"Song An, what did you see?

Ji Jie and the others looked at Song An.

"Captain Ji, Lao Wang, we've all been fooled! The corpse lied!"

Song An's words were earth-shattering.

Ji Jie, Lao Wang, and Meng Yang, the veteran detectives, were all stunned.

There is a saying in the forensic industry that living people may lie, but the dead cannot. This is the significance of autopsy.

But now, Song An actually said that the corpse was lying, which was publicly questioning the forensic doctor's conclusion.

"Captain Ji, can you please send a frogman? I want to salvage this pond. If I'm not mistaken, a sack should be salvaged from the pond, and the sack should be filled with hard objects like stones."

"No problem, as long as Director Gu can solve the case, he will find a way to get it for you even if you ask for an armed helicopter."

At this point in the case, according to traditional thinking, it has actually been exhausted and all clues have been interrupted.

Ji Jie fully trusts Song An because he can always find another way when the case loses direction and find a way that no one can think of.

It is not afraid of difficulty in handling a case, but it is afraid of having no direction. How did the cold cases come out? It is because there is no clue.

"Lao Wang, do you remember how much blood a normal person has?"Song An asked. Lao

Wang thought for a while,"Everyone is different."

"What if it's a dead person?" Song An asked immediately

"According to Fan Dashan's height and weight, it's probably about 5000CC.

" Wang Guijin estimated.

Song An nodded,"According to the principle that if a person loses 30% of his blood, he will go into shock and faint.

He only has eight minutes to act!

Within eight minutes, he must first ride his bicycle to the pond, throw the things on the shelf into the water, and then throw the bicycle into the pond!

Finally, he has to run along the pond, find a more suitable place, and then jump into the pond!


Everyone was confused by Song An's words and had no idea what he was talking about.

Only Lao Wang understood it all at once, his eyes lit up, and he patted Song An on the shoulder and said,"Xiao Song, are you looking for the first crime scene?"

Song An nodded,"Based on the distance between the bicycle and the body, he ran for about three minutes, which means he only had five minutes to ride! Calculated according to the speed of the bicycle, he can only ride three kilometers at most in five minutes!"

Old Wang shuddered all over and immediately looked at Bai Ling,"Little Bai Ling, I remember you just said that there is a well house next to the slope behind the pond?"

Bai Ling nodded,"Yes, it is said that it is used by villagers to irrigate the fields, but it is locked from the outside, so I didn't go in."

Old Wang looked at Song An, like a gourmet who discovered a delicacy, his originally turbid eyes became incomparably bright,"The well house is about three or four kilometers away from the pond!"

"Lao Wang, the water room is probably the first murder scene! Let's go!"

Song An grabbed Lao Wang, and the two ran towards the water well room.

Although Lao Wang is older, his physical fitness is not ambiguous at all. He ran with Song An and did not fall behind.

Song An and Lao Wang ran in front, and Liu Mengyang, Bai Ling, Chang Baole and others chased behind.

Soon they ran to the water well room, and there was a brand new lock on the rusty iron door.

"Someone just changed the lock! There must be something wrong with the well house!"Old Wang looked at Song An with a smile on his face.

Song An was anxious to find evidence and kicked the lock open.

"Be careful not to hurt your feet, I'll do it."

Song An was pulled by Liu Mengyang, who took out a tool kit from his waist, took out a screwdriver and two thick iron wires.

"A-level lock core is easy to open, don't worry."

Liu Mengyang fiddled with it for less than three seconds, and the door lock was quickly opened.

Pushing open the iron door, a pungent smell of blood hit the face.

Others were fine, but Bai Ling and Chang Baole were not mentally prepared at all. They covered their mouths and ran out. There was a set of sweatshirts on the well platform. The white sweatshirts were stained red with blood. Song An opened the sweatshirt and found a bloody fruit knife wrapped inside.

The ground around the well platform was dripping with blood.

"Xiao Song, Meng Yang, come and have a look!"

Old Wang found a large torn sack in the corner and walked over to see that it was filled with coal slag.

"More than half of the coal slag inside was missing. It seemed that this was what the child saw on the shelf."

Old Wang looked at Song An,"Xiao Song, you are right again this time. It seems that your criminal investigation thinking is extraordinary."

Song An shook his head,"It's incredible that he can be so cruel to himself! If I hadn't seen it all with my own eyes, I really wouldn't believe my eyes."

Ji Jie walked in with her mobile phone. After seeing the evidence next to the wellhead, she instantly understood

"I say, two detectives, please stop bullying me for being stupid. Can anyone tell me what happened? Didn't the forensic doctor give the result that Fan Dashan was killed? Who is the murderer?"

Speed racing king Liu Mengyang was a little mad.

"There is no murderer. Fan Dashan killed himself."Song An said silently.



Liu Mengyang, Chang Baole and Bai Ling all expressed their surprise.

"The story should be like this. For some reason, Fan Dashan wanted Jia Gui to be ruined. So, he stole Jia Gui's keys from Jia Gui's computer store, and stole the rope used to tie goods in Jia Gui's store.

Then Fan Dashan went to Jia Gui's garage and used the rope to strangle his arms, wrists, and ankles, creating the illusion that his limbs were tied with ropes.

After that, he opened the trunk and threw the rope inside, then pretended to be calm and returned Jia Gui's keys.

After everything was ready, around 11 o'clock last night, Fan Dashan rode his bike to the well house.

He first took out half of the coal slag from the sack in the corner, put it in the bag he prepared, tied it up, and tied it to the shelf behind the bicycle.

Then, he stood next to the well water table, held the fruit knife in his left hand, and cut the artery in his right wrist. In order to create the illusion of homicide, he deliberately let the knife go in very deep, thus misleading the forensic doctor's judgment.

After cutting his wrists, he threw his clothes and dagger here, locked the door, and rode his bicycle towards the pond.

On the way, he deliberately let the children roasting corn see him from a distance, so that everyone would mistakenly think that there was a person tied to the shelf behind him, but his blood vessels were still bleeding, and his suppressed screams still betrayed him.

When he rode his bicycle to the edge of the pond, he threw the coal slag behind the shelf and the bicycle into the pond, and then he started running along the shore.

He lost his sneakers while running.

Finally, after three minutes, he felt that he could not hold on any longer, so he jumped into the pond and ended his life completely.


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