After a busy morning, when queuing for lunch in the cafeteria at noon, many colleagues were congratulating Song An.

Song An was already a celebrity in the Yanshan Police Station for his extraordinary meritorious service last time. This time, he was selected for the"Top Ten Competition" with a high vote, and his fame became even greater.

In the afternoon, the team was still idle. Ji Jie arranged for everyone to hand-copy the"Criminal Law" twice.

The reason was to improve the legal concept of the whole team and enhance the legal awareness of the whole team.

This is an old tradition of the criminal police team. When there is a mission, they go on a mission. If there is no mission, they stay at home to recite or copy the legal provisions.

Song An and Tian Rui came to the police station library with books and notes.

The library was very quiet. It was working hours. Except for the academic tyrant Qin Ming from the forensic department, there was almost no one else to see.

Song An spread out the book and looked at the densely packed words. He was a little scared. It would take him a long time to copy it. Song An looked up and saw Tian Rui sitting opposite him, carefully copying the legal provisions.

""Tian Rui, let's go for a walk, it's too stuffy here." Song An whispered.

Tian Rui put down her pen and said with a smile,"Okay, we haven't had a walk for a long time."

"What do you mean by long time? Didn't we just go for a walk at Weiming Lake last night?"

Song An looked at Tian Rui and couldn't help teasing her,"How about we skip work and go to the skating rink to skate?"

Tian Rui nodded vigorously,"Let's go! I know there's a skating rink that's crowded, but we have to buy skates first."

Song An grabbed Tian Rui's soft little hand,"Don't you ask why? Why do you follow me wherever I go?"

Tian Rui smiled sweetly, tilted her head slightly, and said with a smile,"Anyway, Teacher Song won't bully me."

"How silly!"

Song An sighed.

There have been fewer cases recently, so he and Tian Rui go to work together during the day, take walks and go fishing together in the evening, and watch TV together when they get home at night.

Tian Rui seems to have completely relied on him. When he goes to work, she goes to work.

When he runs, she runs.

When he eats skewers and drinks beer, she eats skewers and drinks beer.

The rented house has also become much warmer.

Every time Song An holds the remote control and listens to the busy sounds in the kitchen, he feels very at ease.

This is the feeling of home.

Song An was worried that his girlfriend was too tired, so he always went to help. Every time, Tian Rui drove him out of the kitchen with a rolling pin.

So Song An was like a rich landlord, and he felt at ease enjoying the good days of having everything he wanted.

Looking at Tian Rui's gentle eyes, Song An felt warm in his heart, and he got up and came to her side.

He looked down and found that Tian Rui did not copy the Criminal Law, but wrote some words casually.

"Your handwriting is usually very beautiful, why is it so sloppy today? Are you practicing cursive writing?"

Song An touched his girlfriend's hair and asked with a smile.

Tian Rui lowered her head embarrassedly,"I am imitating Teacher Song's handwriting."

"Imitating my handwriting?

Song An picked up Tian Rui's notebook and took a closer look. It was indeed somewhat similar.

Song An pursued excellence in all aspects, except for his handwriting, which was like a dog's crawl. It was hard for Tian Rui to make up her mind to imitate his handwriting.

"Aren't you self-degrading? Why do you want to imitate me instead of learning the good things?"

Tian Rui lowered her head."Because many files cannot be printed and need to be copied by hand, every time I see Teacher Song copying the files, I feel distressed, so I want to finish it for you." Song

An was stunned. What Tian Rui said was indeed his biggest headache.

Every time he worked overtime in the office to copy the files, it was also the most painful time for him.

Compared with computer printing, hand-copying transcripts and file materials is too uncomfortable.

Unexpectedly, this little thing was also captured by Tian Rui.

Song An looked around and found that no one was paying attention, so he hugged Tian Rui from behind and kissed her face gently.

"Silly girl, I appreciate your kindness! You are still in the internship period, you should pay more attention to your own affairs, okay?"

Song An stretched out his hands and gently patted his girlfriend's face.

Tian Rui looked at Song An with doting eyes.

When the two were melting each other with their eyes, a violent cough came from behind.

Song An looked back and saw Qin Ming holding a pile of books, standing behind them like a telephone pole

"It's Lao Qin. Well, Tian Rui is afraid of the cold, so I help her.........Facial heating?"

Song An made up a random excuse.

"Do you know how many bacteria are on a normal person's hands? 1.5 million! Even if you wash your hands with soap, there are still 100,000 bacteria left! So, you are not expressing affection at all, you are spreading germs to each other."

· ·······Request flowers····· ·······

Song An looked at Qin Ming,"What would you do if you fell in love with a girl?"

"All I see are corpses. No matter how beautiful a woman is, she is not as attractive to me as a corpse."

After Qin Ming finished speaking, he felt good about himself, holding a pile of books and walked away with his head held high.

Song An looked at Tian Rui,"Do you think a man like Lao Qin can make friends?"

Tian Rui smiled, touched the back of Song An's hand and said,"I don't care, I will be infected with germs by Teacher Song."


Qin Ming, who was standing in front, twisted his foot and a pile of reference books fell to the ground.


Just before the end of the shift, the 110 command center received a case. A farmer in Shibalipu, Song County, called the police, claiming that someone had found women being trafficked in their village!

Winter is coming, and winter is the peak season for human trafficking.

Gu Ming held several meetings, emphasizing that the scene of women and children being trafficked should be targeted recently.

In the case of Song County, the team leader Guo Zijian personally took the lead and selected two people from each criminal investigation squadron to go to Shibalipu, Song County with him.

Tian Rui and Bai Ling were selected from the sixth team.

Before Song An sent Tian Rui to the car, he reminded her of various matters related to catching human traffickers, including the most common deception methods used by human traffickers.

Bai Ling kept shaking his head as he watched from the side. As a master, Tian Rui's master gave many instructions, fearing that something would happen to his apprentice. Looking at his own master, Comrade Ji Jie, he didn't know where she was at this moment.

That day, Song An was nervous all night, fearing that Tian Rui would make a mistake in her first case.

The next morning, Song An was awakened by a rapid phone ring.

Song An's first reaction was that something had happened to Tian Rui and the others. He was so scared that he pulled back the quilt and picked up his phone.

He found that the call was actually from Director Gu Ming himself, and he felt that the matter was even more serious!

Song An calmed down his nervousness, opened the cover of his phone, and asked in a low voice,"Director Gu, is there an accident in Shibalipu?"

"No, it's more serious than that! Song An, come to my office right now, I have an important task for you!"Yi.

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