Ji Jie thought for a moment and nodded,"Okay, you guys go first, and come back to the police station after you're done. Wang Meili is a well-known figure in society, so Captain Guan may have to personally hold a case analysis meeting.".

Lao Wang handed a document to Song An,"This is the information of all the accounts and shares under Wang Meili's name. In addition, it contains her lawyer's phone number and law firm address."

""Thank you, Lao Wang."

Song An patted Lao Wang on the shoulder, and left the villa with Tian Rui and got into the police car.

It was already three o'clock in the morning since the investigation of the case. Song An followed the location provided by Lao Wang and came to Shenghua Law Firm.

"It's almost dawn. You didn't get enough rest just now. You should sleep for a while. I'll just keep an eye on you."

Song An took off his coat, covered Tian Rui with it, and helped her lie down on the chair.

Tian Rui smiled happily. It was because she came out with Song An to handle the case that she could enjoy this special treatment.

"Teacher Song, is this case about to be closed? Tian Rui looked at Song An and asked

""Case closed?" Song An shook his head."It's too early."

"But the eyewitnesses���We are here, and Lu Qiang has a very sufficient motive for murder. As long as we find the murder weapon and fingerprints, can't we convict him?"

Tian Rui asked doubtfully.

Song An put his hands behind his back and shook his head,"The nanny is lying."


Tian Rui sat up immediately,"Is what Xiao Fang said a lie? Did she not come back to get the clothes?"

"No, taking the clothes was true, and the time may also be true, but she could never have heard the conversation between Wang Meili and Lu Qiang! Her words could not be used as evidence in court."Song An said.

Tian Rui's face was even more confused,"Teacher Song, I still don't understand"

"Do you remember that when we asked her questions just now, she widened her eyes, frowned, and stared at our eyes, looking very nervous?" Song An said.

Tian Rui nodded,"But this is also normal, after all, someone died in her family, and she was talking to the police, so she must be very nervous."

Song An shook his head

"She wasn't nervous at all. She just couldn't hear what others were saying, so she acted very cautiously. She just wanted to hear the questions we asked."

"Could it be that Xiao Fang has hearing problems?" Tian Rui was stunned, then thought for a moment,"That's right! Her bookshelf is full of medical books, and many of them are related to otolaryngology!"

Song An laughed,"Her hearing is originally worse than that of ordinary people. From her room to Wang Meili's room, there are more than 20 meters between them, and the TV is on. She can actually hear the voices of a man and a woman chatting in the master bedroom. Isn't this ridiculous?"

"But why did she lie? Was she giving false testimony just because she hated Lu Qiang? Tian Rui asked

"I don't know yet, but my hunch tells me that the nanny Xiao Fang and Lu Qiangzhiqiang must have a bigger grudge."

After Song An finished speaking, he helped Tian Rui pull her clothes and said,"Go to sleep, you have to get up and work later, you've worked hard just now."

"Humph, Mr. Song is so shameless."

Tian Rui blushed and rolled her eyes at Song An with her beautiful eyes, with a sweet smile of happiness on her face.

Song An turned off the lights and waited for Tian Rui beside him to start snoring. He stared at the door of the law firm with his eyes wide open. It was a little after seven in the morning, the sun had just risen, and the cleaners were sweeping the road.

Tian Rui was carrying a bag of breakfast and smiled as she opened the car door.

"Teacher Song, Zengshengkui's tofu pudding and mending meat pie are so delicious!"

Tian Rui opened the breakfast box with a smile and gave Song An a portion of breakfast.

Song An took a sip of tofu pudding, which was smooth, fragrant and melted in the mouth. It was worthy of being the famous first snack in Jibei.

"How is it, delicious, right?"Tian Rui said proudly, waiting for Song An's praise

· ·······Request flowers···· ·······

Song An was about to speak when suddenly, three scoundrels came towards Sheng Hua Law Firm.

The guy in front had a nose ring, a C-shaped nail gun on his shoulder, a Shamatte hairstyle, and a very arrogant expression.

Song An rolled down the window to see what these guys were going to do.

"Brother Dafei, isn't it a bad idea for us to openly cause trouble for the lawyer?" said a thin boy behind the man with the nose ring.

"What's wrong? You forgot everything! We were detained in the detention center for six months because of this idiot lawyer! I'm going to kill him today! Oh, and the two policemen who arrested me, too!"

.......... 0

The man with the nose ring picked up the nail gun and spat on the rolling door of the law firm

""Brother Dafei, we are too arrogant to cause trouble for lawyers and police! Haven't you heard the saying, 'The net of heaven is vast and nothing can escape it?'"

The thin man said uneasily.

The man with a nose ring turned around and kicked the thin man in the lower abdomen, cursing loudly,"You are full of wisecracks, you are annoying me! You are an illiterate kid, with a pig nose and a green onion, why are you pretending to be a college student?"

Tian Rui leaned close to Song An and took a look, then laughed,"It seems that these gangsters are looking for revenge on lawyers."

Song An nodded,"We are here this time to catch a few guys who are deliberately taking revenge, and we will get a bonus at the end of the month." A few minutes later, a black Santana stopped in front of the law firm.

As soon as the car door closed, a middle-aged man in a suit and glasses came out of the car with a handbag.

"That's him! Brothers, catch him!"

The man with the nose ring shouted, and two of his followers rushed forward.

He himself held a nail gun and cursed in a very stylish manner,"You rubbish lawyer, you framed the three of us brothers and put us in jail! You hold him down!"

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