After Song An reasoned about the case, the bathroom fell silent for a long time.

Chang Baole glanced at Liu Mengyang,"Master, is there such a ruthless person in this world? I heard from forensic doctor Park that the murderer used a knife as a saw. Fan Dashan used the knife to cut his wrists back and forth. Isn't he crazy?"

Liu Mengyang did not comment. After a while, he looked at Ji Jie,"Captain Ji, I have been a criminal policeman for more than two or three years, and I have seen many gangsters and bullies, but I can't believe that a ruthless person like Fan Dashan, who sawed his wrists with a knife, would go to great lengths to set up a fake scene. What on earth is he trying to do? Just to frame that Jia Gui?"

"So, that guy named Jia Gui must have lied to us! There must be some unspeakable secrets between him, Wang Yun and the deceased Fan Dashan!" Ji Jie said. Wang Guijin immediately agreed,"Unless it is a deep hatred, Fan Dashan would never be so cruel to himself and would rather die than frame Jia Gui."

Liu Mengyang suddenly realized and pushed Chang Baole who was still in a daze,"Don't stand there, follow me and set off quickly!"

"Departure? Where are you going, Master?"Chang Baole looked at Liu Mengyang stupidly.

"Go to the West to obtain Buddhist scriptures!"

Liu Mengyang was so angry that he wanted to curse,"We are both trainee police officers, but look at Song An. I say, boy, why is your brain always so dull?"

"I dare not compare myself with Song An, he graduated from the Criminal Law School of Gongda University, and he will be promoted to captain, deputy director or something in the future, which will only take three to five years. I am just a small police officer........"

Chang Baole clutched the brim of his hat and muttered to himself. His aggrieved look amused everyone.

""Okay, Da Liu, don't make things difficult for the new guy. Baole, go back to the deceased Fan Dashan's hometown with your master to see if he has any other grudges with Jia Gui and Wang Yun?"

Ji Jie encouraged Chang Baole again, and Baole followed Da Liu, and the master and apprentice set off immediately.

A policeman came and knocked on the door,"Captain Ji, something has been salvaged from the pond."

"Let's go and have a look!"

Ji Jie brought Song An, Lao Wang and others to the pond and saw two professional salvage workers in frog suits carrying a bag of things and struggling to walk ashore.

After untying the bag, it turned out to be a bag of coal slag soaked in water, just as Song An said.

"Great, handsome Song!"

Bai Ling patted Song An on the shoulder and said,"As long as the technical department tests whether this bag of coal slag is the same type as the coal slag in the well house, we can determine whether what you said is right."

Song An shook his head,"That's not enough. We need to send a police dog to sniff along the path. If we can extract the blood of the deceased, blood and bicycle tracks, plus this bag of coal slag and the witness Li Xiaohu, then Fan Dashan must have committed suicide."

"This is easy. There is only one path from the water room to the pond. The police in the area have blocked the road, so it is easy to extract information."The next task is for the police dog team to lead three police dogs and start searching for blood along the path.

As a result, the three police dogs walked and stopped, and from time to time they used their claws to dig out a piece of bloody soil.

Wang Xiaoguang, Feng Jing, and Fang Yiren from the technical department took samples of blood and soil along the road according to the reminders of the police dogs.

After lunch at noon, Song An and Ji Jie came to the pre-trial room to re-examine Jia Gui.

"Officer, have you investigated my case? I am fine now, haha, my wife is waiting for me to go home for dinner."

Jia Gui looked at Song An and the others with a flattering smile.

"Jia Gui, I know you are still a man with conscience, so I will give you one last chance."Ji Jie looked at him coldly.

"Conscience? I don't have a conscience anymore. I've been eating away my conscience since I started selling fakes..........."Jia Gui whispered

"What did you say?"

Ji Jie slammed the table and stood up, frightening Jia Gui so much that his neck shrank completely, like a turtle shell, and he was frightened by Ji Jie and trembled continuously.

"Jia Gui, let me be frank. To frame you, Fan Dashan used your family's rope to repeatedly tie himself up, and then used a fruit knife to repeatedly cut his wrists."

Song An stood up, walked behind Jia Gui, patted his shoulders with both hands, and whispered in his ear,"One knife, two knives, three knives, four knives, five knives........."

"Stop it, officer, stop it, it's so scary! How could he do this? Why did he use my rope? Isn't this framing a good man?"

Jia Gui was frightened by Song An and sweated all over his forehead. Song An sneered at him,"This is nothing. Every time you sleep in the future, you will dream that Fan Dashan comes to you in your dream. He is covered in blood and looks into your eyes and says, Jia Gui, give me back my hand."


Jia Gui was frightened by the scene described by Song An. His legs kept shaking and he looked like he was about to pee.

Ji Jie wanted to laugh when she heard it in front of her. She coughed dryly to cover it up, picked up a photo from the table, and said in a cold voice,"Jia Gui, we have already found out that you and Wang Yun were classmates in junior college, and the villagers reported that you two seemed to have been in a relationship when you were young!"


Frightened by Song Anyi and with sufficient evidence, Jia Gui lowered his head and finally confessed everything.

"Wang Yun and I were indeed first love, but her parents thought I was ugly and did not agree to our marriage. Later, Wang Yun married Fan Dashan, who beat her when he was drunk. Wang Yun's life was very hard, so she often asked me to enlighten her.

Originally, we were just chatting purely, but one time we were both drunk and we hugged each other in a daze. Strangely enough, after just this one time, Wang Yun actually got pregnant!"

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