Song An shook his head,"Unfortunately, we are still missing one last clue, a clue that truly connects the four dead! So, I suggest that we split up and search the university campus to find any possible clues, a clue that can connect the four people!"

Director Zhou nodded immediately,"I agree! Everyone, act separately immediately. Zhao Kang, you will arrange for everyone to form groups freely and try to find clues as soon as possible."

Zhao Kang was assigning tasks. Song An stood up and walked to Zheng Yimin, and found a piece of manuscript paper in front of him. There were some scribblings on the manuscript paper, which looked like a formula.

"Captain Zheng, this piece of paper is......"Song An asked him in surprise.

Judging from Zheng Yimin's personality, he doesn't seem to like studying academic issues.

"Oh, I found it in the grove and was about to give it to the comrades of the Yandu technical team! I don’t know what is written on it, and I don’t recognize a single letter."

Zheng Yimin smiled bitterly and shook his head

""Was it found next to the body?" Song An asked. Zheng

Yimin shook his head,"How is that possible! It was found at an intersection dozens of meters away from the body. I picked it up out of curiosity. It's probably meaningless."

Zheng Yimin didn't take it too seriously, but Song An found it a little strange.

He sniffed it and found a strange smell of palm oil on the manuscript paper.

Palm oil is generally used as oil packets for instant noodle seasoning packets because of its very stable chemical properties and not easy to deteriorate.

Song An thought of the half bag of instant noodles he picked up at the crime scene, in which the oil packet had been opened.

Many people have this habit of eating instant noodles. When they don't have time to soak them in hot water, they just tear open the sauce packet and eat them dry.

If the instant noodles belong to the deceased, then could this manuscript paper with a strange smell of palm oil sauce also be related to the deceased?

Song An put on gloves and took a look, but found that he couldn't understand it, so he asked others,"Does anyone of you understand this equation?"

Among the police officers at the scene, Tong Lin from Pinggu City has a graduate degree.

Tong Lin took the manuscript and took a look at it, and said,"If I'm not mistaken, it should be the Abel-Ruffini Theorem! It's the theorem that quintic equations and higher-order equations cannot be solved by algebra."

Zheng Yimin said with a smile,"These are problems that only advanced students study. People like us don't need them. I think the math course is enough for ordinary people to take until junior high school! All the algebraic geometry, this theorem, that rule in high school, I returned them all to the teacher!"

Everyone laughed.

Song An handed the manuscript to Zhao Kang with a serious expression on his face,"Captain Zhao, can you ask the comrades from the technical team to do a technical appraisal of the manuscript to see if there are any traces of the deceased on it!"

"Don't worry, I'll give you the result tonight!"

Fang Mu whispered to Song An,"Do you think the manuscript paper might belong to Li Hongbao?"

"It's hard to say! But the wind was so strong last night that all the evidence at the scene was blown away. It's always more reassuring to check it out."Song An said.

Director Zhou raised his wrist and said,"It's two o'clock in the afternoon now. Let's eat first, and then we'll start working." After everyone finished their meal in the cafeteria, they followed Song An's suggestion and began to search for clues in the university.

Song An and Han Li, a female police officer from Jingxi, were assigned to a group.

Starting at three o'clock in the afternoon, the two pretended to be college students and inquired about the situation in the library and classrooms.

After five o'clock in the afternoon, the campus street lights gradually lit up.

Because of the homicide, all colleges have abolished evening self-study.

It was different from the usual brightly lit Yandu University.

Each classroom was pitch black, and many students rode their bicycles away before 5 o'clock.

Song An and Han Li walked around the Jinshui Bridge and came to a teaching building under the School of Economics.

Unlike other classrooms that were pitch black, there were several classrooms in this teaching building that were brightly lit.

Song An and Han Li looked at each other and both felt very strange

""Han Li, let's change out of our police uniforms and go upstairs to take a look!" Song An suggested.

Han Li looked at Song An strangely,"Do we need to change clothes?"

"Wearing this, I can't ask anything."

Song An smiled, unbuttoned his police uniform, took off his uniform, revealing the white shirt underneath.

·· ·Request flowers···· ·····

Han Li smiled and followed Song An's example to change out of her uniform.

The girl, who was originally dressed in heroic spirit, immediately turned into a sweet girl next door with her hair loose.

Song An and Han Li went up to the fourth floor and pushed open one of the lecture halls.

The students were looking down at the materials and no one noticed their arrival.

Song An walked up to a girl who was doing homework at her desk and asked,"Excuse me, may I bother you for a moment?"

The woman pushed her glasses, glanced at Song An, and ignored him.

Han Li also hit a snag and shook her head helplessly at Song An.

The students in this classroom are very strange, they study very hard.

............ 0

Many students had enamel pots for rice next to their textbooks and test papers.

There was a steamed bun on the pot, and a pile of pickles on the enamel lid next to it.

The students were so busy doing their homework that they didn't even bother to eat.

Song An looked around the classroom and found that the walls of the classroom were covered with slogans such as"Young Eagle Class, Cradle of Future Scientists". He then looked down at the question the girl in front of him was doing.

Song An found that she was stumped by an organic chemistry question.

"Classmate, you use InK2/K1 for this question=H/R (1/T1-1/T2), find the enthalpy change, and then find the answer you want."

Song An reminded in a low voice.

He couldn't help with other subjects. Chemistry and physics were required courses for criminal investigation. The girl calculated on the manuscript paper, looked up at Song An, and her eyes lit up.

"Senior, you are so awesome! Are you also from the Eaglet Class?"

Song An coughed dryly, nodded solemnly, and said,"Yes, I am from the Eaglet Class, and Professor Wang asked me to come and see you all." Although Song An didn't know what the Eaglet Class was, he had been to college after all, so he could guess it. It was probably a special training class or something like that.

"Classmates, this senior is Professor Wang's apprentice in the Young Eagle Class! Professor Wang sent someone to see us!"

The girl with glasses shouted in surprise.

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