On the phone, Gu Ming's tone was more serious than ever.

Song An didn't dare to delay, he washed up immediately, took out the leftovers from last night from the refrigerator, ate a few bites and went out.

Tian Rui was not at home, and it was even a problem to have a hot meal in the morning.

After driving to the police station, Song An took the elevator directly to the top floor and came to the director's office.

When he opened the door, Director Gu, Section Chief Zhao, and Chen Bing, the chief of the Jibei City Criminal Investigation Brigade, were all here.

Several people had serious expressions on their faces. They sat on the sofa opposite Gu Ming and smoked silently.

After Song An came in, several leaders looked at him at the same time.

Chen Bing stretched out his hand to Song An,"Comrade Song An, I heard that you solved the murder case of Wang Meili in Oak Garden in less than a day. Congratulations!"

"It's all because of the good command of Director Gu and Team Guan of the"293", and we, the people below, just run errands." Song An said politely.

After Song An and Chen Bing exchanged a few words, Gu Ming motioned Song An to sit down, and then asked:

"Song An, do you know Dongchang City?"

Song An nodded,"It is a fourth-tier medium-sized city in the northwest of our province. The public security situation has always been good. Last year, it was rated as one of the top five national model cities for safety!"

Gu Ming nodded,"Yes, the situation is just as you said. Dongchang has always been a model unit for public security in our province! But in the past week, Dongchang City has seen two consecutive throat-cutting murders! The murderer did not leave any fingerprints or footprints at the scene. What's even more incredible is that after the murderer killed the person, he actually cut the throat and drank blood!"

Song An looked at Gu Ming in surprise,"Killing people and drinking blood? There is such a strange thing?"

Chen Bing spit out a puff of smoke and said beside him,"That's right! The two cases happened in a short time interval, and the scene of death was bloody, causing great panic to the local people! Citizens are even rumored that it was a vampire who committed the crime! Now many primary and secondary schools in Dongchang City dare not even open for evening self-study, and they go out of school directly at six o'clock!"

"This case is indeed very strange! Most throat-cutting cases are revenge killings or random killings. When ordinary murderers kill people, they will not take the throat as the first target, because this requires certain skills and courage, unless they have a deep hatred."

After Director Gu finished speaking, Song An immediately understood.

After the two murders, the residents were panicked and the local police did not find any clues.

As usual, the provincial department must draw elite forces from various cities to set up a special task force to thoroughly investigate the case.

"Director Gu, Captain Chen, do you want me to go to Dongchang to investigate this case?"Song An asked.

Gu Ming nodded, then looked at Song An worriedly.

"Xiao Song, you know that the provincial top ten competition is about to be held. If you fail to solve this case, it will affect your points in the finals, and you may not even be able to participate in the finals."

Song An stood up and said solemnly,"Gu Ju, I put on this police uniform because I want to serve the people! General Director Zhang once said something that I like very much. Even if you are covered with medals, it is not as good as a compliment from the people."

"Well said!"

Section Chief Zhao pointed at Song An and said with a smile,"Although you always violate discipline and go against our political department, you have a high level of awareness. I commend you!"

Everyone laughed, and the solemn atmosphere in the office finally faded a little.

"Xiao Song, this time besides you, there is also Comrade Fang Mu from the Yongding District Criminal Investigation Team! In addition, Luo Fei, the captain of the Shahe District Criminal Investigation Team, and Comrade Mu Jianyun, an associate professor of psychology at Jibei Police University, will also join the task force to collaborate on the case!"

Chen Bing looked at Song An and said earnestly,"The superiors are very satisfied with your recent performance. I hope you and other colleagues in the task force will work together to find this cruel slit-throat killer and give the people of Dongchang a clear sky!"

"Yes, I guarantee to complete the task!"

Hearing the names of those famous detectives and the name of psychology expert Mu Jianyun, Song An's heart skipped a beat.

So many experts were involved in this case, it seemed that the people above really took it very seriously.

Gu Ming gave Song An an hour to prepare, and after eight o'clock, he went to Jibei Station on time to take the train to Dongchang!

After returning from Director Gu's office, Song An walked downstairs, feeling empty in his heart.........

I looked up at the corridor on the third floor. The familiar smiling face was gone. No one was standing there, waving at me with a smile, and shouting:

"Teacher Song, good morning~"

No one suddenly hugged his arm, stuffed a pancake into his hand, and whispered,"Teacher Song’s pancake has meat in it, don’t tell anyone."

I used to think it was a bit embarrassing, but now I think it’s extremely precious.

I don’t know when it started, but Song An found that he couldn’t leave that smiling face, and that beautiful figure.

Song An picked up his phone and sent a text message to Tian Rui. There was nothing else to say, just two words

"I miss you".

With one hour left to prepare, Song An decided to go to Tian Rui's dormitory.

The two had exchanged room keys long ago. Song An took out the key and opened Tian Rui's bedroom.

The bedroom was not big. The wardrobe took up most of the space. There was a bed, a desk, and a washbasin stand.

The room was clean and the bedding was neatly folded. The photo of the two of them posted on the wall showed them smiling happily.

The window was not closed, and a light and elegant fragrance floated in dormitory 5.8.

Near the door, the Dracaena fragrans was growing well. It must have been carefully taken care of by Tian Rui.

A gust of autumn wind The wind blew past, and the windowsill sounded pleasant.

Song An walked to the windowsill and saw a notebook on the desk, with a carbon pen sandwiched in the middle of the notebook, as if it was not finished.

Picking up the notebook and taking a look, Song An was surprised to find that it was a diary written by Tian Rui.

Diaries are other people's privacy, and Song An shouldn't read them.

But as a boyfriend, he always wants to know what his girlfriend is thinking.

In case she encounters any trouble, he can help her with ideas.

Although he said that, Song An was embarrassed to turn to the previous content.

He saw the latest page, which was actually related to himself!.

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