"Actually, I find it strange, too! Because Yu Cang is a very rigid person, he is always quibbling about words, and he has a very arrogant personality. He has always looked down on us vulgar people who play cards and drink! Usually, he hates his wife smoking and playing cards the most, and the couple often quarrels about this! But for some reason the day before yesterday, he seemed to have figured it out and took the initiative to send his wife to the casino!"

Song An thought for a moment and continued to ask,"Then when did she leave?"

"Oh, she was unlucky the day before yesterday, and she left cursing around 10pm." The lady boss recalled

"Did she leave alone? No one came to pick her up?" Tian Rui asked immediately.

The proprietress shook her head,"No one came to pick her up. I remember clearly that I personally sent her to the door! At that time, I reminded her that it was too late, otherwise she could stay with me for one night and go home tomorrow. She told me that her husband would be unhappy if she came home late."

Song An took out an evidence bag from his pocket, which contained a ring.

"Have you seen this ring before?��"

The lady boss took a closer look and said,"It seems to be Xiaohui's ring! Yes, she wore a ring the day before yesterday, it should be this one! She also boasted to me that this was bought by her husband for her, but I don't think the ring looks new, but I didn't dare to expose her."

"Let me ask you one last question. Has Wang Xiaohui done anything immoral behind her husband's back?" Song An asked


The lady boss was a little hesitant. Maybe it was because the neighbors were everywhere and it was not nice to say bad things behind their backs.

"Oh, forget it, I'll just tell you! Wang Xiaohui often came to my house to gamble, but she didn't have much money. Every time she lost money, she would drag her rich gamblers to the backyard to do that kind of thing. Several times, her husband even caught her........"

Song An and his friends asked the lady boss a few simple questions and left the casino.

"Teacher Song, this case is really evil. Qiao Mancang's wife wrote love letters to another man, Yu Cang's wife had an affair with another man in order to continue gambling, and these two men were close friends. 「!"

Tian Rui closed the notebook and breathed a sigh of relief."It seems that our town is also in decline and people's hearts are no longer the same as before."

"You have overlooked one thing. Qiao Mancang's wife has a very ambiguous relationship with Yu Cang." Hao Jia reminded her. Just as Song An was about to speak, a phone call came in. It was Liu Mengyang's phone call.

"Brother, we visited the township office and learned that the day before yesterday, the reservoir manager Yu Cang took the township cadres to drink until 12 o'clock in the evening, and slept in the township guesthouse that night! By the way, he left the township and returned to Xitian Town at around 8 o'clock yesterday morning."

"I understand. Please continue to search for Yu Cang's files, especially those from his middle school years. Also, go to a nearby hospital and check the medical records of Yu Cang's wife Wang Xiaohui."

After Song An hung up the phone, he told Tian Rui and Hao Jia the information Meng Yang had just found.

"That is to say, Yu Cang was not at the reservoir on the night of the crime, so he did not have time to commit the crime."Tian Rui analyzed. Hao

Jia looked at Song An,"This case is too outrageous. Wang Xiaohui loves smoking and has been lazy for a long time. She was wearing the wedding ring on the day of the crime. The deceased is very likely to be her! But her husband did not have time to commit the crime. Isn't this strange?"

"It's not surprising at all. You have overlooked Qiao Mancang again! Yu Cang didn't have the time to commit the crime, but Qiao Mancang did!"

Song An said this, and Hao Jia and Tian Rui were both shocked.

"Teacher Song, do you mean to say that Yu Cang asked Qiao Mancang to kill his wife?"Tian Rui looked at Song An in astonishment.

Song An nodded,"This also explains why there were spots of mud from around the reservoir on his yellow rubber shoes, and why he lied to us, because he did kill the person!"

"But it doesn't make sense. Why would Qiao Mancang help Yu Cang kill people? He and Wang Xiaohui didn't have any obvious feud."Tian Rui looked puzzled.

"Because Qiao Mancang, like Yu Cang, also has a wife who is unfaithful to him, and he also wants to kill his wife, Liu Caijie!"Song An explained.

Hao Jia and Tian Rui looked at each other, and they said four words at the same time:

"Exchange killing!"

Song An nodded,"However, Qiao Mancang was deceived after all. He never expected that the person his wife Liu Caijie cheated on was his good friend Yu Cang! The exchange killing designed by Yu Cang was just a trick. His real goal was to kill his wife and then live with Liu Caijie! As for Qiao Mancang, he is just a poor scapegoat!"

Hao Jia suddenly realized,"No wonder you said before that Yu Cang is not simple. It turns out that you have already seen it."

"Kill three birds with one stone!" Tian Rui looked at Song An,"I didn't expect that the reservoir manager who looks so honest is actually this kind of person!"

"Since ancient times, adultery has led to death."

Song An sighed, and the few people had already arrived at the small white building of the reservoir station.

Song An raised his wrist and found that it took a total of 25 minutes to walk from the casino to here.

Hao Jia looked at Song An,".」 The time of death was around 11 o'clock last night, and Wang Xiaohui left the casino at around 10 o'clock, so the time matched."

Song An nodded. With so many coincidences, it seems that the identity of the deceased can be confirmed.

The small white building was not locked. After Tian Rui and Hao Jia went in, they found several love letters inside.

Song An unfolded the love letter and saw that the handwriting was beautiful and serious, exactly the same as the handwriting of the love letter he found in Qiao Mancang's house that day.

Half an hour later, in the meeting room of Xitian Town Police Station.

Except for Da Zeng and Jiang Han, the investigators came back one after another.

The two main suspects, plus Liu Caijie, have all been arrested and detained in three different rooms.

Liu Mengyang gave Song An Wang Xiaohui's hospitalization record. The medical record showed that Wang Xiaohui was diagnosed with lung cancer ten months ago.

"Xiao Song, we went to all the schools near Xitian Town and got all of Liu Caijie's academic records."(Wang

Guijin put a thick stack of files on the table."We found out that Liu Caijie was a classmate of Yu Cang, the reservoir manager, in high school. According to the teachers, both of them were lonely in school and had a close relationship."

"After graduating from high school, did the two of them still keep in touch?"Song An asked

"It was like this, Liu Caijie dropped out of school in the second semester of her sophomore year in high school for unknown reasons. After Yu Cang graduated from high school, he went to work in Nanquan City, and was transferred back to Xitian Town to work as a reservoir manager two years ago."Ji Jie said. Wang Guijin added,"We also investigated Liu Caijie's neighbors, and they all said that Liu Caijie rarely left her house, and no one had ever seen her flirting with other men."

Director Feng stood up and handed a printed white paper to Song An,"This is Liu Caijie's hotel room booking record in the past five years. There were only six times in total, and she was not found to have been to the hotel with any other men." Zha.

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