"Brother, I really admire you. However, I really think that bastard deserves to be killed. In addition to the girl upstairs, I don’t know how many girls he has harmed, bastard!"

Song Lao Er spat in the corner,"This kind of coward who bullies women will have a bad ending in prison in the future, bah!"

"He fell into my hands, how could I let him go?"

Song An patted Lao Er's shoulder, and a trace of coldness flashed across the corner of his eyes.

Song Lao Er shuddered. The look in Song An's eyes just now was too scary.

Yanshan Police Station, the third pre-trial room

"Zhou Qing, we found three blood types on the shovel left at the scene. You are type O, Deng Zhiqiang and Deng Ming are both type B, and there is another person who is type A. How do you explain this?"

Ji Jie asked, holding an enlarged photo of the scene.

"It was my daughter's blood. She saw me fighting with"943" and came to help. As a result, she was slapped by that bastard Deng Qiang, and the corner of her mouth was bleeding."

When Zhou Qing said Deng Qiang's name, she gritted her teeth and said she wanted to tear him to pieces.

"The corner of her mouth was bleeding, why was there blood on the shovel? Did your daughter also use this shovel to beat people?" Ji Jie asked.

Zhou Qing stood up from the chair excitedly after hearing Ji Jie's words, holding up her handcuffs and shouting,"Government, you can't wrongly accuse good people! My daughter is very well-behaved. She is so timid that she doesn't even dare to kill a fish. How could she kill someone!"

The female police officer behind Zhou Qing pushed her back into the chair.

"Zhou Qing, you must tell the truth! The police want the truth when investigating a case!" Ji Jie's tone became a little stern.

Zhou Qing's eyes turned,"I remember now, when she fell, I helped her up. It should be at that time that blood dripped onto the shovel! Officer, my daughter is really wronged!"

Ji Jie stared at Zhou Qing,"What's your daughter's name?"

"She, her name is Huang Jia." Zhou Qing said with her head down

"Zhou Qing, I want to think clearly. If you lie here, it will be obstruction of justice and you will be held legally responsible in the future!" Ji Jie said

"I've killed someone, why should I be afraid of taking any responsibility? Officer, please shoot me immediately. I really don't want to live any more."

Zhou Qing wiped the tears from her eyes and raised her head.

Ji Jie and Tian Rui looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

Heping Road, in Lecheng Garden Community.

Song Laoer held a foldable handheld loudspeaker and looked at Song An with embarrassment,"Brother, do you really want me to shout?"

Song An nodded.

Song Laoer coughed dryly, turned on the loudspeaker, and shouted loudly at a row of buildings:

"Attention, residents of Lecheng Garden! Because our products are unsalable, our factory is on the verge of bankruptcy. We are now selling all our clothes at a 10% discount! All at a 10% discount, large quantities are preferred, don't miss it if you pass by!"

Song Laoer shouted three times in a row, and these buildings were like an earthquake. Residents rushed downstairs in a hurry, fearing that they would miss the chance to buy.

After a while, there were hundreds of people standing in front of the carport, and many of them came down in slippers.

"Where are the people?"

"Didn't you say there was a 10% discount?"

Song An walked in front of the crowd, picked up the loudspeaker and said,"Dear residents of Lecheng Home, I am Song An, a criminal police officer from the Yanshan Serious Crime Unit."

The crowd stopped talking and looked at Song An.

Some people also recognized Song An and pointed at him in a low voice. After all, there are not many opportunities to see celebrities in real life.

"Last night, a murder occurred in your community. A man died in the carport over here! Now I would like to ask you, around 1 a.m., did anyone hear or see anything unusual?"

The residents were silent and lowered their heads.

Song An was not in a hurry. He picked up the loudspeaker again and said,"I think you should know Deng Zhiqiang, right? Over the years, Deng Zhiqiang and Deng Ming, father and son, have been rampant and evil in your community! But Deng Zhiqiang is dead now. I don’t understand why you are still so afraid of him!"

Song An took a photo from his pocket,"This is a photo of Deng Zhiqiang’s son Deng Ming. He is now in the hospital for emergency treatment. In a few months, he will return to Lecheng Home! If you don’t stand up now, if you retreat forever, Deng Ming will continue to bully you! Fellow residents, think about your children, think about your grandchildren, do you want your descendants to continue to be bullied by him?"

Some elderly people happened to bring their children down, hugged their children’s shoulders, and shed tears silently........

Finally, someone slowly raised his hand.

He was a middle-aged man wearing glasses and a white shirt. He was tall and thin, and he looked like he could be blown down by a gust of wind.

"Officer, we are silent not only because we are afraid of Deng Zhiqiang! But also because we don't want to see the hero who beat Deng Zhiqiang to death being arrested and imprisoned by you!"

These words were like a bucket of water poured into a hot oil pan, splashing countless water.

"Yes, except for one bully, we can't sell them out."

"Deng Zhiqiang deserves to die. People like him are a waste of air when they are alive!"

"Officer, it's better not to solve this case. We will never tell anyone about it!"

The crowd was talking. Song Lao Er couldn't stand it anymore and was about to curse, but Song An stopped him.

"You think that as long as this case is not solved, the murderer will not go to jail, right?"

Song An looked at hundreds of residents calmly,"You think too simply! Zhou Qing is in the police station now. She lied for the murderer and covered up the murderer, but we can still expose her lies based on the existing evidence! Also, do you think that telling the truth to the police is betraying the murderer! Does Zhou Qing have to go to jail? And what about Deng Ming, what will happen once he is discharged from the hospital?"

The residents showed complex emotions on their faces. Some people had begun to believe Song An's words, while others lowered their heads and bit their lips.

"I asked you to help me provide clues, not to find the murderer! Let me give you a lowdown, whether you provide clues or not, I have more than a dozen ways to catch the murderer! But why did I gather everyone together, because I also want to save people! I also want to know what the truth was last night, whether the murderer committed intentional homicide or self-defense! Please believe me, the police will not let a bad guy go, but they cannot wrongly accuse a good guy!"

Song An's last few words were completely from the heart to the people.

The people have their own concerns, but the police also have their own responsibilities. Now I have broken it down and told it to everyone, hoping that we can understand each other.

Finally, the middle-aged man who raised his hand just now parted the crowd and walked out

"Officer, I have depression and couldn't sleep last night. So, I witnessed everything and I am willing to confess."

The middle-aged man adjusted his glasses and said.

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