""Captain Zhao, something big has happened!"

The security guard shouted breathlessly.

Zhao Kang frowned,"Why are you panicking? What happened again?""

"Dead people! Two more dead people were found in the transformer room!"

Zhao Kang's eyes almost popped out,"Another dead body?"

The security guard nodded, panting,"You guys go over and take a look, a man and a woman, hugging each other, it's so tragic!"

Zhao Kang's face was very ugly.

Two people died in Yandu University overnight, and he was already under a lot of pressure. Unexpectedly, two more dead people were found!

College student criminal cases have always been one of the most concerned hot topics in society, especially in Yandu University, the best university in China!

What's more, it is now organized by the public security system and broadcast live on TV!

So far, no valuable clues have been found, let alone the direction of the investigation.

Once the case is delayed for a few weeks, not to mention that the director will scold him, he himself will feel ashamed to see people again.

Zhao Kang suppressed the emotions in his heart, forced to look at everyone calmly, and said,"Comrades, please follow me to the transformer room to see what's going on."

In the transformer room of Yandu University, Zhao Kang led the task force to push open the door, and a strong pungent smell of blood rushed towards them!

Two college students, a boy and a girl, were tied up with ropes and died in each other's arms.

Their clothes were stained with blood, and their deaths were tragic.

The forensic doctor went over to check and said,"Judging from the rigor mortis, it should be around 1-2 in the morning. They were also beaten to death with a blunt instrument and their bodies were tied together."

The police officer in charge of investigating the situation quickly found out the information of the deceased.

"Captain Zhao, the man is Chu Bo and the woman is Jia Fei. They are both senior students in the Law Department of Yandu University and they are in a relationship."

Zhao Kang nodded with a gloomy face.

Outside the transformer room, a group of students were gathered outside the cordon. Song An accidentally discovered that he knew one of the students.

Tian Rui's sister, Tian Mei!

Tian Mei was standing there and greeted Song An.

"Lao Fang, I'm going to go out for a while. You look around and see if there are any valuable clues.〃 "

Song An said something to Fang Mu, raised the cordon, and walked out with Tian Mei.

There was a cold drink shop next to them, and the two ordered two bottles of Sprite and sat down at the door of the cold drink shop.

""Sister, why are you here?"

Song An asked as he uncorked her bottle.

Tian Mei looked at Song An with lingering fear,"I'm doing project exchanges at Yandu University, and I never thought that something like this would happen! Four people died overnight, and now the whole Yandu University is in a panic. I heard that the Mathematicians' Conference has been postponed! This university used to be a mass grave, and students are saying that Yandu University is haunted!"

"The students' feelings are understandable, but the idea of a ghost killing someone is just a waste of time. My eldest sister is a graduate student, do you believe this?" Song An smiled.

"I don't believe it either! But so many people died overnight........"

Tian Mei shuddered, and suddenly, as if she remembered something, she patted her forehead and said,"Oh, I forgot something important. Last night, I met Chen Qian!"

"Chen Qian? Have you really seen her?"Song An's eyes lit up.

Chen Qian was the second victim, whose body was hung in front of the staff dormitory building.

"Well, around 10 o'clock last night, I came to the staff building to pick up a data report. When I was about to leave, I saw Chen Qian and a boy walking and laughing. They seemed to be chatting happily."Tian Mei recalled

"Boy? Do you still remember what he looks like?"Song An asked immediately.

Tian Mei shook her head,"It was too dark, and the lights in the corridor were dim. I just remember that he was not very tall, just over 170cm. Anyway, the two of them were talking and laughing, and went to the rooftop together!"

Song An already had his own preliminary judgment on the three murders.

Tian Mei's words further proved her previous judgment.

Three murders, four victims, and the murderer was the same person!

"Brother-in-law, do you think there will be no more deaths here? Many members of our project team are worried about their safety and have already bought tickets to return to Yanda."

Tian Mei said worriedly.

Song An smiled and said,"Sister, you have to believe in the strength of our police. However, I will still leave you an address. If you are worried about the school security, stay in the hotel where our police team is staying tonight. With so many policemen protecting you, nothing will happen to you."

"Really? That's great!"

Tian Mei said with a smile.

Song An smiled and wrote down the address of the hotel where he was staying to Tian Mei.

Although Tian Mei and Tian Rui are sisters, their personalities are very different.

Tian Rui looks gentle on the outside, but is very stubborn on the inside, with a fearless and unyielding spirit.

Tian Mei looks enthusiastic on the outside, but is relatively weak on the inside, which is exactly the opposite of her sister.

"¨. Brother-in-law, you must come to our house for the New Year this winter! My parents praised you like a flower on the phone. The old couple are so eager to see you. They now see you more than our third child."

Tian Mei is also unfamiliar with this place. After seeing Song An, she felt like she had met a relative and couldn't stop talking.

As she was talking, Song An's cell phone rang.

Fang Mu's text message was simple: The administrative building's conference room is going to hold a case analysis meeting, and you are the only one missing.

""Sister, we have to go to a meeting. I'm leaving first. Call me if you have anything."

Song An said goodbye to Tian Mei and hurried to the administration building.

Administration building of the East Campus of Yandu University.

Director Zhou of the Yandu City Police Department was looking at Zhao Kang with his hands behind his back and a sullen face.

Zhao Kang stood in front of the whiteboard and stammered to introduce the situation of the three murders to Director Zhou.

In addition to the people from the Yandu Criminal Police Team, there were also police officers attending the award ceremony. There was a camera behind to broadcast the scene live.

"Zhao Kang, your people have been investigating for the whole morning. I want to ask you now, what is the commonality between these three cases? Are they committed by the same person? What was the murderer's motive?"

Director Zhou asked coldly.

"The common point is.......The common point is that the dead are all students of Yandu University."

Zhao Kang stuttered and said this.

Director Zhou grabbed the teacup and wanted to smash it to the ground!

Thinking that it was a live broadcast, he held back his anger and threw the teacup on the table, snorting coldly,"Your serious crime team has more than 60 criminal police officers, and you have only found such a few clues after investigating for a whole morning! Zhao Kang, can you still do it? If not, go home to see your children, don't embarrass me here!".

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