"Do other comrades have any other questions?" Zhao Kang asked

"I'll go upstairs and take a look." Fang Mu said

"OK, then we'll wait for you downstairs. If other comrades have any questions, they can follow Officer Fang upstairs to have a look."

After Zhao Kang finished speaking, he led everyone out of the dormitory manager's room.

When they reached the door, Song An suddenly turned around and looked at Xu Aizhi,"Teacher Xu, does your husband come to see you often recently?"

""Ah? I, I'm not married."

Xu Aizhi was confused by Song An's question. While speaking, she touched the back of her neck,"Officer, are you mistaken?"

Song An looked into her eyes and smiled,"Sorry, I made a mistake.".

Everyone went downstairs to wait for Fang Mu, and several criminal police were whispering to each other.

Judging from the current evidence, the situation is not optimistic. There is too little evidence left at the first crime scene, and no one has determined the direction of the investigation.

At present, Zhao Kang and the vast majority of criminal police have placed their hopes on the second murder scene, hoping that there will be more clues left at the scene.

Fang Mu came down after just one look, walked to Song An, and whispered,"The doors and windows of this building are seriously damaged, especially on the second floor. The door and window latches of several dormitories are broken."

After hearing this, Song An immediately came to the bottom of Building 8 and carefully walked around along the flower bed.

He found many footprints under the balcony on the first floor, which were obviously left by students climbing the windows and secretly returning to the dormitory.

Zhao Kang walked over,"The footprints here are very messy. We have also extracted 30 relatively complete footprints, but the owners of the footprints have all been ruled out as suspects."

Zheng Yimin looked at Song An,"Officer Song, I just noticed that you seem to be particularly concerned about the dormitory manager Xu Aizhi?"

Song An did not answer, but looked at Fang Mu,"Old Fang, what do you think?"

Everyone looked at Fang Mu.

Fang Mu thought for a while and said,"This person's eyes are evasive, and he seems to be worried, as if he is hiding something." Song An smiled and said,

"Xu Aizhi was married before, but is now divorced! However, she must have a boyfriend she likes very much now, and..."

Zhao Kang was stunned and asked immediately,"And what?"

"Moreover, the other party was a college student, much younger than her, so she felt very ashamed of this relationship and had been hiding it secretly."

All the police officers looked at each other, all confused.

Zheng Yimin and Tao Fei asked at the same time,"How did you know all this?"

"She had worn a wedding ring, but took it off.

The photos on her desk were single photos, which clearly showed that she had ended an unsatisfactory relationship.

The nail polish on her fingers, the carefully applied lip gloss, and the removed earrings, all of these were incompatible with her plain dress!

Why would a middle-aged woman who usually dressed simply start to pay attention to her appearance and buy cosmetics for no reason? There is only one reason, she met someone who made her heart beat.


After Song An finished the analysis, a female criminal police officer immediately realized,"I figured it out! Her lip gloss seems to be a model from Dior, more than two hundred yuan a stick, and we young people are reluctant to buy it."

Zheng Yimin, Tao Fei, Tong Lin and others looked at Song An in shock.

"Did you find out all this information from the dormitory manager's room just now?"

Song An nodded.

Many criminal police were all shocked.

Although none of those who can appear here are ordinary criminal police, they are all the best on the police front.

But it is incredible that someone like Song An can find so much information with just one glance.

In front of the TV, the audience who were watching the live broadcast of solving the case were all shocked by Song An's reasoning ability.

No wonder he can solve so many major cases in a row. How many people can match this kind of observation ability!

The hotline of China National Radio and Television Media was blown up, and many people called the TV station to ask for the detailed information of Officer Song An.

Some female viewers directly asked Song An for his contact information and inquired about his marital status.

Of course, there are also some people who think that Song An is completely guessing and waiting to see the moment when he is slapped in the face.

In short, no matter what the reason is, the ratings of this award ceremony program are rising.

"I finally understand why your votes are so high! I was not convinced before, but now......"

Forensic doctor Wang Ailan said sincerely,"I'm convinced."

Fang Mu quietly pulled Song An over and whispered,"This is a live broadcast! What if the murderer finds out that we missed an important clue and makes him prepared?"

Song An smiled,"We are all thousand-year-old foxes, no one is afraid of playing Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio! Besides, do you think the Yandu Criminal Police Team is not prepared at all?"

Fang Mu looked next to the photographer and found that there was a plainclothes criminal police standing on each side of him, and they were inseparable from the photographer.

Fang Mu suddenly realized that Zhao Kang had already started to guard against the TV station and cut off the key clues when he encountered them. No wonder Song An was not panicked at all.

The staff dormitory building is next to the No. 8 student dormitory building. Because of the murder, the entire building has been blocked by the police.

Zhao Kang led everyone to the second murder scene and pointed to the staff building and said,"This is the murder scene of the female victim Chen Qian. When the reporter found her, her head and neck were entangled by wires and her body was hanging in the air. The first student who found the body was sent to a mental hospital for treatment because of a serious mental breakdown."

Song An and his friends looked up at the staff building and found that it was densely packed with wires. Various wires were tangled together and looked very chaotic.

Obviously, the body of the female victim Chen Qian was hooked by these privately pulled wires and hung in the air.

"The way the deceased Chen Qian died was the same as Li Hongbao, with blunt trauma on her forehead and occipital bone. After the murderer beat her to death with a blunt instrument, he pushed her downstairs. During the fall, Chen Qian's neck was caught by the wire, causing her body to hang in the air."

The technician introduced to everyone,"In addition, we extracted the footprints of the deceased Chen Qian on the top floor, proving that Chen Qian did go to the rooftop before her death, but the other half of the footprint was not clear and was not extracted successfully."

Zheng Yimin asked,"What about the time of death?"

The forensic doctor of the Yandu Criminal Police Team said,"According to the rectal temperature 053 test, it was about 11:30 to 12 o'clock last night."

Fang Mu was stunned,"That is to say, the time of death of the two deceased is less than two hours apart!"

The forensic doctor nodded,"This is exactly what we find strange. Both deceased were hit by blunt instruments first, and then hung up. The modus operandi is very similar, and the time of death is also very close!"

Song An looked in the direction of the grove, Fang Mu patted him on the shoulder,"Don't calculate, I checked the watch, it takes half an hour to walk from the grove to the staff dormitory."

Song An smiled at Fang Mu. Sure enough, there were people who cared more than him. Zheng

Yimin asked Zhao Kang,"Captain Zhao, when Chen Qian died, wasn't there a single witness?"

Zhao Kang shook his head helplessly,"Last night was the weekend, most of the faculty and staff went home, and Chen Qian was the only one on the floor where she was."

"Let's go up and take a look."

Everyone followed Zhao Kang, climbed to the sixth floor, opened the protective door, and came to the roof of the staff building.

The wind was very strong last night, and the roof was blowing���The north wind blew away all the clues.

The hope of the investigators was dashed.

At present, there are fewer clues at the second murder scene than at the first murder scene!

There are no witnesses, no surveillance video, and no clues except for half a footprint!

Everyone was discussing the case in a low voice. At this time, a university security guard ran upstairs in a panic.

"Zhao, Zhao Brigade, something big has happened!"

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