"Ding Ding? Is that Bai Ling's classmate, the nurse at Hongfeng Nursing Home? Wasn't she fine yesterday?"

"It is not clear yet. It is said that the body was found in the Red Maple Nursing Home. Teams 2, 4, and 5 have all been there, so let's go there too!"

Song An agreed, washed up as quickly as possible, ran downstairs with a piece of bread in his mouth, and hailed a taxi.

Elderly care issues have always been a hot topic. A major murder case has occurred in a nursing home, especially in the controversial Red Maple Nursing Home, and all parties are paying attention.

Song An asked the taxi to stop at the door of the Red Maple Nursing Home. At this moment, there were already several circles of people standing outside the nursing home, saying all kinds of things, and there were reporters on the scene doing interviews and reports.

Song An took out his ID and entered the cordon, and found that the murder scene was on a large willow tree less than five meters away from the gate.

Ding Ding's body was hanging on the willow tree, and the body was She was lying on a thick branch, with her long hair disheveled, and her death was very miserable.

The people in the technical department and the forensic department were busy. The people from the four brigades of the criminal police team were all present. Guo Zijian was whispering to Zhou Xun and Tai Wei about the case.

On the side of Team Six, Bai Ling was squatting on the ground crying. Ji Jie was comforting her beside her. It seemed that Bai Ling blamed herself for what happened yesterday. She felt that she was also responsible for the death of her classmate.

Song An walked around the big willow tree, and there were no obvious traces of footprints on the soil around the willow tree.

After seeing Song An, Lao Wang walked over and whispered,"Xiao Song, are you thinking about the place where the murderer dumped the body?"

Song An nodded. An old detective is an old detective. He can see the core of the problem at a glance.

"Old Wang, the deceased was lying on a branch, which is at least three or four meters above the ground. How did the murderer get the body up there? If you put a ladder on the ground and carry the body up the tree, it would be hard not to leave traces, and it would be easy to be discovered."

Song An checked carefully just now. The soil around the willow tree was moist, and there were no footprints or other traces, not even a few leaves.

Hearing Song An's question, Wang Guijin stretched out his hand and pointed behind him.

Song An slapped his head. He only considered transporting the body from below, but didn't consider that the body was thrown from above.

Behind the willow tree is a bicycle shed, and behind the shed is the main building of the nursing home. The body must have been thrown out by the murderer when he opened the window, and it just happened to be hung on the tree.

"Lao Wang, judging from the location where the body was dumped, it is highly likely that an insider committed the crime."

"I have the same idea. The security of the nursing home is pretty good. There are electric fences on the walls and guardhouses at both entrances. It shouldn't be an outsider."

While the two were discussing, the forensic doctor was already reporting the situation to Guo Zijian.

"Captain Guo, the deceased died of suffocation due to compression of the neck.

Judging from the rigor mortis and rectal temperature, the time of death should be between 1 and 2 in the morning.

In addition, according to the location where the body was dumped and the bruises on the body, we preliminarily judged that the deceased was thrown from the building behind, passed over the carport, and finally hung on the willow tree.

In addition, no valid fingerprints were extracted from the body.

The murderer should have worn gloves.


After Park Huizhen finished speaking, she subconsciously looked at Song An on the side, as if she was particularly worried that the other party would find fault again.

After listening to the report of forensic doctor Park, Captain Guo ordered each team to conduct separate investigations, focusing on the family and friends of the deceased Ding Ding, especially her boyfriend.

Song An came to Ji Jie, and Bai Ling was still crying.

Song An patted her shoulder,"Don't cry, Bai Ling, this kind of thing is hard to predict. The most important thing now is to catch the murderer and comfort your classmate's spirit in heaven."

Bai Ling lay on Song An's shoulder and cried for a few minutes, finally stopped crying, and wiped away her tears.

"Captain Ji, let's go upstairs first." Song An suggested.

Ji Jie nodded and walked in front, while Song An, Bai Ling and Da Zeng walked behind.

A middle-aged woman wearing brown glasses was standing at the entrance of the main building, like a sculpture, looking at Ji Jie and others with cold eyes.

"Director Tian, do you still remember me?"

Bai Ling walked over.

The woman with brown glasses forced a smile,"It's Officer Bai. I didn't expect this to happen. Ding Ding was still talking and laughing with us yesterday."

Ji Jie looked around the building and said,"Director Tian, this building seems to be old."

Director Tian led everyone upstairs and introduced,"This building was originally the private residence of the eunuch Li Lianying. Li Lianying used to be a eunuch. After retirement, he moved to this building. Later, this building was sold to the director of the cake factory. It was not until the early 1990s that it officially became the Red Maple Nursing Home."

Several people went from the first floor to the third floor. The third floor was the office of each administrative unit of the nursing home, including the accounting office, logistics office, dean's office, and publicity room.

Because it was during working hours, all departments were open to work, but one of the rooms at the edge had its door locked, and there was no nameplate of any department on it.

"Director Tian, can we go in and take a look at this room?"

Song An smiled at Director Tian and asked.

Director Tian adjusted his glasses and said,"This room is a warehouse. No one has cleaned it for a long time. It is very messy inside. There is nothing to see.""

"Director Tian, there is a murder case in the nursing home. If the murderer cannot be found as soon as possible, it will have a bad impact on you, right? Ji Jie said with a smile.

Director Tian sighed helplessly,"Okay, but I don't have the key. The key is in the hands of Li Jun, the head of the security department."

Director Tian said a few words on the intercom. A few minutes later, a burly man with a flat head walked over.���

"Chief Li, open the room and let the officers in to take a look."

Director Tian said expressionlessly.

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