In the reception room, Hao Jia asked,"Lu Qiang, you said you returned home at 9:30, who can prove it for you?"

Lu Qiang said without hesitation,"My wife, she can testify for me! After I returned home at 9:30, she cooked me a bowl of chicken noodle soup. I ate the noodles and watched TV series. After watching the show, I went to bed." When

Lu Qiang answered the police's questions, his face was not red and his heart was not beating. There was no pause in between, and he seemed very confident.

Song An looked at Lu Qiang and asked,"Tell me about your wife, how is your relationship with her?"

"I have a very good relationship with her, and we have always been very loving."Lu Qiang said with a smile.

The four female police officers in the reception room all showed contempt on their faces.

Lu Qiang laughed awkwardly,"I know that I shouldn't cheat on my wife, but that's also my job. I'm looking for someone to invest in my invention to support my family! I really don't love Wang Meili. She is over 50 years old and can be my mother. How could I love such an old woman?

My wife used to dance that kind of dance at the county temple fair. You policemen are knowledgeable and you must know that when the county holds a temple fair, there will be some dance programs. My wife used to do that! When the matchmaker introduced me, my family opposed it, but I didn't care. As long as the two people have a good relationship, it doesn't matter what their profession is."

"You are really generous." Bai Ling sneered.

"Well, for ordinary people, making money is the most important thing. Face and the like are things that only rich people consider. After she married me, she didn't want to go out, but I forced her to go out and continue dancing. I am a good person, I am very open-minded."

Lu Qiang said with a smile.

Several female police officers' worldviews were a little broken, and their faces changed.

"Lu Qiang, Wang Meili changed her will a week ago. After she dies, you will own 90% of her assets, which is about 30 million. Do you know about this?"

After Song An finished speaking, Lu Qiang stood up!

"Thirty million? Oh my god, does that mean I'm not poor anymore? I'm rich, hahahaha........"

Lu Qiang was halfway through laughing when his face suddenly turned pale."If that's the case, then I'm even more suspicious. This is bad. I'm just living a life of making money but not spending it.........."

Lu Qiang wailed in the reception room. Ji Jie and the others could not bear to watch any longer, so they walked out of the reception room in silence.

Hao Jia said,"Captain Ji, I think he looks very confident and doesn't seem to be lying."

Bai Ling also said,"I think so too. He didn't stutter at all. How can a liar speak so fluently?"

Ji Jie said nothing and glanced at Song An,"What about the will you just mentioned?"

"A week ago, the deceased Wang Meili suddenly changed her will, and most of her property would be handed over to Lu Qiang after her death."

Song An handed the original will of Wang Meili to Ji Jie. Ji Jie took a quick look and said in confusion,"Could it be that after hearing about the will, Lu Qiang decided to take a risk and kill people in advance for the 30 million inheritance?"

"Humph, an ungrateful bastard! People were so good to him, but he actually repaid kindness with hatred!" Bai Ling cursed in a low voice.

Song An thought for a while, and said to Ji Jie,"You guys investigate Lu Qiang's personal relationships first. Tian Rui and I want to go to Lu Qiang's home."

Ji Jie nodded,"Okay, keep an eye out and see if his wife is lying. In addition, Hao Jia, Bai Ling, you guys go to Oak Garden again to see if Wang Meili has any other enemies!"

"Yes!"Hao Jia and Bai Ling left.

When Song An and his apprentice were about to leave, Zhou Xun came over.

"Brother, last time I donated........"

Zhou Xun had just started talking when Song An immediately interrupted him.

""You call me brother, so don't be so formal with me!" Song An said with a smile.

Zhou Xun said nothing more, hit Song An on the shoulder, turned around and left.

Tian Rui whispered beside him,"You men are so weird in your emotions, you can't even say thank you, you just run away after a punch."

"His punch meant that from now on, we will be friends for life."

Song An said, and then he gave Tian Rui a look, and the master and the apprentice went downstairs together.

Lu Qiang's home is located on Zishi Street. Although it is a few kilometers away from Oak Garden, it is completely different.

Oak Garden is a villa area. There are mountains, water and scenery in the community, and luxury cars and beauties are everywhere.

Zishi Street is where migrant workers from Yanshan gather.

Most of the streets are low and dilapidated bungalows, and there are some buildings built privately by farmers in the suburbs.

The streets are full of rotten vegetable leaves and animal feces. Wild cats and dogs walk on the streets flowing with sewage.

Several fashionable girls with exaggerated makeup and black fishnet stockings are standing under the electric poles and chatting.

On the walls and electric poles, there are small advertisements such as"applying for certificates" and"paying a lot of money to have a child".

Song An and Tian Rui searched for more than half an hour and finally came to the small courtyard where Lu Qiang rented.

When they opened the door, they saw a woman holding a basin of dirty water and rushing to the door.

"Who are you looking for?"

The woman asked, rolling her messy hair back.

"We are the Yanshan criminal police. Your name is Su Yan, and your husband is Lu Qiang, right?" Song An asked

"Wait a minute."

The woman came out with the dirty water, returned to the courtyard after pouring the water, and led Song An and Tian Rui to the main room.

The furniture in the room was old, but it was very clean. The refrigerator and color TV were covered with protective covers, and the table was also wiped clean.

Song An walked around the room and found that there was no wedding photo on the wall, not even a photo of the two of them.

"You are here to ask me what time Lu Qiang arrived home last night, right?"

Su Yan asked straight to the point.

Tian Rui took out the notebook and said,"Ms. Su, this matter is very important. Please answer truthfully. Perjury will lead to legal liability."

Su Yan ignored Tian Rui.���Warning, staring at the kitten at the door, he said with a look of indifference:

"Believe it or not, it's up to you. He came home at 10:20 last night! After he got home, he asked me to wash the white suit he usually wears. Look, it's soaking in the big basin over there.".

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