"Don't one by one"

""Hurry up and save him!"

There were cries of surprise from the audience!

However, the dagger did not penetrate the palm after stabbing into it, and not a drop of blood appeared on Xu Aizhi's left palm.

"The dagger you gave me is a spring dagger? Xu Aizhi, why did you do this! Why did you want to hurt me!"

Wu Ruoxiong shouted at the top of his lungs, and kicked Xu Aizhi.

Song An grabbed his raised right ankle and pushed him. Wu Ruoxiong stepped back a few steps and bumped into Shen Feng's"corpse"!

Shen Feng struggled for a few times and slowly stood up from the ground!

"You are not dead?" Wu Ruoxiong was shocked.

"The ketchup that Officer Song asked me to buy is not as good as blood, but it is enough to deal with arrogant guys like you."

Shen Feng wiped the tomato from the corner of"837"'s mouth and said with a sneer.

Wu Ruoxiong was completely dumbfounded, staggered half a step, and fell to the ground.

Xu Aizhi betrayed him, and Shen Feng did not die.

The plan he thought was perfect was full of loopholes!

In the audience, the students looked at Wu Ruoxiong,���There were looks of contempt and disgust on their faces.

"What qualifications do you have to look down on me!"

Wu Ruoxiong struggled to stand up, pointed his finger at the people in the audience, and roared angrily:

"You guys, more or less, are admitted to Yandu because your parents are rich and can provide you with the best learning environment! As for me, I rely entirely on myself! Principal Mo, you are in charge of admissions. You know best whether the enrollment rate of rural students at Yandu University is high or low in recent years!"

In the first row of the audience, Vice Principal Mo Qingsong heard Wu Ruoxiong's accusation and sighed helplessly.

"You have been in the Children's Palace and tutoring classes since childhood, and have been pampered by your parents since childhood! But what about me? I have to walk for an hour to go to school, and I have to help my family with farm work after school. Before the second year of junior high school, I didn’t even know what English was! Before going to college, I had never even seen a mouse and keyboard!"

Wu Ruoxiong showed a bitter smile on his face,"I studied day and night and finally got admitted to Yandu University. In order to pay for my tuition, my two younger sisters got married early, and my eldest brother worked day and night in the brick factory. I am the only hope of our family!"

"I told myself that I would succeed and change my fate! But this woman Xu Aizhi, she ruined everything for me! I know that the five of them are innocent, and I also know that Chen Qian treats me very well, but they must die, because if they don’t die, the whole school will spread the news that I am in love with a middle-aged woman, and I will become a laughing stock in your mouths! My future will be completely ruined!"

After Wu Ruoxiong finished speaking, the audience remained silent.

Some people were disdainful, some were thinking, and some were in disbelief.

Shen Feng walked to Wu Ruoxiong, looked at him and said,"Old Wu, this is the last time I call you like this, you are completely wrong! In fact, the five of us have always been clear about Teacher Xu's feelings for you."

"You already knew this?" Wu Ruoxiong looked at him in disbelief.

"Because we really regard you as a friend, we have always cared about everything about you! Teacher Xu often asked us about your situation, we knew it a long time ago, and the five of us once had a meeting, and Teacher Chen Qian said seriously that Wu Ruoxiong is very fragile psychologically, and this matter must be kept a secret for him!"

Shen Feng sighed to the sky,"It's a pity, we never thought that you are so cruel in your heart! For your face, you actually want to kill all of us! Yesterday, Officer Song found me, I didn't believe it, but today I know that your heart has been twisted for a long time!"

Wu Ruoxiong was dumbfounded.

Song An walked over and picked up a post office printed list.

"Wu Ruoxiong, your mother had surgery last year and needed a heart bypass surgery. The five of them went behind your back and mobilized all the students in the department to raise money for your family! The day before you killed Chen Qian, she went to the post office and remitted 900 yuan to your mother, which was her monthly salary!"

Song An threw the list in Wu Ruoxiong's face,"It's rare to find a soulmate in life. You have five good friends who are loyal to you, but you don't know how to cherish them!" Wu

Ruoxiong knelt on the ground with his head hanging down.

Two police officers lifted up the heartbroken Wu Ruoxiong and took him out.

Principal Mo stood up and asked,"Officer Song, Wu Ruoxiong has admitted to this case, and I no longer doubt that he is the murderer.... However, I still have a question. Our school has strict security. Why can he return to school after killing someone?"

Song An took out an evidence bag from his pocket, which contained a work badge.

"This is Wu Ruoxiong's work-study work badge. I've asked someone to find out that Wu Ruoxiong has three part-time jobs, one of which is working as a night guard at the door. The security guards are all his colleagues, so of course they let him in."

Mo Qingsong suddenly realized.

Director Zhou asked curiously,"But, according to the confessions of the students in Building 8, they have seen Wu Ruoxiong at night, and he has been watching the game in the duty room! In this case, how could he have the time to commit the crime??"

"In fact, it was very simple. He arranged for Xu Aizhi to change into his own clothes and watch the game with her back to everyone. In fact, no one had ever seen his face. What Xu Aizhi had to do was to nod continuously and face everyone with her side face. Then, he played a recording so that everyone would mistakenly think that she was Wu Ruoxiong!"

Song An took out a tape recorder and pressed the play button.

Wu Ruoxiong's voice immediately came out from it.

"I'm home?"

"go to bed early!"

"Don’t come back so late in the future!"

Song An looked at Xu Aizhi,"Teacher Xu, am I right?"

Xu Aizhi nodded,"I gave false testimony and assisted him in murder. I am guilty."

Song An picked up the microphone,"Classmates, the news of 5.0 released yesterday was false, but today I can officially announce that the murderer has been arrested. Yandu University is now very safe and you can study with confidence!" Wow!

The whole audience stood up and applauded Song An.

Tian Rui's sister Tian Mei was sitting in the third row. She introduced to the students next to her,"This is my brother-in-law Song An. He is going to be engaged to my sister soon."

The people next to her looked unconvinced and thought Tian Mei was bragging.

The audience in front of the TV was also impressed by Song An's ability to solve the case.

"This is amazing! Only one day and one night have passed!"

"As expected of Mr. Song, he is good at solving cases!"

"Of course, he was promoted to first-class police inspector when he first joined the police force, a national first, do you think he was joking?"

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