Tian Rui and others hiding behind the police car cried out at the same time.

The female worker was none other than Liu Caijie who had disappeared from Xitian Town!

She was actually in Pinggu County!.

"How is it, are you used to working here?"

Yu Cang looked at Liu Caijie tenderly, holding her shoulders and brushing away the dust on her shoulders.

"It’s my first day at work, and I don’t know how it will go?"

Liu Caijie looked up at Yu Cang, her eyes also full of affection,"But as long as I can escape his clutches, I’ll be happy to do anything."

Yu Cang nodded,"Don’t worry, you can just work here with peace of mind! I’m here in Xitian Town, nothing will happen! Qiao Mancang, that bastard, if he dares to hurt your parents, I will definitely not let him off!"

Yu Cang lowered his head and gave Liu Caijie a few more instructions, then handed her a handbag.

Just as Yu Cang was about to get in the car, Liu Caijie suddenly rushed over quickly and hugged him gently from behind

""Thank you."

Liu Caijie leaned on his back and murmured.

Yu Cang looked up at the sky, tears in his eyes, but a smile on his lips.

A few minutes later, Yu Cang started the Xiali car and returned to Xitian Town.

In the police car, Tian Rui kept shaking her head,"I have known Liu Caijie for so many years, and I have never seen her as happy as today, as if she had unloaded all her burdens and looked relaxed."

"Humph, anyone who leaves a husband like Qiao Mancang will be as happy as she is."Hao Jia commented.

Bai Ling pouted,"But Qiao Mancang is also unlucky. He regarded Yu Cang as a good friend, but Yu Cang turned around and cheated on him."

Girls are born to like talking about emotional matters, even female police officers are no exception, especially this kind of extramarital affair that is a hot topic.

Chang Baole looked at Song An,"Brother Song, where should we go next? Should we arrest Qiao Mancang and Yu Cang first?"

Song An nodded,"Baole, you and Bai Ling go to Xitian Town Police Station first to assist Chief Feng and others in arresting people! Tian Rui, Hao Jia and I will go to the town to inquire about Yu Cang's situation."

After the police car returned to Xitian Town, Song An, Tian Rui and Hao Jia got off at the easternmost end of the town.

Song An came to a supermarket and took out two hundred yuan to buy a box of Red Camellia cigarettes.

When the boss asked for change, Song An waved his hand and said in a low voice,"Boss, is there any place to play money nearby?"

The supermarket owner did not take the money. He stared at Song An and asked warily,"Do you have an introducer?"

Song An smiled and said,"Wang Xiaohui, she is my cousin."

When the boss heard the name, a very happy smile appeared on his face.

He put the money into his pocket with a smile, patted Song An on the shoulder and said,"Since Xiaohui introduced you, we are one of us. Come with me!"

Song An gave a wink to Tian Rui and Hao Jia at the door, and the two girls followed them in.

The supermarket owner moved a shelf, and a secret door appeared behind the shelf.

The owner knocked on the door twice, then knocked lightly three times, and the secret door opened from the inside.

"Sister Xiaohui introduced me here, so I’m one of our own."

The shop owner bared his yellow teeth and smiled at a short-haired man.

The short-haired man nodded and said nothing more.

"Your security is really advanced, even if the FBI comes, they won’t be able to find this place." Song An praised the supermarket owner.

"There is no way. The police are checking too strictly at the end of the year. The three bosses are having fun!"

Song An and his two companions entered the underground casino and found that there were card tables everywhere on the empty space of several hundred square meters.

There were two doors at the back of the hall, both of which were ajar. It was easy to escape when the situation was not good.

Dozens of small gambling machines were arranged in a row against the wall. Many young people were playing mahjong and cards with the machines.

There was also a round table about a hundred inches in the middle of the hall, on which there were two machines that kept turning. There were more than a dozen people around the round table, staring at the dice that kept changing under the machine, waving their fists and stamping their feet, and shouting the points of the dice.

There were about three to five hundred gamblers in the hall, and many of them had a cigarette in their hands.

The room was filled with smoke and the air was very dirty.

Several short-haired men with tattoos on their necks and arms were wandering around the casino hall, responsible for public security.

"The counter should be at the nine o'clock position in front." Hao Jia whispered.

Song An nodded and walked to the counter.

A middle-aged man in his forties sat behind the Pixiu, eating melon seeds and watching TV, spitting everywhere.

"What do you want to play? Pay a deposit of one thousand first!"

The middle-aged man said without even looking at Song An, staring at the TV.

Song An took out his police officer ID, bent down, and handed it to the man,"If you don't have a deposit, how about this?"

The middle-aged man glanced at him, slowly stood up from the swivel chair, raised his hands, and looked at Song An tremblingly.

""Officer, officer, I am just an employee, I am not the boss."

The middle-aged man was terrified and stammered.

"I want to ask you about someone, Yu Cang's wife Wang Xiaohui, do you know her?" Song An asked

"Let’s get to know each other! Our boss and Wang Xiaohui are sisters, and they have a very good relationship. How about I take you to meet her?" The middle-aged man nodded and bowed.

The middle-aged man took Song An and the other two to a small room in the south of the hall.

There was only a bed, a black 727 white TV, a sofa, and a few chairs in the room.

The proprietress was lying on the sofa watching a martial arts movie. She was very absorbed in watching it, with tears and sniffles.

On the TV, the hero and the heroine seemed to be dying. The two were shouting each other’s names and crawling towards each other.

The middle-aged man led people in, and the proprietress turned her face away,"Zhao Laosan, don’t you want to do this anymore? Why do you let outsiders into my room so easily?"

"Sister, I'm from the police station." The middle-aged man said with his neck shrunk.

The proprietress turned pale with fright and quickly stood up from the sofa,"Hey, you three, are you here?"

"Don't be nervous, we are all criminal police, gambling is not our business. Of course, if you don't cooperate......"

Before Hao Jia finished speaking, the proprietress kept saying,"Cooperate, cooperate. As long as you don't put me in jail, you three can ask me to cooperate with you."

"Yu Cang's wife, Wang Xiaohui, has she come to your place recently?"

Hao Jia took out the notebook and asked

"She has been here before! She came here to play the day before yesterday, and it was her husband Yu Cang who drove her here personally!"The proprietress said.

Song An and the other two were surprised and looked at the proprietress in confusion.

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