Yu Cang's face became paler and paler.

Obviously, he had never expected Qiao Mancang's sudden move.

"Yu Cang, you planned to kill your wife in order to be with Liu Caijie, and then tried to frame Qiao Mancang! Now the evidence is irrefutable, what else do you have to say? Do you need me to call Liu Caijie over and let her see your true face?"

"Officer, I beg you, don't..."

As soon as Song An turned around, Yu Cang immediately stood up and grabbed Song An's sleeve,"Cai Jie is innocent, she shouldn't be involved, I beg you, don't tell her the truth!"

Song An knew that Yu Cang's psychological defenses had collapsed, so he sat opposite Yu Cang and gave a wink to Tian Rui behind him.

Tian Rui opened the notebook and began to record the confession.

"Caijie and I met when we were in the first year of high school........."

Yu Cang began to recall the past, with a smile on his face, as if he was very happy.

Seven years ago, Xitian Town No. 2 Senior High School

"Auntie, I want a steamed bun.

A tall and thin boy came to the canteen window with a big teacup.

He bit his lip and whispered

"Just a steamed bun? No vegetables or soup?"The canteen staff shouted impatiently.

A bunch of students all looked over here, and the boy lowered his head, looking embarrassed.

The boy touched the food coupons in his pocket, and there were only five food coupons left, which would need to last another half a month.

"Auntie, give my classmate a portion of pork stewed with vermicelli and a portion of egg meatball soup!"

At this time, a soft and crisp voice sounded in his ears.

The boy looked up in surprise.

The girl also looked at him with a smile on her face.

A ray of sunshine shone on her face, and she looked like an angel when she smiled.

"Thank you, Liu Caijie. I will return it to you next month....."

The two returned to the dining table, and the boy said embarrassedly.

The girl named Liu Caijie shook her head gently,"It doesn't matter. Although my family is poor, we can still afford two meals a day! However, you can't eat for free. How about teaching me to make up for the text after school?"

The boy looked at Liu Caijie and nodded desperately.

So, every time after the evening self-study, two students would always appear on time under the street lights on campus.

The two walked side by side under the street lights, reviewing the day's homework while walking.

Once, they were almost discovered by the teacher who was patrolling the school. The boy took Liu Caijie's hand and hid behind the holly tree.

It was the first time the boy held a girl's hand. The feeling of accelerated heartbeat made him unforgettable for life.

After the second year of high school, the boy fell in love for the first time, and his mind was full of Liu Caijie.

So he plucked up the courage to write an obscure love letter to Liu Caijie, and the content of the love letter was copied from Shakespeare's 24-line poem.

In the lower right corner of the love letter, the boy solemnly wrote his pen name: Guan Canghai!

The boy was secretly happy about his pen name. Cao Mengde had a poem that said,"Looking east to Jieshi, I can see the vast sea." He looked forward to the day when he and Liu Caijie would stand side by side on a tall boulder and watch the sunrise over the sea.

The boy put the love letter in Liu Caijie's Chinese textbook and waited anxiously for a day. At night, the boy stood under the street light waiting for his sweetheart from eight o'clock in the evening until half past ten.

It rained heavily that night, and the boy was cold and hungry. When he almost fainted, a small red umbrella appeared in front of him.

Liu Caijie stood in front of him with red eyes, crying and shouting,"Yu Cang, are you stupid? It's raining heavily, don't you know to leave?"

Yu Cang said tremblingly,"Say, we agreed to review our lessons together after school. If you don't come, I will never leave."

After the boy finished speaking, Liu Caijie cried and threw herself into his arms, hitting his shoulders with her fists,"How can there be a boy as stupid as you?"

The days that followed were the happiest time in the life of this boy named Yu Cang.

He and Liu Caijie studied together, read love poems together, and walked on campus together.

They agreed to take the Chinese Department of Yanshan University together, and they would get married after graduation.

However, in the second semester of the second year of high school, Liu Caijie suddenly dropped out of school.

Yu Cang chased Liu Caijie's hometown like crazy, and he only then knew that Liu Caijie's parents married their daughter to the villager Qiao Mancang for a gift of 8,000 yuan!

Liu Caijie cried and made a scene, and even hanged herself, but unfortunately it was ineffective. The sedan chair was still carried to the gate of the Liu family on time.

After Liu Caijie got married, Yu Cang lost interest in going to college. After graduating from high school, he went to the south to work as a worker for a few years, and later returned to Xitian Town to work as a reservoir manager.

He married Wang Xiaohui from a neighboring village, and their married life was a mess.

Wang Xiaohui smoked, drank, played cards, and had affairs with other men outside. She was not a woman who could live a normal life.

"Originally, I had accepted my fate and thought that this was how my life would be. Unexpectedly, one day two years ago, I saw her again beside the reservoir, my Caijie!"

· ········Request flowers0 ········

When Yu Cang said this, the muscles on his face twitched.

"After only five years, Caijie looked like a woman in her fifties, with a haggard face! She was washing clothes in the river, and her husband Gao Mancang was fishing nearby. He was annoyed that Liu Caijie was washing clothes too slowly, and kicked her in the face! Once, twice, three times!"

Yu Cang slammed his fists on the table,"Officer, that uneducated bastard, he treated my sweetheart like an animal! If it were you, how could you do that?"

"There is no such possibility. My woman will never be bullied."Song An answered directly.

Tian Rui's hand, which was recording her confession, suddenly froze.

Yu Cang laughed,"Of course I really wanted to kill someone, but she waved her hands desperately at me, asking me not to go over! I had to hold back. From that day on, Cai Jie and I often exchanged letters. Every time she came to the river to wash clothes, I would put my love letter in her bamboo basket.

... 0 0

I realized that if I continued like this, Gao Mancang would find out sooner or later, so I devised a plan to kill someone with a borrowed knife, get rid of my wife, and then put the blame on Gao Mancang, and then take my Caijie away and leave Xitian Town forever."

After Yu Cang finished speaking, he looked up at Song An

""Officer, I will admit everything I have done. I instigated others to kill, and I understand that killing someone means paying with one's life! But I beg you, please don't tell Caijie the truth! I don't want to have this kind of image of me in her heart. She is a very simple woman, she knows nothing!"

Yu Cang left his chair and knelt on the ground.

At the same time, in another room where Liu Caijie was imprisoned, Ji Jie was interrogating her.

Hao Jia was taking notes.

Liu Caijie smiled,"Actually, I know everything! I know everything he has done for me, and I know all his plans. Maybe in the eyes of others, he is a murderous demon, but in my eyes, he is the best man in the world, the best boyfriend, and the best husband."

A few minutes later, Ji Jie escorted Liu Caijie and Song An escorted Yu Cang, and they walked out of the pre-trial room at the same time.

The two met in the yard of the police station. Yu Cang wiped his tears, smiled and said to Liu Caijie,"No one will bully you in the future, live well."

Liu Caijie stepped forward and held Yu Cang's hand tightly

"You waited for me in the rain for a whole night, now I will repay you for the rest of my life! Ten years, twenty years, fifty years, I will not go anywhere, I will wait for you to come home in the Little White House." 8.

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