In the city, in the countryside, in office buildings, in shopping malls, and in the fields.

Hundreds of thousands of people are talking about this case, the cruel murderer, and at the same time, the detectives who solve the case like gods.

Especially the young police officer who is obsessed with solving the case.

Many young girls no longer chase Hong Kong and Taiwan stars, but actually start to collect information about criminal police Song An.

Half an hour later.

In the New Concept Building of China Radio and Television Media, the ten outstanding police officers who participated in the award ceremony returned to the award ceremony.

The whole audience applauded.

When Song An appeared in the studio, all the audience stood up and applauded Song An.

Including several old experts of the Criminal Investigation Five Tigers, they also stood up and applauded, cheering for Song An's ability to solve the case!

The pressure of live case handling can be imagined. Song An and his team not only assisted the Yandu police to successfully complete the task, but also solved the case within 24 hours!

This efficiency of handling cases, let alone senior criminal police, even criminal investigation experts who enjoy special allowances are not sure that they can do it!

The host Ning Tao took the microphone and said,"Welcome all officers back to the awards ceremony! Based on your performance from yesterday to today, we will conduct another on-site vote! The voting results will be displayed on the big screen behind you!"

The on-site director made an OK gesture to the host.

"Well, I now announce that the voting for the most beloved policeman of the people across the country has officially begun! Dear viewers in front of the TV, please pick up your mobile phone and cast your precious vote for the police officer you like."

As Ning Tao's voice fell, the voting numbers began to be displayed in the form of a bar graph on the large screen behind the people standing!

However, as soon as the voting started, the audience was shocked by the numbers behind!

The bar graph behind Song An quickly climbed up in a way that was far ahead of the crowd!

The organizing committee looked a little strange. Although they had expected Song An to be ahead in the number of votes, they did not expect to be ahead to this extent!

At the same time, in various parts of the country, regardless of cities or rural areas, people were sending text messages and silently choosing the excellent policemen in their hearts.

In this era where voting still requires payment, the people participated in the voting with unprecedented enthusiasm, precisely because of their heartfelt love for excellent policemen!

""Thankful Heart" in the chat group.

Li Yue: It's about to break one million! It's still the first!

Huang Jia: Except for Officer Fang Mu's 5,000 votes, Brother Song is far ahead!

Ge Tianjiao: Haha, it's broken two million, and it's only been a minute!

Meng Xuan: How much is it now, three million? Tell me quickly!

Wang Zhihe: Five million, and the votes of other police officers have stopped, but Brother Song's votes are still soaring!

In the studio, the host Ning Tao picked up the stopwatch.

"OK, now I declare that the countdown begins, 10,9..."

The audience was eagerly awaiting the final result.

Song An now had six million votes, more than five million votes ahead of the second place Fang Mu, and was far ahead.

It was obvious that he would be the first place without any suspense. What everyone should look forward to is whether Song An can have the opportunity to break through ten million!

But there were only ten seconds left!

Something shocked everyone!

As the host began the countdown, the bar chart behind Song An not only did not stop accelerating, but actually began to soar rapidly!

Seven million!

Nine million!

Ten million!

Fifteen million!

Twenty million!

Twenty-five million!

Thirty million!

The audience stood up silently.

This time they did not applaud. In fact, they were no longer in the mood to applaud.

In the last five seconds, Song An's votes soared from eight million to thirty-eight million in one breath!

The host Ning Tao started the final countdown with a surprised expression on his face:


A thunderous applause broke out from the studio!

Song An's vote count was fixed at 39.7 million!

Just a little bit short of 40 million!

The whole audience cheered together!

"Friends, in the first round of voting for the most popular police officer, Comrade Song An from the Jibei Yanshan Criminal Police Team created a brilliant record. He was far ahead with nearly 40 million votes and became the well-deserved champion! Now, let us warmly...."

At this time, the bearded director walked onto the stage and interrupted the host.

Everyone was about to applaud when the director came onto the stage, and the audience was surprised.

"Did the votes get counted wrong again?"

Everyone had a question mark in their mind.

The chief director looked at everyone and bowed deeply,"I'm sorry, due to our mistakes in work...."

Sure enough, the vote count was wrong again!

The audience booed.

This director was too unreliable. How could he make the same mistake twice?

"Director, what's going on in your computer room? How come you got the vote count wrong again?"

"That's it, use your skills!"

Unlike the last time when the result was wrong, the audience felt very sorry this time.

After seeing Song An's 24-hour hurricane-like lightning-speed in solving the case, the crowd no longer ridiculed him, but instead looked forward to his votes being real.

This is no longer just Song An's business, but the common honor of all police officers!

Fang Mu patted Song An on the shoulder and comforted him,"Don't be discouraged, the first place will definitely be yours."

Han Li, Tao Fei, Zheng Yimin, these comrades-in-arms who forged friendship with Song An in the process of solving the case, came over and hugged Song An.

"Song An, although we have only worked together to solve a case once, I admire you very much. No matter how many votes you get in the end, you are the champion in my heart.


Han Li hugged Song An and comforted him

"Thank you, you are also great. Solving the case depends on everyone's joint efforts."

The scene was a bit chaotic and even a bit sad.

The comrades who fought side by side with Song An actually stood up for him.���Looking at everyone, I scratched my hair embarrassedly.

"That's right, because this vote was voted by SMS, the audience sent SMS to the Xinmeng platform, and the platform counted it! But the Xinmeng platform is a private enterprise, and they didn't expect so many people to participate in the vote. In addition, the computer room was old and the storage space was limited. In short, when our vote reached 40 million people, it was automatically stopped."

The votes stopped?

Everyone looked at the bar chart at the back.

Song An's votes were 39.7 million!

Adding the votes of other police officers, the total was just about 40 million!


In other words, Song An's votes were more than 39 million!

8,000 live audiences and tens of millions of off-site audiences were all shocked at the same time!

How many people participated in the vote and voted for Song An has become an unsolved mystery!

Schrödinger's vote?

The director bowed to everyone again and said sincerely,"However, although the statistics have stagnated, one thing is absolutely certain, Officer Song An's votes are far greater than 40 million, please rest assured!".

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