At the east end of Jianshe Road, in front of Yippin Clothing Store.

A cordon was set up nearby, and more than a dozen police officers were maintaining order. A crowd of onlookers stood on the street.

After Song An and his companions got off the car, Director Dong was listening to the report of the criminal police captain at the door of the clothing store, and several people had solemn expressions on their faces.

Fang Mu and Luo Fei also happened to arrive.

Four experts from the special task force got off the car, and the police immediately raised the cordon and saluted the four people.

After Song An entered the scene, he saw that the clothing store was in a mess, and the deceased was lying on the ground with obvious contusion on his forehead, his throat was cut, and his face was covered with blood.

Strangely, the ground was very clean

"The deceased, Chen Xiaoli, female, 42 years old, was the owner of Yipin Clothing Store. The circumstances of her death were the same as the previous two times. The murderer also used a fruit knife from the store to cut her throat.

The only difference was that we did not find a glass containing blood at the scene! The time of death should have been five hours ago, between nine and ten in the morning.".

Song An and the others looked at each other, all with a bit of shock in their eyes!

Unexpectedly, the murderer killed people on the way to Dongchang. It was during the day. It was so rampant! As soon as the forensic doctor finished explaining the case, the people outside were yelling at Director Dong.

"When will you solve the case?"

"That is, people used to die at night, but now they start dying in broad daylight. What are we going to do in the future?"

"I heard that it was a vampire that killed people. Why don’t we invite some monks to perform a ritual to help the dead souls to be reincarnated?"


The crowd was talking about all sorts of things.

Director Dong put down his phone and comforted the crowd,"Dear citizens, our criminal police team has been busy with this case recently. We have never slacked off. Please give us some time and we will solve the case as soon as possible!"

Director Dong urged the police to maintain order, then returned to the scene with a frown.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, you have all seen what happened just now. Now the people are cursing and my superiors are criticizing me! I am not afraid of criticism, but the question is how should we carry out our work? Now the murderer is so rampant that he commits crimes in the daytime. He is getting more and more daring. 々!"

Maidong's suspicion has been ruled out, and the flower shop owner has confirmed that he did come at 6 o'clock.


After Director Dong finished speaking, Fang Mu stood up after looking at the scene, shook his head and said,"This is not his style, this person is imitating a vampire to commit a crime!"

"Copycat? Captain Fang, what do you mean?" Director Dong looked at him in surprise.

"Look at the scene. Although the victim was knocked unconscious first and then had her throat cut, there was no blood flowing everywhere. It seemed as if the murderer had cleaned up the scene after killing her!" Fang Mu said.

Luo Fei walked out from behind the cargo rack, looked at Director Dong, and added,"I agree with Fang Mu! I just checked, and all the cash in the cash register has been taken away! In addition, there was a circle of ring marks on the victim's hand, but there was no ring on her finger. Obviously, the victim had taken her ring as well. This is completely different from the previous two times when the victim's throat was cut and blood was drunk, but no money was robbed!"

"Professor Mu, what do you think?"Director Dong asked.

Mu Jianyun lowered his head and remained silent for a while. He did not express his opinion, but looked at Song An.

Song An was staring at the throat of the deceased at this time. Seeing everyone's attention, Song An stood up and looked at the forensic doctor.

"Comrade forensic doctor, in your clinic, what are the conditions for preserving fresh blood?"

Hearing Song An suddenly ask her such a professional question, the female forensic doctor thought for a moment, adjusted her glasses, and said:

"I'm afraid I need to consult the blood station staff about this matter. However, according to my medical knowledge, clinical storage of blood requires a medical freezer. The general storage temperature of whole blood and red blood cells is 2-4 degrees Celsius, and the frozen red blood cells are minus 65 degrees Celsius. Whole blood for making platelets should be stored at room temperature............"

The female forensic doctor was about to continue speaking when Song An raised his hand to interrupt her.

"Everyone, this case is not a copycat crime. The murderer is the murderer of the previous two murders, and that is the vampire we are looking for!"

Song An said it firmly, without any doubt in his tone.

"But why didn't he drink blood? Moreover, he also robbed the cash in the store? More importantly, why did he dare to kill people in broad daylight?"

Luo Fei asked three questions in one breath.

Everyone looked at Song An.

These three questions were also the most concerned questions for several people at the scene.

"He didn't drink blood because he was going to store it! He stole the cash because he needed money to buy equipment to preserve blood! As for why he dared to kill people in broad daylight......"

Song An looked at Fang Mu,"The reason is even simpler. After he killed two people, he became bolder! His need for blood also became greater!"

"You mean, he didn't drink the blood on the spot because he wanted to take the blood away and store it? When he needed blood, he could take it out and drink it at will?"

Fang Mu looked at Song An in disbelief.

Song An nodded,"Yes, he escalated the crime!"

Fang Mu took a half step back, staring into Song An's eyes, with a look of shock on his face!

".「 Officer Song's analysis should be correct. Judging from the cut throat and blood test, it doesn't look like the scene has been cleaned. It is very likely that the blood was taken away by the murderer!" said the forensic doctor.

Luo Fei and Mu Jianyun nodded silently. From the analysis of various situations at the scene, I am afraid that this explanation is the most reasonable.

"Okay, I will immediately arrange for the police to check all the surveillance cameras on the surrounding roads. Since he is carrying blood, he will definitely attract a lot of attention!"

Director Dong gritted his teeth and picked up the phone, but Song An shook his head at him,"Director Dong, I'm afraid it's too late!"

The criminal police at the scene were shocked at the same time!

Fang Mu reacted immediately,"Yes, he is killing more and more frequently now. If we check the surveillance now, by the time we find out the murderer's appearance, I don't know how many people will be killed by him!"

Director Dong turned pale with fear. No one knew how much pressure he was under now. If there was another murder, he would have to take off his police uniform and grow vegetables.

"Song An, I remember you just said in the hospital that the murderer should have a blood disease, such as porphyria! Can we start from this aspect and check from the hospital first?"Mu Jianyun said.

Director Dong's eyes lit up!

Song An still shook his head,"We are all wrong, the murderer does not have a blood disease at all, let alone vampire disease. The murderer has paranoia!"

Several people were all stunned, completely unaware of why Song An could come to this conclusion.

"Have you all forgotten? It is daytime now, and blood diseases are afraid of sunlight. He actually dares to kill people in the sun, which means that his disease is probably just his imagination!"Song An said.

Song An said here, looking at Director Dong,"The most urgent task now is to find the mental hospital........."

Before he could finish his words, a man suddenly rushed in from the street outside. He was wearing police uniform and had a sweaty face. He stumbled towards the scene.

"Director Dong, I am a police officer from the Daliu Town Police Station, my name is Xu Dong!".

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