"The"10.16 Xitian Town Headless Female Corpse Case" is over.

When Song An submitted the case summary, he also submitted a"Research Case on the Control of Waters North of the Huaihe River".

This is a 100,000-word northern hydrological investigation and research report written by Yu Cang, the suspect in this case, during his working hours.

Song An accidentally found it in front of his computer desk when he was collecting evidence in Xiaobailou, and Yu Cang had not yet submitted it.

Song An took a quick look and found that the academic value of the report was very high, so he took it back.

If it is submitted, the court may consider the special circumstances of the suspect at its discretion when sentencing in the future.

In fact, the prison has always considered commuting sentences for talents with special contributions such as scientific research and inventions.

This was the last thing Song An did for Yu Cang.

As a policeman, Yu Cang instigated and instigated others to kill his wife, and Song An must arrest him.

As a man, Song An also felt that Yu Cang was willing to gamble his life to protect his beloved woman. He is a man!

Song An put all his energy into it.���He had done everything he could, and what happened next was not something he, a policeman, could interfere with.

A shrill siren sounded, and a silver-gray police car left the police station and headed towards the county town.

In the car were two suspects in the"October 16th Headless Female Corpse Case", Qiao Mancang and Yu Cang.

People along the street stopped and pointed at the two people in the police car.

Liu Caijie pushed open the small white building and looked at the place where Yu Cang used to work, her face very calm.

She walked to the computer desk and turned on the computer.

After the Win98 cutscene, the computer turned on.

The computer desktop that came into view was a photo of her and Yu Cang in high school.

The two young people, with their backs of their hands gently leaning against each other, looked at the camera happily and shyly.

In the lower right corner of the photo, there was a line of words.

It was added by Yu Cang when he took the photo that year.

"When I cross the sinking and declare war on eternity, you will be my military flag."

Liu Caijie stood in front of the computer and read this love words over and over again.

The corners of her mouth turned up, and she smiled sweetly like a girl.

Just like when she first met Yu Cang, she smiled at him who was embarrassed, as beautiful as an angel.

"Auntie, give my classmate a portion of pork stewed with vermicelli and a portion of egg meatball soup"........

At the same time, in the large conference room of the Jibei Municipal Public Security Bureau.

The large conference room was packed with directors of various branches, detachment chiefs, captains, and detectives from all walks of life gathered together. Even some retired experts who rarely appeared in public were invited to the conference room.

The participants were whispering, wondering what kind of big case had happened.

According to previous experience, unless it was a major case that shocked the entire province, the bureau would not mobilize a large number of troops. The curtain of the conference room slowly opened, and a photo of the car accident scene appeared on the curtain.

Wu Jiaqi, captain of the Economic Investigation Detachment of Baita District, walked quickly to the front of the conference room, looked at the hundreds of participants, and said:

"Directors, captains, detachment commanders, comrades! Around 9 pm yesterday evening, on the Julingxia Ring Road, the owner of a black Mercedes-Benz S600 was kidnapped! The kidnappers drove the victim's Mercedes-Benz car all the way, killing three people and injuring eight people along the way! Among them, Comrade Xu Tuo from the Third Squadron of the Baita District Traffic Police Brigade unfortunately died."

As soon as Wu Jiaqi finished talking about the case, the faces of several directors in the meeting changed at the same time!

In all the kidnapping cases, I have never seen such an arrogant one!

It actually killed and injured more than ten people in succession, even including traffic police!

"We salvaged the victim's Mercedes-Benz S600 at Shacheng Wharf. After our investigation, we found that the kidnapped owner was named Ge Tianjiao, Chairman and CEO of Tianjiao Group."

Wu Jiaqi pressed the remote control.

A photo immediately appeared on the screen. A 40-year-old man, who looked modest and gentle, and wearing a gray suit, appeared in front of everyone.

"Ge Tianjiao, male, 43 years old, is a famous entrepreneur in our province and the richest man in our province. He was just selected as one of the top ten model entrepreneurs in the country last year. According to media reports, Ge Tianjiao has been quietly donating his love to education since ten years ago. In ten years, he has donated to more than 460 schools, and more than 8,000 students in mountainous areas have received his cash assistance."

After Wu Jiaqi finished speaking, General Director Zhang Songquan looked at everyone and suddenly stood up and walked to the window.

Zhang Songquan opened the curtains and immediately heard the voices of hundreds of people outside.

"Did everyone hear this? These people outside are the people who have received donations from Ge Tianjiao over the years! When they heard that their benefactor was kidnapped by kidnappers, they took a train to the city overnight, stood at the door of the police station without eating or drinking, and kept shouting, hoping that we would solve the case as soon as possible.........."

Zhang Songquan closed the window, looked at everyone and said,"What I want to tell you is that this case has caused a sensation across the country! Ge Tianjiao is not only an entrepreneur, but also a good man. Even when his company was in the most difficult times, he never gave up charity!

During the flood control in 1998, he not only donated money and materials, but also personally led a team to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River to help with flood control and rescue! Such a kind-hearted person was kidnapped in our city. The kidnappers were arrogant and cruel, and they killed and injured many people, including one of our colleagues, our comrade Xu Tuo, whose son just called him dad......."

Zhang Songquan suddenly choked up when he said this.

Everyone in the conference room had a look of grief on their faces.

Wu Jiaqi looked even sadder, because it was she who called to request support. Originally, the traffic policeman could get off work immediately to pick up the child.....

Without anyone organizing, everyone stood up silently, took off their police hats, and silently mourned for their fallen comrades for one minute.

"Okay, everyone, please take a seat! Although we are sad and angry, solving the case is our top priority!"

After everyone sat down, Director Zhang continued,"At present, the kidnappers have contacted Mrs. Ge and asked her to pay a ransom to the kidnappers before 12 noon tomorrow! The amount of the ransom is 100 million US dollars!"

"One hundred million US dollars?!"

Even the criminal police and economic police who had solved many cases were shocked by this terrifying figure.

"Converted into our banknotes, it would be over 850 million! They must be crazy because of poverty!"

"Humph, a bunch of lunatics, simply lawless!"

"This kind of people must be arrested, otherwise it will be unfair to our dead comrades!"

"They are declaring war on our Jibei police, we must not lose!"

The meeting room was full of excitement. Obviously, the kidnappers' excessive cruelty and greed angered everyone.

Zhang Songquan looked at everyone and said,"Now I order one by one"


In the large meeting room, more than 300 participants stood up in an instant and stood still.

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