The lawyer was fat and lacked exercise. When two hooligans suddenly attacked him, he was subdued by them in an instant.

"Let me go, this is intentional injury, you will be held criminally responsible!" the lawyer shouted..

"Hurting ass, I didn't even touch a hair, now it's intentional harm!"

The man with the nose ring laughed and raised the nail gun in his hand.

At this moment, the man with the nose ring felt a cold wind blowing towards him!

Before the man with the nose ring could react, his right arm holding the nail gun was twisted like a twist, and the nail gun fell to the ground!

Then, the opponent swung his right arm, and his right leg was tripped by the opponent, and his body lost its center of gravity and was thrown to the ground by the opponent as if it was out of control.

The man with the nose ring was kneeled on the back, and his right arm was like being clamped by an iron hoop, motionless!

Rotate, cross arms, press elbows!

Done in one go!

Typical routines of military boxing

""Help! Someone is beating me!" the man with the nose ring screamed.

Tian Rui took out the"607" handcuffs and handcuffed the man behind his back. The man with the nose ring lay on the ground like a dead fish.

""Fuck, let my brother go!"

A follower saw that Tian Rui was a girl, so he swung the wrench in his hand and hit Tian Rui on the shoulder.

Tian Rui bent her knees and raised her hands, and stabbed forward with a palm, just hitting the opponent's throat.

At the same time, she raised her knees and slammed them into the opponent's abdomen!

Piercing the throat, kicking, hitting the vital points!

The fat follower screamed, threw the wrench to the ground, and squatted on the ground holding his stomach.

The thin follower had been watching the fun, and Song An glared at him. The thin follower quickly knelt on the ground with his hands raised,"Don't shoot, brother, we are one family!"

"Since they are your own people, handcuff them yourself!"

Song An threw a pair of handcuffs on the ground.

The thin man put them on himself very skillfully and smiled at Song An flatteringly.

Song An took out his mobile phone and called the nearby police station.

Soon, the supporting police came and took the three people away.

"Thank you, police comrades. Please come in and have a cup of tea."

The lawyer shook hands with Song An, opened the shutter door, and said gratefully.

Song An glanced at Tian Rui,"Are you not hurt just now?"

Tian Rui clapped her hands,"It's a small matter. I can knock down three more!"


Song An touched his nose and gave Tian Rui a thumbs up.

The two came to the law firm, and Song An took out his police ID and explained the whole story to the lawyer.

The lawyer made two cups of black tea for Song An and the other two, and then adjusted his glasses,"Wang Meili is indeed my client, but it's strange to say that she originally made a will, leaving all her property under her name to the nanny Xiao Fang after her death."

Song An and Tian Rui looked at each other and were surprised at the same time.

"She wants to leave all her property to Xiao Fang?" Song An asked.

The lawyer nodded,"It was true at the beginning. Because she had no children, Xiao Fang had always been with her, so Mrs. Wang once told me that she raised Xiao Fang as her own daughter. But a week ago, for some reason, she actually changed her will! Most of the assets were left to a man named Lu Qiang, and the nanny Xiao Fang only got less than 10% of the property."

The lawyer handed the original will to Song An, and Song An read it carefully.

Sure enough, as the lawyer said, according to this new will, the nanny Xiao Fang could get less than three million.

After Song An came out of the law firm, the two drove back to the police station.

"Teacher Song, it seems that your guess is correct. There is indeed a big conflict between the nanny and Lu Qiang. Tens of millions of properties were stolen, and no one can help but bear a grudge."

After Tian Rui finished speaking, she looked at Song An,"I think it is very likely that the nanny Xiao Fang committed the crime! She knew that the will was modified, so she hated Wang Meili very much, so she lied about having a tryst with her boyfriend, but in fact she secretly returned to the villa, killed Wang Meili, and put the blame on Lu Qiang!"

Song An looked at Tian Rui with appreciation. It was good that she could think proactively, but she just lacked a bit of criminal investigation intuition.

"If it was really Xiao Fang, she shouldn't have told us that she returned to the villa at 9:25, because this time point was too close to the actual time of death. By doing so, she would have betrayed herself! Isn't this contradictory?" Song An said with a smile.

Tian Rui slapped her little head,"Oh, how could I forget this."

Song An stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, and the Land Rover drove straight to the police station.

Guan Hongfeng appeared in the technical department with the people from Team 6.

Feng Jing left the microscope, holding the report and said,"Captain Guan, the fingerprint analysis report is out. The two fingerprints at the scene were left by Wang Meili and Lu Qiang! In addition, in addition to Wang Meili's O-type blood, there was also A-type blood at the scene. According to the information in Lu Qiang's file, he is type A blood!"

Guan Hongfeng picked up the report and took a look, then looked at Ji Jie and asked,"Did Lu Qiang bring it back?"

"In the reception room on the second floor, Liu Mengyang and Hao Jia are questioning people. In addition, Da Zeng and others are investigating Lu Qiang's social relations."Ji Jie replied. Guan Hongfeng nodded

,"Wang Meili's case has been reported in the newspapers and has attracted a lot of public attention. You must solve the case as soon as possible and try to catch the real culprit as soon as possible!"

"Don't worry, Captain Guan. Based on the current clues, I believe the murderer will be caught soon."Ji Jie said confidently.

In the reception room on the second floor, Lu Qiang took a sip of hot tea, and perhaps because it was a little hot, he loosened his tie.

Song An and Tian Rui came to the reception room, and Hao Jia nodded and greeted them.

Song An came to Liu Mengyang and asked in a low voice,"How is it, did he say anything?"

"Refusing to admit it, saying he is innocent, repeating the same old things........ "Liu Mengyang spread his hands,"You should ask. I'm good at arresting people, but I'm a rookie when it comes to asking cases."

Song An smiled and glanced at Lu Qiang.

Just like the nanny said, he was very handsome, with fair skin, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and really looked like a movie actor.

Song An glanced at Lu Qiang's right hand and found that it was wrapped in gauze, and asked casually,"Are you injured?"

"Oh, I accidentally cut my hand when I was peeling fruit a few days ago. I have already told your people about this."Lu Qiang replied

""Where were you at 9 o'clock last night?" asked Hao Jia.

Lu Qiang answered without hesitation,"I was on my way home! I left Wang Meili's house before nine o'clock, and returned home at half past nine! I remember it very clearly because the TV series"Qin Shi Huang" was about to start broadcasting."

Liu Mengyang sneered,"Your home is less than seven miles away from Oak Garden. Did you drive for half an hour?"

Lu Qiang shook his head,"I didn't drive, I walked home! At that time, I saw that the weather was good, so I walked home directly. After I got home, the quartz clock in my house just happened to ring."

Song An looked at Lu Qiang carefully. He found that when Lu Qiang spoke, he did not blink, and there were no extra small movements. His sentences were coherent and he seemed very confident.

""Lu Qiang, what is the relationship between you and Wang Meili?" Song An asked.

Lu Qiang smiled,"It's embarrassing to say this, but strictly speaking, we are in a lover relationship, and we have slept with each other several times."

Hao Jia glared at him fiercely,"Don't you have a wife at home? Why are you having sex with other women?"

Lu Qiang sighed,"It's like this, I'm an inventor, and I have invented a lot of 4.8 things, but no one has come to invest. When I met Wang Meili, it was still half a year ago in Yansha Mall. At that time, I was demonstrating my little invention in the mall, and no one was watching it. Only Wang Meili stopped to watch, and she had an appreciative expression on her face.

I was a pauper, eager to cash in on my invention, and Wang Meili was a rich widow, so I had my eyes on her, thinking of using sweet words to fool her and take out money to invest in my new invention. After a few times, we determined that kind of relationship........."

Lu Qiang said these words in a high-sounding manner, and he didn't seem to feel embarrassed at all.

"Lu Qiang, your fingerprints were found at the scene. What did you do at Wang Meili's house last night?"

Ji Jie came at some point and stood at the door of the reception room, asking coldly.

Lu Qiang touched his nose with his hand and said with a smile,"What else can lovers do? We just did that kind of thing. After that, I discussed the investment with her and she happily agreed.".

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