Song An and Fang Mu came to the first crime scene.

The scene was located in a grove outside Yandu University.

Two people died at Yandu University last night, a man and a woman, and the one who died in the grove was a boy.

The body was lying on the ground, with a circle of obvious bruises on the neck.

The on-site forensic doctor said that when the deceased was found, he was hung in the woods with a hemp rope.

Fang Mu put on gloves, lifted the deceased's hair, and observed the wounds on his forehead and neck.

"Song An, how is the situation over there?"

Fang Mu checked the wound and walked towards Song An.

Song An was squatting on the ground with half a bag of instant noodles in his hand.

Song An shook his head,"Nothing special was found. Have you figured out the cause of death?"

"There was an island-shaped epidermal excoriation on the forehead of the deceased, and a strip-shaped epidermal"640" excoriation on the back of the head. Three scalp contusions and lacerations were found on the skull."

After Fang Mu finished speaking, Song An looked at him and immediately said,"A typical blunt force injury! Was the murder weapon a cylindrical wooden stick?"

Fang Mu nodded,"A baseball bat, or other stick-like objects similar to a baseball bat, hit the deceased on the head! After the murderer knocked the deceased unconscious, he pretended to hang himself."

Song An pointed to the bushes around and said,"The bushes and the ground are very neat, and there are no signs of beating nearby, which means that the deceased either knew the murderer, or the murderer suddenly attacked him."

"In the wilderness, first kill someone, then disguise the scene, the victim is a college student........The possibility that the murderer was seeking money is very low. It should be revenge killing or random killing. Fang Mu analyzed.

As the two were analyzing the case, a group of people came over, followed by a camera.

"Officer Fang, Officer Song, I have heard of your names for a long time! You two are really promising young people."

The middle-aged man with two bars and three stars on his shoulders took the initiative to extend his hand to the two people,"I am Zhao Kang, the captain of the Yandu Criminal Police Team! On behalf of the Yandu Criminal Police Team, I welcome all the crime-solving experts to help us solve the case!"

Behind Zhao Kang, in addition to his colleagues from the local criminal police team, the others are all outstanding police officers from all over the country.

Some are criminal investigation, some are forensic doctors, and some are trace experts. They are different types of police, but they are all experts in solving cases.

"Time is short, so I will tell you about the situation here! The male deceased is Li Hongbao, 23 years old, a junior student at Yandu University! According to the rectal temperature of the corpse, the time of death was around 10 o'clock last night."

After Zhao Kang finished speaking, Zheng Yimin, the criminal police captain of the Beichuan Criminal Police Brigade, asked,"Who was the last person to see the deceased Li Hongbao?"

"It was Xu Aizhi, the dormitory manager of Building 8! According to what Teacher Xu said, at 9:30 last night, the deceased Li Hongbao and his girlfriend were dating downstairs of Building 8. The two were hugging and embracing each other. Xu Aizhi thought it was a bad influence, so she yelled at them. Li Hongbao's girlfriend felt ashamed and ran away with her face covered, so Li Hongbao chased after her."

Zheng Yimin immediately said,"If that's the case, then Li Hongbao's girlfriend is a major suspect in the crime! Didn't you summon her?"

Zhao Kang shook his head,"Li Hongbao's girlfriend ran directly back to the girls' dormitory at 9:40, and her nine roommates can testify for her!"

Another Yandu criminal police officer then added,"We investigated and visited 400 college students in the morning, and none of them were suspected of committing the crime." The crime-solving expert then realized that this case was not as easy to solve as he had imagined.

Zhao Kang looked at the other criminal police,"Everyone, do you have any other questions?"

Nanxin criminal policeman Tao Fei said,"Captain Zhao, there are no other clues here. Please take us to the next murder scene."

In front of the TV, millions of viewers followed the camera and witnessed the murder scene with their own eyes.

Song An and Fang Mu kept their heads down thinking, and neither of them expressed any other opinions.

Zhao Kang led everyone into the school gate and walked towards the second crime scene.

"The second murder scene was in the female staff dormitory building. The female victim was a graduate student and a lecturer at the Yandu University College of Continuing Education. She usually lived in the staff dormitory behind Building 8."

Zhao Kang said as he walked. Song An suddenly saw that the building they came to was Building 8, so he stopped Zhao Kang.

"Captain Zhao, Building 8 is the dormitory where the deceased Li Hongbao lived before his death, right?" Song An asked.

Zhao Kang nodded.

"Let's go in and take a look."

After Song An finished speaking, he walked in without waiting for Zhao Kang to agree.

This is an old Soviet-style brick-concrete building from the 1990s, with red walls exposed outside and ivy all over the exterior walls....

Song An and Fang Mu came to the first floor. The small room next to them was the dormitory building. The female dormitory manager Xu Aizhi was standing inside knitting.

Xu Aizhi saw a group of people in police uniforms coming in and quickly stood up.

Song An walked into the dormitory room and took a look. The furnishings in this room were very simple. There was a bed, a table and chair. There was a tape recorder on the table, an electric rice cooker next to it, and a kettle underneath. There was a notebook and a ballpoint pen on the table. There was a photo frame against the wall in the corner. In the frame was a photo of Xu Aizhi standing next to the Weiming Lake.

Looking at the walls around, there were posters of"Titanic" posted on the walls.》、《Ghost》、《There were posters of classic Hollywood love movies such as"Gone with the Wind".

Fang Mu saw a small compartment next to it. There was a bed in the single room, but nothing else.

""What's your cubicle for?" Fang Mu asked.

The administrator Xu Aizhi pulled at her clothes and immediately said,"It's for the students on duty to rest. There are students who come to work every weekend. Please help me register the late students and so on."

Fang Mu nodded and felt nothing unusual.

The other police officers didn't find anything special.

Song An stared at the poster for a minute, and Zhao Kang called him from behind,"Officer Wu, can we go now?"

Song An came back to his senses and ignored Zhao Kang, but looked at the administrator Xu Aizhi.

Song An found that although Xu Aizhi was dressed very simply, with a bright red sweater and a white shirt inside, and her pants and shoes were also very cheap.

But she put on lipstick, sprayed perfume, and had nail polish on her nails, and her earlobes were obviously pierced.

Looking at her fingers again, her ten fingers were empty, but there was a circle of white wedding ring marks on the ring finger of her left hand.

Seeing that a policeman had been staring at her, the female dormitory manager smiled very unnaturally,"Officer, is there anything wrong with me?"

"Teacher Xu, right? Did you put up these posters on the wall?" Song An asked.

Xu Aizhi smiled bitterly,"I'm a woman with only primary school education, how can I understand these things? The students who came here to work and study helped me put them up. They said they were some classic foreign movie posters, but I don't understand them either."

Song An nodded and looked at Zhao Kang,"I'm fine.".

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