock. The old director used their police car to send Tian Rui and Song An back home.

After returning home, Song An took a hot shower.

Thinking of the scene where Tian Rui rushed in front of him regardless of everything just now, Song An felt that Tian Rui was more and more cute.

So he picked up his mobile phone, edited a paragraph, and sent it to her.

"Little dragon, have you grown up again today?"

Tian Rui took the shower and squatted in front of the dragon blood tree her boyfriend gave her, watering the flower.

"You have to bloom early, and when you bloom, I will........."

Tian Rui tilted her head and said with a smile,"I will take the initiative to propose to Teacher Song, what do you say?"

The night wind blew into the single dormitory through the curtains, and the leaves of the fragrant dragon blood swayed gently. Tian Rui smiled happily.

Ding Ding!

The mobile phone message rang. Tian Rui put down the shower head and came to the desk. Seeing that it was a message from her boyfriend, she happily opened it.

The message was just one sentence, and it looked like a love message.

"Spring water is just born, spring forest is just flourishing, spring breeze is ten miles long, none of them is as good as you."

Tian Rui held the phone in both hands, sat on the bed, and secretly smiled to herself. She read the text message over and over again, and the more she read, the happier she became. She actually fell asleep with the phone in her arms.

Late at night, at three o'clock in the morning, Xiaoqinghe Police Station 063. The door of the police station was pushed open by someone, and a bloody handprint immediately appeared on the door!

The police on duty turned off the TV and stood up.

A middle-aged woman with blood all over her face staggered in front of the police, trembling and said:

"Comrade, I killed someone!"

A trail of bloody footprints was left behind where the woman walked..........

"You, please sit down for a moment. I will call 120 first!"

After the police officer dialed the number of the emergency center, he quickly dialed the number of the police station in charge.

"Hello, is this the Yanshan Police Station? This is the Xiaoqinghe Police Station. A female comrade has come to report that she has killed two people!"

The voices of recording and questioning came from the other side.

The police officer raised his head and looked at the woman who came to report the case."Where did you kill people?"

The woman's eyes seemed to freeze, staring straight at the wall in front of her, and tremblingly said:

"No. 653 Heping Road, Lecheng Garden Community."

The police reported the name of the community to the Yanshan Police Station.

Five minutes later, three police cars turned on their flashing lights and rushed to Heping Road.


: Thank you to the friend"8481" for urging me to update again. I will finish the number of words you urged me to update tonight. There are still two more updates.

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