At eight o'clock in the morning, after Song An had breakfast in the cafeteria, he came to the office of Team 6 to attend the case analysis meeting.

Everyone was here today, including Lao Wang.

Ji Jie stood in front of a whiteboard with three photos on it, connected in the middle with a carbon pen, representing the relationship between them.

"Everyone is here, let me briefly talk about the case.

At three o'clock in the morning, someone came to Xiaoqinghe Police Station to turn herself in. She said that she had killed two people in Lecheng Garden.

When our people rushed over, they found that there were two people lying in the community. One of them was still breathing and was immediately sent to the hospital for rescue. The other one was already dead. In addition, we found a bloody shovel at the scene."

Ji Jie posted a photo on the whiteboard. The photo showed an ordinary shovel with blood.

After Ji Jie introduced the scene, forensic doctor Park Huizhen stood up,"The deceased is Deng Zhiqiang, male, 49 years old.

According to the rectal temperature measurement, the deceased died at one o'clock in the morning.

Three lacerations and five contusions were found on the scalp of the deceased, and multiple marks of beatings were found on the body.

However, the fatal injury was a comminuted fracture of the skull parietal bone.

Some fragments of the skull pierced the brain tissue.

Due to the lack of timely rescue, he eventually died.


Song An looked at Park Huizhen,"Forensic doctor Park, there are two people lying at the scene, where is the other person?"

"The other one has a massive liver hemorrhage and is currently in a coma and is being treated at the First Hospital." Park Huizhen said.

Lao Wang raised his head,"Ji Jie, what is the grudge between that woman and the two people lying at the scene? Why did they beat each other?"

"The two people found at the scene were father and son. The father was Deng Zhiqiang, the one whose skull was smashed. The son was Deng Ming, who is currently in hospital.

According to Zhou Qing, the woman who surrendered herself, she was setting up a stall near Lecheng Garden Community to fry skewers.

When she returned to the community last night, Deng Ming and his son insisted that she pay 300 yuan for parking. Zhou Qing was unwilling to pay the money, so the three of them got into a fight.

Finally, Zhou Qing picked up a shovel on the ground and beat Deng Ming's father Deng Zhiqiang to death. She also beat Deng Ming so hard that his liver was bleeding and he passed out.「 "

After Ji Jie finished speaking, everyone in Team 6 showed incredible expressions on their faces.

Jiang Han shook his head,"I still can't believe it. A woman actually beat a man to death with a shovel. This is too outrageous!"

Ji Jie explained,"Under normal circumstances, it is indeed impossible, but the woman who surrendered herself, Zhou Qing, said that she used to work as a handyman on the construction site, transporting bricks and sand, and her hands are quite strong. In addition, Deng Ming and his son were drunk that night."

Jiang Han and others nodded. If this was true, it would make sense.

"There were multiple contusions and lacerations on the victim's forehead, which were scars left by blunt force trauma to the skin. If the suspect had slapped the victim multiple times, it is not impossible that the skull would have been shattered........."

Wang Guijin said this and shook his head."It doesn't make sense to smash Deng Zhiqiang's skull just for 300 yuan."

"We also asked Zhou Qing about this. Zhou Qing said that her daughter had just graduated from a technical secondary school and was looking for a job through someone else! So the three hundred yuan was related to her daughter's future, and she was very angry."Ji Jie explained

"Let me add one more thing. When our technical department conducted the identification, we found three blood types on the shovel: O-type, A-type and B-type. Zhou Qing, the person who turned himself in, had O-type blood, and the deceased Deng Zhiqiang and his son Deng Ming had B-type blood. But we don’t know who left the A-type blood." Feng Jing said.

Wang Guijin nodded,"Then at least one thing can be concluded. When the crime happened that night, there was a fourth person at the scene. For some unknown reason, Zhou Qing deliberately lied and protected this person! And this person should be the owner of the A-type blood."

Wang Guijin’s analysis was well-reasoned and everyone nodded.

""Song An, what do you think?" Ji Jie asked.

Everyone looked at Song An, wanting to hear his opinion.

Song An stood up, walked to the whiteboard, looked at the map hanging on the wall behind him, and shook his head.

The people in Team 6 had a lot of question marks on their faces.

"There is something wrong with this case!"

Song An turned around and looked at everyone,"Think about it, the forensic doctor has determined the time of death to be 1 a.m. through rectal temperature, and the crime scene, Lecheng Home, is located on Heping Road. And Xiaoqinghe Police Station is on the easternmost side of Heping Road, less than 400 meters away! With such a short distance, why did Zhou Qing not rush to Xiaoqinghe Police Station to report the case until three o'clock? What did she do in the more than two hours in between?"

Tian Rui put down her pen,"Teacher Song, could it be that Zhou Qing was confused after killing someone and didn't know what to do, so she hesitated on the road for two hours before turning herself in."

Ji Jie and Liu Mengyang nodded. This is also the reaction of ordinary people.

Lao Wang shook his head slightly.

"That means Zhou Qing's psychological quality is actually very poor, and you can see from her photos that she looks very thin! How can such a thin woman with poor psychological quality have the courage to pick up a shovel and smash a person's skull?"

After Song An finished speaking, he suddenly looked at Liu Mengyang,".ˇ Old Liu, you seem to have grown up in the countryside, right?"

Liu Mengyang nodded,"Yes, my family lives in a village near the mountains, what's wrong?"

"In the past, when people in the countryside fought over water, they usually used shovels. How did they fight?"Song An asked. Liu

Mengyang thought for a while,"Usually, they would use the back of the shovel to hit or smash the opponent's face or shoulders. So, fighting with shovels usually results in blood all over the face, which looks scary, but in fact, no one will die."

"That's right! Everyone knows that there were eighteen weapons in ancient times, but none of them was like a shovel, because the shovel had too low lethality and was too heavy, so it was mainly used to scare people, not to kill people. But look at this murder case, the person's skull was smashed, can this be just an ordinary fight?"

After Song An finished speaking, Lao Wang immediately said,"If it wasn't a sudden impulse, could it be a premeditated murder?"

"I dare not draw a conclusion whether it was premeditated or not, but one thing is absolutely certain, the murderer must have a great hatred with the deceased Deng Zhiqiang, or Deng Ming! This hatred is definitely not something that can be explained by three hundred yuan."Song An added

"It seems that Zhou Qing must be lying."Liu Mengyang said while spinning his pen.

"How about this, Tian Rui and I will go to re-interrogate Zhou Qing, Lao Wang and Meng Yang will check the interpersonal relationships of the deceased Deng Zhiqiang, Jiang Han will find out about Zhou Qing's family situation, and we will meet here at noon."

After Ji Jie gave the order, Tian Rui suddenly said,"Hey, Captain Ji, my master hasn't got any assignment yet."

Ji Jie smiled and said,"Captain Guo said that Song An is now the treasure of our Yanshan Criminal Police Brigade! He doesn't need to accept orders in his daily operations, and as long as he can solve the case, he will be given the maximum authority to act."

Everyone in Team 6 laughed.

Liu Mengyang patted Song An on the shoulder and said,"Congratulations, Xiao Song, you can take leave every day and sleep in from now on, you will still get your salary anyway.".

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