Zhou Qing was being detained at the Yanshan Police Station. A girl in her early teens or early 17s opened the door.

The girl was tall and thin, and seemed to be particularly afraid of strangers. She stood timidly behind the security door and asked,"Who are you looking for?"

"We are police officers. Are you Zhou Qing's daughter?"

After Song An revealed his identity, the girl nodded, hesitated for a moment, and invited the two in.

When entering the door, Song An accidentally turned his head and saw a mark under the girl's neck.

The girl was startled by Song An's sharp eyes and quickly pulled up her white shirt to cover the mark..

"You seem to be injured?" Song An asked gently.

"No, no, I was scratched by a cat, it's common."

The girl didn't dare to look up, her eyes fixed on the lower left corner, she pursed her lips tightly after she finished speaking, and subconsciously rubbed her nose.

Song An gave Song Lao Er a wink, meaning that he should look around.

Song Lao Er was stunned for a moment, then nodded immediately, pretending to be nonchalant, and wandered around with his hands in his pockets.

"Girl, don't be sad.���, tell us everything you know."

The two of them just stood there. The girl forgot how to treat guests when she saw the police and was so nervous.

Song An paid special attention to her. She was wearing flat canvas shoes and her toes were pointing in the direction of the bedroom.

According to behavioral psychology, when two people are talking, the direction of their toes represents their true thoughts.

For example, when a man and a woman are dating in a cafe, if the woman's toes are always pointing at the door, it means that she hates the date and wants to end the date as soon as possible.

""Little sister, can I sit down and have a glass of water?" Song An asked with a smile.

The girl finally reacted and apologized, inviting Song An to sit down.

Song An looked around the two-bedroom, one-living room house. The furnishings in the house were simple, but clean.

The TV was covered with a TV cover he made himself. There was a fortune tree in the corner with two small lanterns hanging on it.

The sofa was an old-fashioned Federal sofa. Because it was autumn, it was covered with cushions embroidered with a pattern of mandarin ducks playing in the water.

"This is your mother's work, it's really beautiful."

After Song An sat down, he picked up the cushion next to him and praised her.

The girl was very nervous at first, but when she heard the police praise her mother, she put her hair behind her head with her hands and forced a smile,"My mother's work is very good."

"I heard that she worked on a construction site before?"

Song An didn't even look at the girl opposite him, but played with the cushion in his hand with a nonchalant look on his face.

The girl scratched her hair at the back of her head, leaned back on the sofa, and said,"Well, I worked on a construction site for a while before."

"Which construction site?"

Song An suddenly raised his head, his eyes like lightning, staring at the girl's eyes.

"Ah? Yes, yes......."

The girl suddenly stuttered, Song An looked at her and asked,"Wangyuan Road, Dong'an Street, Guangming Road or Fufengyuan?"

"Yes, on the construction site on Dong'an Road." The girl said quickly.

Song An looked at her,"Little sister, Dong'an Street is on the Second Ring Road. Construction on that street has been strictly prohibited for the past ten years. Your mother is working on the construction site on Dong'an Road. Do you think it's possible?"

The girl lowered her head silently and scratched her fingers with her hands.

"Your mother lied at the police station, saying that she killed someone, but actually she did it to protect you, right?"

Song An softened his tone and asked an ambiguous question.

The girl raised her head and looked at Song An in horror,"Police brother, my mother said that she killed someone?"

Song An nodded,"Is the conflict between your mother and Deng Ming and his son because of the bullying you suffered?"

The girl was silent for a long time, then she covered her face with her hands and began to cry.

"Little sister, don't cry, it's not your fault, it's the person who hurt you who is wrong! Can you tell me the truth?"

After the girl cried for a few minutes, Song An stood up and handed her a towel.

Wiping her tears, the girl choked and said,"Last Saturday night, I went home from a class reunion and happened to meet Deng Ming. He came back from outside drunk and said a few unpleasant words to me when he saw me, and then suddenly hugged me.........."

The girl covered her face and said,"He dragged me to his house, pressed me on the bed, and started.........Policeman, I really resisted, but he was too strong."

"Later, you didn't call the police? Didn't you tell your mother?" Song An asked.

The girl shook her head."I was afraid that she would worry about me, so I didn't dare to tell her. My mother spent money and used connections to help me find a job, and her hair turned white. I really didn't want to make her sad."

· ······Request flowers· ·········

Song An looked up and saw a photo hanging on the wall. It was a photo of the girl and her mother Zhou Qing.

The mother and daughter stood at the foot of the Great Wall. The girl was holding a bottle of mineral water and smiling happily.

""Did he leave the scratches on your body?" Song An asked.

The girl shook her head and said with a sob,"I scratched myself. I think I........I am not clean anymore, so every time I take a shower I scratch myself, I can’t control myself, I feel disgusted with myself, why didn’t I hide away from that devil!"

As the girl was talking, she suddenly became excited, stretched out her right hand, and hit herself in the face!


Song An was quick to grab her wrist and looked at the girl gently.

"Little sister, you have suffered these days! I promise you that I will seek justice for you! Please believe me, okay?"

The girl looked at Song An for the first time. His eyes and tone made her feel at ease. Big tears fell from her eyes.

Song Lao Er came out of the bathroom and opened his mouth to say something to Song An. Song An looked at him and shook his head.

"Do you have other relatives? Your mother is not convenient to take care of you now, I will call them."

Song An was worried about the little girl being alone at home, so he asked before leaving.

"My aunt's house is nearby, I will call them, thank you, police brother."

The girl bowed deeply to Song An.

After walking out of Building 3, Song Lao Er quickly said,"Brother, I found a cardboard box in the toilet, which contained men's clothes, shoes and razors! Oh, and there was a group photo. The man was very tall and strong, and his age was about the same as the girl."

Song An nodded without any expression on his face,"Thank you for your hard work, Lao Er"

"Brother, have you figured it out a long time ago?" Song Lao Er scratched his head,"Why didn't you continue to ask that girl just now?"

Song An looked at Song Lao Er and shook his head,"She is not very experienced in the world. If I continue to ask her, I will certainly get what I want, but look at her..........I can't cause secondary harm to others just to handle the case!"

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