Director Dong held his shoulders and comforted him,"Calm down first, what's going on?"

"Director, my daughter Jiaojiao attended dance training at the Children's Palace today. She was supposed to be home at 12:30 noon, but it's already 3:30 and there's still no news from her."

Xu Dong pushed a child in front of Director Dong and said,"This is my daughter's good friend named Liangzi. Liangzi said that they originally walked out of the Children's Palace together, but halfway through the journey, my daughter Jiaojiao insisted on buying candy figures. As a result, when Liangzi turned around, he found that Jiaojiao had been taken away by someone!"

Director Dong looked at the child named Liangzi,"Did you see who took Jiaojiao away?"

Liangzi touched his hair and recalled,"He seemed to be tall and thin, with messy and dirty hair! Moreover, he swayed from side to side when he walked, which was particularly scary! By the way, I seemed to hear Jiaojiao shout, let me go, you stink!"

Song An's heart skipped a beat. The bad guy described by the child looked very similar to the murderer of the serial murder case!

Especially the last sentence Jiaojiao scolded him!

Song An walked over, bent down to look at Liangzi, and immediately asked,"What time was it when Jiaojiao was taken away?"

Liang Zi shook his head."I can't remember clearly, it was probably a little after 12 o'clock, because I was very hungry at that time. Usually I am hungry at 12 o'clock."

"Director Dong, could it be that vampire who kidnapped my daughter? Jiaojiao is only six years old, Director, I beg you........".

Xu Dong was obviously very anxious. He knelt down in front of Director Dong and cried,"Director Dong, this is my only relative. If anything happens to my daughter, I will be sorry for her mother."

"Calm down first, you are a policeman, you should know that rushing won't solve the problem, we have to stay calm now!"

Director Dong helped Xu Dong up, comforted him, and then looked at Mu Jianyun.

There are no clues at the moment, and if they want to solve the case as soon as possible, they can only find a breakthrough based on the murderer's psychology.

Mu Jianyun looked at Director Dong in embarrassment,"Director Dong, I'm really sorry, I don't have a clue at the moment, and I need more clues to make a criminal portrait."

Xu Dong knew that Luo Fei and others must be experts in solving cases from the province, and choked up and said,"Several great experts, my wife is also a policeman. She died while on a mission at the border two years ago. When she died, she was shot eight times by drug dealers and her whole body was covered in blood! I don't even dare to let Jiaojiao know about her mother now. Please think of a way. I really can't lose my child again!"

Song An turned around, a gleam in his eyes

"Xu Dong, how many main streets do you pass from the Children's Palace to your home?" Song An asked

"Oh, it's mainly Sunshine Road. After exiting Sunshine Road is Shitou Hutong. Jiaojiao must have been lost just after exiting Sunshine Road!" Xu Dong said anxiously.

Song An looked at Director Dong and the captain of the criminal police behind him,"Does anyone know if there are any abandoned hospitals, clinics, or health clinics around Sunshine Road?"

"Song An, why are you asking about these places?" Director Dong asked.

Xu Dong also looked at Song An anxiously.

"He has no money to buy a car, and it is impossible for him to take a taxi or bus with his children, so he can only walk! Judging from the frequency of his crimes, he is already desperate for fresh blood, and the hospital or clinic is the place where he feels safest! He is likely to choose an abandoned hospital and engage in so-called medical self-help. The next step is to get rid of death completely!"

After everyone heard what Song An said, Director Dong immediately roared from the people behind him,"What are you doing, get the map!"

"No need! I have just analyzed that the only abandoned medical unit near Yangguang Road is Wankang Community Hospital! That hospital moved to the development zone last year and is now abandoned.

Fang Mu said, holding a map.

"Director Dong, we should rush to Wankang Community Hospital without delay. Also, send people to investigate the patients who escaped from the psychiatric hospital, especially those with delusional disorder and bipolar disorder!"

After Song An finished speaking, the captain of the criminal investigation team behind him immediately said,"I will immediately arrange for personnel to investigate as soon as possible!"

"Director Dong, please let me go with you!" Xu Dong begged

"Old Xu, you are an old policeman, you know the police discipline. No one involved in the case, including the victim's family, can participate in the case."Director Dong frowned and said

"Director Dong, I didn't do anything. I just wanted to see my daughter safe and sound. Is that okay?"

Xu Dong raised his hands."You handcuff me. As long as Jiaojiao is safe, I will do whatever you say!"

Director Dong couldn't bear to watch it any longer, and ordered the criminal police to take Xu Dong and go to the scene with them.

When Song An and the others came out, the crowd did not disperse.

Pairs of expectant eyes were looking at Song An and the others. A white-haired grandmother grabbed Song An's sleeve and said in a trembling voice,"Officer, can you catch the bad guys? My grandson doesn't dare to go out now, and he doesn't dare to go to school."

"Officer, we are the same, please quickly arrest that bad guy and shoot him!"

The crowd surrounded Song An and his friends, crying about the abomination of the serial murderer.

""Everyone, if you don't let us go, how can we solve the case? Everyone, please make way!"

Director Dong separated the crowd and let Song An and the others get on the police car.

The shrill sirens sounded, and the people stood behind the police car, watching the police car go away with expectant eyes. It takes half an hour to drive from Jianshe Road to Yangguang Road. The Criminal Police Brigade acted very quickly. In less than 20 minutes, they had called.

"Director Dong, we have already found out that half a month ago, a patient named Ma Wenkai jumped over the wall and escaped from Anding Mental Hospital! Ma Wenkai is 26 years old and suffers from very serious hallucinations, anxiety and bipolar disorder. He even killed two pet cats in the mental hospital when he was admitted to the hospital! According to our investigation, Ma Wenkai's father and brother both have porphyria, but they have been dead for five years!"

After the criminal police team finished speaking, Director Dong repeated Ma Wenkai's file to Song An and others.

Mu Jianyun looked at Song An in shock,"Your analysis is all right. This Ma Wenkai must have seen the miserable state of his father and brother, so he got hallucinations. He always felt that he would die one day, so he killed people and drank blood desperately, hoping to use blood to cure his disease!"

"It seems that he wants to completely eradicate this time. We must catch this madman this time and give an explanation to the people of the city!"Director Dong gritted his teeth and cursed!

Song An looked out the car window and found that there was a small commodity distribution market outside, with many stalls selling children's toys.

Song An took a fancy to a stall selling dolls. Many girls were surrounding the stall owner and asking about the price.

"Director Dong, please stop the car. I want to get off and buy something.".

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