Director Zhou's words were harsh to the ear, but Zhao Kang felt relieved.

The harsher the criticism from the leader, the more it shows that he wants to protect you. If he really wanted to fire him, he wouldn't have to embarrass himself in front of so many people.


The door to the conference room was pushed open, and Song An walked in from outside.

Zhao Kang immediately said,"Director Zhou, let me introduce you. This is the famous Jibei detective, Officer Song An." Director

Zhou nodded,"I've heard a lot about you! What does Officer Song think of this case?" Just as Song An was about to speak, he saw a machine with a red light next to him, and said to Zhao Kang,"Captain Zhao, what I'm going to say next is not suitable for public broadcast. Please ask the TV station to leave first."

Zhao Kang looked at Director Zhou, who nodded.

Two plainclothes detectives immediately walked over and drove the photographer and assistant out of the conference room.

"Director Zhou, Captain Zhao, and all colleagues, in fact, these three murders were committed by one person!"

Song An's first words caused a commotion in the conference room.

"One person? These three cases seem to have nothing in common. What is your basis for combining the cases?" Zheng Yimin asked

"In the first 497 case, the deceased Li Hongbao was simply hung up.

In the second case, the body of the deceased Chen Qian was hung by messy wires, forming a pendulum moving left and right. The deceased was standing on the rooftop at the time. He looked at Chen Qian's body swinging back and forth, and suddenly felt a great sense of accomplishment. In the third case, the bodies of the deceased Jia Fei and Chu Bo were simply tied together in an artistic way. The two of them hugged the transformer. This is an artistic humiliation!"

Song An came to Zhao Kang, pointed to the third photo, and explained to everyone,"At this time, the murderer has completely realized the artistic killing. I am sure that his next method of killing will be more artistic!"

After Song An finished speaking, the people attending the meeting whispered to each other and discussed Song An's conclusion just now.

Zheng Yimin was the first to raise his hand in opposition

"I don't quite agree with Comrade Song An's analysis. Murder is murder. What's the difference between art and non-art?"

Fang Mu looked at Zheng Yimin."Captain Zheng means that these three cases......."

"There is no connection! The deceased in the grove died of ordinary murder, and the female corpse in the staff building died of premeditated murder! As for the couple hugging each other in the transformer room, the murderer must be a crazy guy who tied people together after killing them to satisfy some dirty psychology in his heart!"

After Zheng Yimin finished his analysis, Director Zhou frowned,"According to Captain Zheng, where should we start the investigation?"

"this.....The murderer is so cruel and his methods are vicious, which is not like the crime committed by an ordinary college student! I think that the scope of criminal investigation should be expanded, starting from the interpersonal relationships of the four deceased, to find the common enemy of the four!"

Director Zhou looked at the others,"What do you think?"

Tao Fei, Tong Lin, Han Li and other criminal police nodded at the same time.

Zhao Kang put down his phone helplessly and said,"I just received the results of the field staff's investigation, which proves that the four did not have any enemies during their lifetime, let alone common enemies! Captain Zheng's proposal is probably meaningless."

Fang Mu added,"Based on the murderer's method of committing crimes, it is very consistent with the criminal marks of serial murders: the deceased are of similar age and occupation, and their bodies were tied up after death. The murderer was very decisive when killing, and the four did not resist before they died."

Zhao Kang was shocked,"Captain Fang, do you mean to say this?......."

"That's right, he will continue to kill, and the time won't be too far apart. This murderer has a special term in criminology - the carnival killer!"

The atmosphere in the conference room froze instantly!

The carnival killer, this kind of murderer who had only been seen in the"Criminal Investigation Lecture Notes" before, actually exists in reality!

Four people have died so far, and the whole university is in a panic!

If another person dies!

Not only will the Yandu Criminal Police Team lose face, but the ten policemen participating in the"Top Ten Policemen" award ceremony will also lose face.

The people vote for you and give you honor, but the case is delayed day by day, and the number of deaths is increasing!

What kind of award is there! Just call it a slap in the face conference!

Director Zhou sighed faintly,"Don't we have any solution at all? What should we do next, how to stop the murderer from continuing to commit crimes, which comrade can provide a direction for solving the problem?"

Zheng Yimin said,"For safety reasons, I suggest that Yandu University suspend classes and close the school from now on! Dispatch three special police teams and patrol teams to patrol the entire school. If any suspicious person is found, arrest him immediately! Isn't he a murder spree? Sooner or later, his fox tail will be exposed!"

"I support Captain Zheng's opinion. At present, this is the only reliable method. After all, human life comes first."Tao Fei said.

Zhao Kang felt a little uncomfortable. He could think of such a stupid method, but he didn't need you to come up with it!

Zhao Kang was angry and wanted to hear different opinions, so he looked at Song An.

He found that Song An had been writing and drawing with his head down, so he asked,"Officer Song, do you also think that the school should be closed?"

""Close the school?"

Song An raised his head and looked at Zhao Kang in disbelief,"Are you crazy? Do you want to kill them?"

This was quite impolite, and the atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became tense!

Although Zhao Kang was scolded, he felt a little proud and raised his eyebrows to glance at Zheng Yimin.

Zheng Yimin looked at Song An unhappily,"Closing the school is for the safety of college students, how can you say it is to kill them?"

Song An threw down his pen,"The murderer is a college student! At this moment, he may be lurking in a teaching building, waiting for an opportunity to kill people! If you seal off the entire school, isn't that telling him directly that we have found clues about him and forcing him to continue killing people? How can our police force the murderer into a desperate situation when handling the case?"

Zheng Yimin was stunned,"You, you actually already know the murderer?"

Not only Zheng Yimin, but also Director Zhou, Zhao Kang, and other police officers looked at Song An excitedly at the same time.

Song An waved his hand,"At present, we can only be sure that he is 100% a college student and has a close relationship with the four deceased! In addition, this person is a loner with a very high level of artistic aesthetics. He should be relatively inferior and often feel that others look down on him."

After Song An finished speaking, Fang Mu immediately added,"Moreover, he should have grown up in an environment without maternal love. His only father either beat or scolded him, which led to him only being able to solve problems by killing when he grew up!"

Song An looked at Fang Mu, and they both smiled at the same time, obviously agreeing with each other's analysis.

"Two great detectives! Can you tell us how to find the murderer?"

Zhao Kang smiled bitterly,"We don't need to analyze his soul now, what we need is his appearance and name.".

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