"Comrade Song An received 21,000 votes!"

After the awarding leader made the announcement, the whole audience fell silent.

The audience who were about to applaud were all stunned.

A very embarrassing scene occurred at the award ceremony. Except for the four criminal investigation experts, no one in the 8,000 audience applauded.

Song An didn't care. He always insisted that he was not embarrassed, but others were embarrassed. He walked onto the stage with a calm face.

When the audience saw that Song An was younger than they thought, they were even more shocked.

The average age of the top ten police officers selected this time was around 40 years old. Fang Mu had already set a record, but he didn't expect the first place to be even more outrageous!

"This is impossible, right? The second place is only 3,000, and the first place is more than 20,000!"

"Who knows how the statistics are collected in the background? You are so young, there must be some background!"

"But I heard that the voting was done by the audience sending in text messages, and our people didn't participate at all. It was all done by the TV station!"

"Humph, the TV station deliberately promoted a young police officer for the sake of ratings, what's so strange about that!"

The audience was talking about it, and most of them were obviously dissatisfied with Song An being elected first.

Fang Mu coughed dryly and whispered to Song An,"Congratulations!"


Song An shook hands with him and smiled softly.

"Others don't believe it, but our colleagues in Jibei do! I think this number of votes is too little." Fang Mu said sincerely.

Song An had an indifferent expression on his face. Anyway, he had already won the first place, so it didn't matter if there were more or fewer votes.

In contrast to the silence in the studio, warm applause rang out in the streets and alleys of Jibei City.

Not only Jibei City, but also Nanquan City, many streets set off firecrackers and performed dragon and lion dances.

The Jibei General Administration was in an uproar, and the entire office building was almost collapsed by the cheers.

In the large conference room, the heads of various branches were watching the live broadcast at the General Administration. After seeing Song An and Fang Mu come on stage, Zhang Songquan took the lead in applauding

"Comrades, if they don’t applaud our police officers, we will do it ourselves!"

Zhang Songquan said to the logistics director,"Director Liu, put out all the flower baskets that the masses gave to Comrade Song An. We want to let the people see whether Song An deserves the first place!"

"Yes, we'll do it right away!" The logistics director ran out excitedly.

At this time, in the studio, the chief director of the award ceremony came to the host and handed them a note.

After seeing the note, the two hosts were dumbfounded.

The host Ning Tao came over and whispered to the award leader.

The award leader picked up the microphone and said apologetically,"I'm sorry everyone, the comrades from the TV station just said that the backstage statistics were wrong, and there is a problem with Comrade Song An's votes."

When the award presenter said this, there was a lot of discussion in the studio.

"I knew there was a problem! The votes would definitely not be that high!"

"Well, more than 20,000 is too outrageous, it’s hard not to think too much!"

"That’s right! If it was an expert among the Five Tigers of Criminal Investigation, I would believe this number of votes, but I don’t believe it for a young police officer like him!"

Amid the discussion, the awarding leader picked up the microphone and announced again:

"The winner of the first National Audience’s Favorite Top Ten Policemen is Criminal Policeman Song An from the Yanshan Police Station in Jiangbei Province! His final vote count was 2,391,927 votes!"

The studio fell into an even more terrifying silence.

An audience member shuddered,"I, did I hear that right? More than two million votes?!"

"It seems to be more than 2.39 million votes! Oh my God!......"

"This is unbelievable! Did the entire nation vote for this young policeman? Do so many people like him?"

"I just don't believe it! Could it be that all these outstanding police officers combined don't have as many votes as him alone?"

The host Ning Tao said with a smile,"The votes for Criminal Police Officer Song An were notarized by the Yandu Notary Office.

All procedures are reasonable and legal.

Everyone is welcome to supervise.

In addition, I would like to say that this number of votes is not the final result, because there will be an on-site business assessment and evaluation.

The evaluation process will invite on-site and off-site audiences to vote together.

The final number of votes will combine the results of the two votes to give the final result!


"That’s great! We are also convinced!"

"Yes, a young policeman was ranked first, and his votes exceeded the second place by so much. How could that be possible?"

"The second place is also from Jiangbei Province!"

Just as the host picked up the microphone, the deputy police inspector's cell phone rang.

The whole audience immediately fell silent.

Everyone saw the solemn expression on his face.

"Comrades, I just received an alert that two murders occurred at Yandu University last night! All the victims were college students!"

·· ·Request flowers···· ··

The deputy police inspector looked at the audience and said,"Yandu University is one of the few international first-class universities in our country. In addition, the International Conference on Mathematicians (ICM) is being held at Yandu University! This case has a huge impact. According to the instructions of the superiors, the performance assessment of the award ceremony is cancelled. The top ten police officers will form a special task force to quickly intervene in this case!"

This change surprised everyone!

The director of the award ceremony hurried over and asked,"Director He, what about our award ceremony? Should we cancel it?"

"No need to cancel, send out cameras to follow and broadcast the case-solving process live!"

Deputy Police Inspector He said,"Aren't many comrades dissatisfied with their large number of votes? Let's also let the national audience see how our police maintain social order!"


Live broadcast of solving a case!

Although"sunshine law enforcement" is common knowledge in various places, it is usually traffic police or public security patrols. It is not that criminal police have not appeared on TV when solving a case, such as the famous"12.1 shooting case", but that was only shown on TV after the case was solved.

You know, the clues left by a murder case are different, and the time to solve the case is different. If the case is not solved for a long time, wouldn't it be embarrassing in front of the national audience?

"Let me ask the opinions of the ten comrades. If any of you feel stressed or afraid of being embarrassed, it’s not too late to stand up now!"

No one stood up.

After all, those who were selected in the top ten are all the best among the police, and it is impossible for them to not be able to bear this little pressure.

Deputy Superintendent He nodded,"Very good! Now I order the official establishment of the ‘10.21 Yandu University Homicide Case’ task force. The entire team will set off immediately and rush to the crime scene to try to solve the case as soon as possible! I want to remind you that this is not an exercise, let alone a joke. Human lives are at stake and no one can be careless!"


After everyone saluted Deputy Police Inspector He, they lined up to walk out of the studio.

The autumn in Yandu University was originally very beautiful, with clear skies and fresh air, and leaves floating all over the campus. It was the most beautiful time in Yandu.

However, at this time, Yandu University had no romantic atmosphere at all, and the atmosphere became very depressing!

Several cordons were set up on the campus, and police cars were shuttling around the campus from time to time.

Police officers in police uniforms walked around the campus, looking for clues and investigating thousands of clues.

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